
AndyF16 Posts: 506
edited February 2011 in Road beginners
In my short serious cycling 'career' I always thought of wind as just an annoyance when out riding, but today it's kept me off the bike altogether :( anyone ventured out if the wind is strong by them today?
2011 Bianchi D2 Cavaria in celeste (of course!)
2011 Enigma Echo 57cm in naked Ti
2009 Orange G2 19" in, erm orange


  • kingrollo
    kingrollo Posts: 3,198
    i was just about to post the same thing - Ive been gagging to get out on my best bike all week - got my brownie points in with the Mrs - organised the chores so that early sat and early sun are free its really windy outside ...with forecast winds of 26 - 31mph won't be much fun......but is it safe to go out in those winds ?
  • Lagavulin
    Lagavulin Posts: 1,688
    edited February 2011
    Not today. Or yesterday. Or the day before that. Thought the fr!gg!ing roof was going to come off at about 5:20 this morning.

    Living bang on the north-east coast doesn't help but at least constant winds are do-able. It's the gusts that I can't stand. I was blown into the middle to road last week.

    MetCheck has Saturday and Sunday as much better. I hope it isn't too far off. Had a very good January on the bike (compared to the last two years) so it'd be a shame for it to be spoilt by February being crap.
  • Went out today, was bad, but you just had to be careful, like looking for gaps in hedges etc
    "That's it! You people have stood in my way long enough. I'm going to clown college! " - Homer
  • Also ventured out today in my lunch hour and it was hard work - my 25 mile loop took 9.5 mins longer than normal.

    Coincidentally I was also powered by my own personal wind but alas it wasn't enough to counteract the elements :D
  • Just done a 12 mile out and back today,ave wind speed 25 mph with 30mph+ gusts and was surprised to do do my fastest ride so far this year on my hybrid at just under 17 mph, the six miles back were tough going ,out of the saddle to try and maintain 10 mph or even less on the flat in places,certainly tests your endurance.
  • danowat
    danowat Posts: 2,877
    I commute, and tend to get a solid headwind for the whole 17 miles, either on the way in, or on the way home.

    I've found, that apart from the obvious buffeting, most of the problem with wind is purely mental, sure its a bit harder to push the pedals, so just go a bit slower, but its just so moral sapping, its just one of those things you've got to get your head around.
  • Strong side winds can be really dangerous.they could blow you into the path of a car !!! quite scary really.
  • Too right. Stupidly thought I'd have a quick spin this morning - packed it in after five minutes!! It's like the opening scenes of the Wizard of Oz round here!
  • kingrollo
    kingrollo Posts: 3,198
    I bottled it - did even more chores....get even more brownie points in.....Ill be doing LEJOG at this rate :lol:
  • rake
    rake Posts: 3,204
    try some wind-eze tablets and look at your diet.
  • andyrr
    andyrr Posts: 1,827
    It's the strong gusts of side-winds that are the danger - my ride home last night crossed a dual carriageway and that bit of road is exposed to West winds - like yesterday. One of the very very few occasions I've actually had to get off my bike and push it, I was blown sideways as I started to cross, fortunately it was towards the pavement. Next 200yds covered on foot. Mad windy. Rest of the journey was not too bad general tailwind which was a nice change.
  • peejay78
    peejay78 Posts: 3,378
    i went out today, and often do in the wind. the main difference involves taking a heavier bike, rather than a total lightweight - although this isn't practical for everyone.

    funnily enough, i wrote about this today. find some fellow cyclists and form an echelon ;) ... headwind//
  • cyberknight
    cyberknight Posts: 1,238
    As i am a commuter i ride in all weathers bar snow ( no clearance for the tyres i would need ).

    Out in the wind and was getting blown a few feet of track a couple of times , luckily it was a single track road with nothing about :shock: It can be fun riding leaning to one side to keep in a straight line !!
    FCN 3/5/9
  • peejay78
    peejay78 Posts: 3,378
    riding into a headwind makes me feel awful at the time, but heroic afterwards.
  • unixnerd
    unixnerd Posts: 2,864
    We had gusts of 150mph at ski centre level on Cairngorm: ... ds_jpg.jpg
    Must have been even more at the summit.

    Cycling in the valley is OK as the wind tends to go either up it (mostly) or down it. We don't often get cross winds. Did a 25 miler today rising to 1200 feet and it was a bit blowy but coming home with the wind behind me was fun :-) - Quality Binoculars at a Sensible Price.
    Specialized Roubaix SL3 Expert 2012, Cannondale CAAD5,
    Marin Mount Vision (1997), Edinburgh Country tourer, 3 cats!
  • danowat
    danowat Posts: 2,877
    Little 26mile club ride this afternoon (1hr 18mins), hell of a slog into the head wind, but weeeeeeeee on the tailwind!!
  • i'd agree with the love for the tailwind.

    That was my 22 mile ride today and at one point did a mile with an average just short of 30mph!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

    The side winds were a bit of a nightmare but being a bit chap they dont tend to blow me about quite so much however if you just keep your eyes open for those breaks in the hedgerow etc you can be prepared for them
    FCN 7

    FCN 4

    if you use irrational measures to measure me, expect me to behave irrationally to measure up
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Went out at 9am got back at 4.20pm! - deliberately rode into the wind on the outward leg and enjoyed climbing hills at over 30kph on he big ring on the return! Some of the side-gusts made following wheels more tricky to make sure you don't overlap with the rider in front.
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • sub55
    sub55 Posts: 1,025
    its characture building.
    did 200k today, first 100 was way quick , second 100 was a tad slower. crossed the severn bridge twice, no problem at all.
    constantly reavalueating the situation and altering the perceived parameters accordingly
  • yet i crossed the severn bridge today and I thought it was pretty mental...go figure
    Crafted in Italy apparantly
  • Hoopdriver
    Hoopdriver Posts: 2,023
    Headwinds aren't so bad, tailwinds are lovely - but strong crosswinds keep me home, at least if I know it is going to be like that before I go out the door. I don't want to be a statistic and there is just too damn high a risk of being blown in front of traffic unexpectedly. I'd rather save my heroics for something a little more worthwhile.
  • Bunneh
    Bunneh Posts: 1,329
    Just going to do a 10 mile walk instead. No point struggling on slippery roads with a gale pushing me off into bushes.
  • AndyF16
    AndyF16 Posts: 506
    Still forecast for 20+ MPH blustery winds tomorrow, but i'm going to HAVE to get out before I go stir crazy - may cheat and ride with a tailwind for 50 and get the train back :mrgreen:
    2011 Bianchi D2 Cavaria in celeste (of course!)
    2011 Enigma Echo 57cm in naked Ti
    2009 Orange G2 19" in, erm orange
  • mattshrops
    mattshrops Posts: 1,134
    just got back 40 miles hard and slow. still better than not going out tho :)
    Death or Glory- Just another Story
  • I managed to get out on Saturday am for a short one. First cross wind half way round was a bit alarming, but luckily my return leg was all uphill into the wind. :?

    Looking at the trees outside now, and hoping it dies down for tomorrow.
  • nevman
    nevman Posts: 1,611
    Blowing a hoolie here in Derbys-commuted into the wind and was all out in the small ring,almost stopping at times yet made the same time as usual?Perhaps its a mental thing?
    Whats the solution? Just pedal faster you baby.

    Summer B,man Team Carbon LE#222
    Winter Alan Top Cross
    All rounder Spec. Allez.
  • andyjr
    andyjr Posts: 635
    As i'm still getting use to riding a road bike, went out both Saturday & Sunday. Cross-winds were a pain in the backside, was getting pushed around all over the place
  • I work from home so when my calendar permits and I have a late finish scheduled I get out for a couple of hours at lunchtime. Wished I hadn't bothered today to be honest - managed a 30 mile loop but it was the least pleasurable ride I have had for a good while. My mood was not improved by finding several of the small lanes to the south of Nottingham were closed as part of the A46 widening project - this meant 4 miles into a full headwind with a temporary concrete wall at one side with temporary catseyes just too close to be able to cycle between them and the wall, trucks passing within inches etc. It felt a bit like playing a video game, but managed to complete the level without losing a life! Eventually got onto the side roads and got a tail wind for about 1 mile and then the loop took me all the way back with strong cross and head winds. Managed to a do a bit of offroading twice as large gusts took me onto the verge, but at least managed to stay upright unlike some other poor bugger on an expensive looking Pinarello who was half way up a hedge!

    Thoroughly dispiriting, it felt like an alpine climb that just wouldn't end. But on te plus side it will feel so much easier next time out :)
  • must-tri-harder
    must-tri-harder Posts: 219
    edited February 2011
    i stayed indoors, it's either exposed moorland or coastal riding round here and it gets awfully windy, dont mind a tail wind home but a head wind will keep my turbo busy until it goes away.

    when you're cycling past those big wind turbines and they are going round at a rate of knots you cant help but take note of the wind.
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
    Pffft -you guys are clearly not from the fens then.

    Wind is the flatlander's mountain.