BBC 1 News



  • Omar Little
    Omar Little Posts: 2,010
    Believe me when i say cyclists have it easy! Try being a Skateboarder on the road, that is an absolute nightmare.


    Wrong side of the road because it's in Norway.

    I don't mean 'skateboard', but longboard, which an increasing number of people use for serious travel. I've been driven off the road, shouted at, had things thrown at me, been hit by a taxi (actually my own fault lol), had my gear ran into because the driver was impatient...not to mention the good old fashion drivers seeing how closethey can get to scare the s**t out of you.

    Sayin that, i'm not entirely against the idea of insurance....[/img][/url]

    Is that a trailer you have?

    Never seen anything like that, looks is it to steer?
  • An identical thread has just started on Radio 5 Live and will no doubt
    be available later on for podcast.
    At the moment the talk is of registration and compulsory insurance!
    I disapprove of what you say but will defend....your right to say it. Francois-Marie Arouet Voltaire08 Cotic Soda-deceased!10 Bianchi 928 c2c23 Marin Nicasio2
  • Watched it - not good. As an aside I had to increase the volume... it goes up to 11!
    Visit Ireland - all of it! Cycle in Dublin and know fear!!
  • mattsaw
    mattsaw Posts: 907
    An identical thread has just started on Radio 5 Live and will no doubt
    be available later on for podcast.
    At the moment the talk is of registration and compulsory insurance!

    To be honest I wouldn't mind this too much. Although because it's in the government interest to get people to ride, and it saves them an other road users money, then all associated costs should be absorbed by an increase in car tax.
    Bianchi C2C - Ritte Bosberg - Cervelo R3
  • Bunneh
    Bunneh Posts: 1,329

    Love the fat car driver :P Soon as I saw him I thought 'he'll be defending drivers'. Ah I love stereotypes! He claims never to have seen a cyclist signal properly, then I suspect he's actually not taking any notice like others.
  • careful
    careful Posts: 720
    Predictably, following the BBC piece, the presenters read out letters suggesting that motorists should have cameras too - to film cyclists running red lights and riding on the pavement. Why do so many people (cyclists as well as motorists) see this as an us and them battle. The presenters seem to pander to this too - I suppose an angry response is good for viewing figures. Very rarely do you hear a calm, impartial discussion about what can realistically be done to reduce accidents.
  • shm_uk
    shm_uk Posts: 683
    Monkeypump wrote:
    A few forumites (myself included) have noticed that some of the riders wearing helmet-cams appears to 'find' more trouble/incidents/problems than the average rider.

    Draw your own conclusions from that - there is lots of discussion on it on the Commuting Chat area.

    Yes, it's a camera not an invincibility cloak.

    There's certainly some cyclists who go out of their way to make a point about bad driving and the equal rights of cyclists to use the road that they end up almost flattened...
  • shm_uk
    shm_uk Posts: 683
    careful wrote:
    Why do so many people (cyclists as well as motorists) see this as an us and them battle...

    You'll find that it's only those with teeny weeny IQs who are like this.
    Which, it turns out, is a srartlingly high number of people.

    I've also discovered (from my friends and family) that a lot of non-cyclists adopt the hatred of cyclists as a default setting, despite no real reason or experience that would cause such intolerance. Unjustiifed cycle hating seems to be mandatory.
  • brucey72
    brucey72 Posts: 1,086
    What a disgusting fat t*at that Adam Rayner is. I have seen his name banded around on this forum but never paid much attention to who he was until I caught the news and saw his lardy ar*e sitting on the sofa....................why is it that he is seen as the BBC voice of the motorist anyway?
  • Bunneh
    Bunneh Posts: 1,329
    I have caught one person on my camera, one. I go out with it running, somewhat stupidly hoping that someone will be a dick, but they never are. If I take the camera off then I usually end up bumping into a moron in a souped up Corsa. I'm sure they have camera detectors in their cars.