Any advice for recovery from sciatica?

Graculus Posts: 107
Anyone ever had this? I was struck down with it 10 days ago. Never had it before and have no idea what set it off.

It was incredibly painful for the first week, but for the last few days it has just felt stiff and a bit sore. I've been keeping it moving and doing some gentle back stretches and it does seem to loosen up during the day so that I feel OK by the evening.

Do you think I should stay off the bike until it's completely better, or would a bit of gentle cycling help speed recovery?

Would welcome any thoughts


  • shm_uk
    shm_uk Posts: 683
    Some years ago a friend of mine deveoped sciatica, which was treated with weekly physio sessions over a period of a few months complemented with exercises to do at home.

    There can be numerous things that trigger sciatica. If you haven't already seen your GP then I'd suggest getting yourself properly checked out, then they can advise the appropriate treatment.

    Cycling might exacerbate your condition, or worsen the root cause.
    Sciatica can be pretty debilitating in its more serious forms, so it's not worth the risk for the sake of a short time off the bike.
  • getprg
    getprg Posts: 245
    Try this link -

    a website set up by two GP's in Sheffield (and featured a few months ago on BBC TV local news). IIRC their advice is that backpain is the natural way of the body adjusting through time and the worst thing any of us can do is immobilise ourselves or stay off work!

    FWIW I used to get sciatica but not since I've been cycling and exercising about 15 years ago. So maybe try a bit of cycling as well as their exercises - if it starts to hurt too much then just stick to their exercises.

    Drugs and cycling don't mix but painkillers might help a bit too - if it hurts too much when keeping moving. Staying mobile to recover more quickly seems to be the key.
  • Rooner
    Rooner Posts: 109
    You have my sympathies, its incredibly painful (felt like my left shin was being continually broken with pliers!).

    I take it you've been to the doc? If not, you really need to get it checked out properly. I would pay for a private physio (chiropracter would be best I think). I blew out a disc on one side of my back, I think I did it when the dog lunged away from me when I was bending over holding her collar (despite the fact that I am fit as a flea, just one of those things).

    OK, getting over sciatica. I was told to NOT REST, that's very important. You can get some weird sort of 'tethering' from the damaged disc onto the sciatic nerve - you don't want that. Slow walks, not too far, for first week or so, gradually doing more. Concentrate on walking properly, I couldn't raise my toes on one side cos of the damage, so had to really concentrate! Stretches when you return, you really need to speak to a physio about appropriate ones. I would say I'm mainly a runner, and initially I thought I wouldn't run again, dramatic I know, but I probably started again after 7-8 weeks (!"£$ing agony, as I could only shuffle).

    General consensus of docs I spoke to said cycling wouldn't make it any worse whilst you are recovering (as opposed to running, not good for 7-8 weeks as I said). In fact, many reckon pain reduces on the bike.

    OK, long post I know, but keep stretching, keep active, and it should get better. I reckon I was probably back up to fighting fit within 6 months or so, but mine was a pretty bad case. Forgot to say, try and do some core strenghtening exercises when you are a bit better, and lay of the heavy lifting!

    Hope this helps - I really do sympathise cos its pretty painful (I've broken numerous bones, and this was by far and away the worse). Take it steady and things should be tickety boo
  • KnightOfTheLongTights
    KnightOfTheLongTights Posts: 1,415
    edited January 2011
    shm_uk wrote:
    There can be numerous things that trigger sciatica.

    but by far the most likely is a prolapsed disc

    cycling's not as bad as running for it - I suffer some lower back ache if I'm down in the racing position for more than 30-40mins. But I don't get the pain down the arse / back of leg as I do from hard running.

    Agreed, see the GP, but very much with a view to being referred either to a sports physio or a back specialist. Don't let them fob you off with some ibuprofen.
  • Rooner
    Rooner Posts: 109
    agree with the above post, don't get fobbed off by a GP, and I would also say don't bother with the generic NHS physio that might offer you (although that'll take months to come anyway!).

    So much depends on your GPs attitude, the guy I first saw in casualty (it came on very suddenly!) was pretty useless, diagnosed the prolapse but that's it, price of being so active, take some ibuprofen and rest. Ok, I wasn't happy with that. Saw my GP who was excellent, got me referred to the Acute back pain specialist group in the area, and saw them within a week or so. Oh, and he also prescibed uber painkillers and lorazepam for night time (far too scared to take that more than once).

    Best thing to do, pay up for a private specialist, as they are the experts. Good luck!
  • Graculus
    Graculus Posts: 107
    Thanks for all the replies, lots of useful stuff there. And sympathy too - which is nice. :D

    Rooner - interesting you were told not to rest. Staying still didn't seem the right thing to do and I found that moving around and stretching seemed to help. I think I will definitely try a walk this weekend and maybe a gentle session on the bike too.

    I've been given the name of a good physio and I think that I am going to have to go and see her next week. If nothing else it will be useful to see if she can tell me what caused it in the first place; if it helps me avoid it happening in future and speeds recovery, so much the better!
  • Geeloo
    Geeloo Posts: 1
    I had sciatica for years. Had a bulging disc. Phyiso was good but it would keep coming back. The Porcupad was a real help for me. Look them up on the internet. It also solved the dilemma of drugs while cycling because you give yourself a treatment with it. Check it out.