Standard practice to remove bell but what about reflectors?



  • i have gone through the stage of taking everything off a new bike (reflectors/ bells etc) but in the last couple of years have put bells back on all my mtbs.
    they warn of your presence to walkers and riders in the woods, canal and towpaths. requires no effort to use and is a polite way of warning others of your presence way in advance of you reaching them rather being being stuck behind them because they dont know you are there.
    when riding with friends in the woods its also very easy to lose a riding budding in undergrowth so its a good way of locating each other if a slower rider takes a different route.
    whistles on a back pack or lanyard around your neck is also a good idea as is a spare powerful torch in your backpack. these items should be carried if you are riding in remote areas where phone signals cant be guaranteed. accidents do happen and trying to get emergency help in remote areas can be a nightmare especially if you cant tell them exactly where you are. helicopters, ambulance crews or other walkers/riders should be able to locate you as easily as possible in an emergency.
  • mattlee
    mattlee Posts: 35
    Mine didnt come with reflectors or a bell, not seperate in a bag or anything, I know its the law but saved me taking them off and throwing them away
  • njee20
    njee20 Posts: 9,613
    Antfly WTF does balls have to do with nearly knocking over walkers? Are you saying you have the balls to crash into them if they don't hear your bell? You sound like a lovely fellow! Hopefully someone will take offence to your retarded riding and push you off! Of course, with your huge balls I imagine you will just beat them up there and then.
  • Briggo
    Briggo Posts: 3,537
    unixnerd wrote:
    The law requires cyclists to have front and rear reflectors as well as amber pedal reflectors at all times when on the road. If you have an accident and your bike doesn't have them it may affect an insurance claim. It's been discussed on the road forum quite a bit this year.

    And the law also states you need to have a light, front and rear on while riding at night but that doesnt stop 90% of the retards on the road does it.
  • antfly
    antfly Posts: 3,276
    njee20 wrote:
    Antfly WTF does balls have to do with nearly knocking over walkers? Are you saying you have the balls to crash into them if they don't hear your bell? You sound like a lovely fellow! Hopefully someone will take offence to your retarded riding and push you off! Of course, with your huge balls I imagine you will just beat them up there and then.

    The bollocks were just a bit of fun to counter cooldad's silly pic, not to be taken too seriously. I was implying that some people seem to be scared to use a bell in case it offends anyone. I am a polite cyclist who thanks everyone who moves but the idea that stopping to say excuse me every time is somehow better than a well advanced warning by a bell is ridiculous. Obviously I don't crash in to people, that wouldn't be good for anyone.
    Smarter than the average bear.
  • Nachimir
    Nachimir Posts: 126
    edited January 2011
    unixnerd wrote:
    The law requires cyclists to have front and rear reflectors as well as amber pedal reflectors at all times when on the road. If you have an accident and your bike doesn't have them it may affect an insurance claim. It's been discussed on the road forum quite a bit this year.

    Actually, the front one isn't required. Just pedals and rear if the bike was made after the 1st October 1985. And yeah, insurers will likely f*ck you get into an accident and don't have them.

    Bikes have to be supplied with a bell at the point of sale, but like wheel and front reflectors there's no legal obligation to keep it on the bike for roads. Also, it might not apply to bikes shipped by mail, and I've heard that if the pedals aren't fitted, it doesn't count as a complete bike.
  • .blitz
    .blitz Posts: 6,197
    A bell FFS :roll: Next we'll be having tassles on the ends of the bars and lollipop sticks in the spokes
  • jimexbox
    jimexbox Posts: 200
    .blitz wrote:
    A bell FFS :roll: Next we'll be having tassles on the ends of the bars and lollipop sticks in the spokes

    A playing card (ace of spades :wink: ) bouncing off your rear spokes should be obligatory.
  • antfly
    antfly Posts: 3,276
    Don't worry, when you are a bit older and less bothered about looking cool and what others think you will get a bell.
    Smarter than the average bear.
  • .blitz
    .blitz Posts: 6,197
    edited January 2011
    I doubt it somehow
  • nipper9
    nipper9 Posts: 120
    wot about a cow bell tied to the handle bar?

    specialized rockhopper sl comp 2010
    specialized rockhopper comp 2003?
    trek 800 antelope 1993
    raliegh chopper mk2 1976
    raliegh tomahawk 1973
    raliegh budgie
  • Zziplex
    Zziplex Posts: 190
    antfly wrote:
    Don't worry, when you are a bit older and less bothered about looking cool and what others think you will get a bell.

    This, personally couldn't give a s**t what some rad bike geek thinks about me or my bike.
    Guinness for strength
  • MarcBC
    MarcBC Posts: 333
    If you intend to ride on some the National Cycle Routes e.g. The Cuckoo Trail, I believe there is a reqest / requirement that cyclists have a bell fitted to notifiy peds of them being approached.
  • jimexbox
    jimexbox Posts: 200
    I usually slow down when riding fast past walkers, bell or no bell, if kids are about they don't behave how you expect them to.
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    Pedal reflectors are very effective on the road, as long as they're not rubbish ones anyway- they can be visible long before low power lights, and they're constantly moving so very eyecatching. Also they improve the visible area (modern LED lights tend to be bright but small which reduces visibility a lot). So, on the road, they're ace. Off road, of course, they're pointless. So my commuter has them and my mountain bikes don't.

    (my commuter's plastered in reflectors, every one I could find in the garage from 2 decades of buying bikes :lol: 4 wheel reflectors on each end, rear reflectors screwed into all the rack mounts, it's like a mod's scooter. But on the plus side it's visible from space)
    Uncompromising extremist
  • wobbem
    wobbem Posts: 283
    The whole point of a bell is to make others aware of a bike approaching, IMO it doesn't mean get out the way, just be aware, I ring but never slow down, always works. Wouldn't ride with out one.
    Don't think, BE:
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    Oh, I meant to say, I took my bells off after a couple of times having walkers go nuts at me for daring to ring it. "Who the **** do you think you are! ****ing cyclists!". So now I call "excuse me" and then a big thanks afterwards, and so far nobody's gone nuts.
    Uncompromising extremist
  • dan shard
    dan shard Posts: 722
    People...people.....youre all missing the point.

    If you are a gay then you have a bell and reflectors. :D
  • dan shard
    dan shard Posts: 722
    Seriously though, isn't that why a lot of of bikes are sold without pedals? without pedals it isn't classed as a whole bike and doesn't have to meet the same regulation. as soon as you bolt pedals on it has to have reflector etc.

    This is a very important thing to keep in mind if you ever sell your bike on ebay. you are braking the law if you sell it with pedal and not a bell & reflectors etc etc.

    Thats if Im right
  • dan shard wrote:
    Seriously though, isn't that why a lot of of bikes are sold without pedals? without pedals it isn't classed as a whole bike and doesn't have to meet the same regulation. as soon as you bolt pedals on it has to have reflector etc.

    This is a very important thing to keep in mind if you ever sell your bike on ebay. you are braking the law if you sell it with pedal and not a bell & reflectors etc etc.

    Thats if Im right
    I doubt its the same 2nd hand :wink:
  • dan shard
    dan shard Posts: 722
    I have been known to be wrong before now :lol:
  • lol, I don't really know either tbh
  • You don't need a bell if you've got a Hope rear hub/freewheel! :wink:

  • Oh how embarrassing, everyone has been laughing at me!
    Removed the wheel reflectors. Bell was removed as soon as I got bike, if someone rang the bell when approaching me I would think who the feck do you think you are. I would expect a cyclist to do what I do, see hazard and slow down and from distance make a subtle noise. Once moving hazard has turned around then approach and say thanks or a quick 'god knows why I do this' if climbing.

    Interesting with all the replies, posted in buying advice re 50% off at Go Outdoors cycling and 375 views and zilch replies re sale....
  • I've got a little whistle built into my sternum strap on the hydration pack, so the bell is obselete

    Like this idea - must remember... :D
  • cee
    cee Posts: 4,553
    nipper9 wrote:
    wot about a cow bell tied to the handle bar?

    Whenever I see an adult on a bicycle, I believe in the future of the human race.

    H.G. Wells.
  • starkee
    starkee Posts: 143
    I used my bell to alert a jogger when i was approacjing from behind...i threw it a bit too hard and could not find it when i stopped. :wink:

    Seriously most the people i encounter on my local routes are joggers who are plugged into their 'music/ motivation and dont hear me at all..... i always make sure i pass these as close as possible just to check if their heart is up to the increase in beats ! :D
  • jimexbox
    jimexbox Posts: 200
    A taser for dogs would be nice.
  • largephil
    largephil Posts: 358
    Put my bell on my daughters balance bike!

    She loves it :D
  • dan shard
    dan shard Posts: 722
    You don't need a bell if you've got a Hope rear hub/freewheel! :wink:


    What he said /\