Have you been injured Mountain Biking? How?



  • I've only really had the usual scrapes and bruises. Nearly dislocated my shoulder about 20 minutes into 10 Under the Ben as I lost the front wheel turning off a muddy trail onto a gravel track way too fast. Had to ride the rest of the lap though so I could pass the electronic tag thingy to the rest of the team! Not a fun lap.Then off to A&E.

    However, this is completely outdone by my brother who, at the end of a day at Nant yr Arian where he had done lots of techy rocky stuff absolutely fine, was bombing down a fire track a bit too fast, lost the front wheel on some tufty wet grass, and went down very hard on his left elbow. He basically demolished the bottom of his humerus, the broken bone broke the skin, and on its way out, severed the tendon holding his tricep onto his elbow. Cue quite a bit of moaning and a slightly worried me as it was the end of the day, mobile reception was v sketchy and we didn't know exactly where we were! All ok in the end and with major reconstruction of his elbow and lots of disciplined physio, he's got pretty much all movement back. Can't get him back on a bike though!
    <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/34167713@N05/5340492714/" title="Jason's elbow after reconstructive surgery.... by DontWalkAlone, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5166/5340492714_e0d3d9c863.jpg" width="375" height="500" alt="Jason's elbow after reconstructive surgery...." /></a>

    Hopefully the picture will post here using flickr? If not, this is the link:

    Offroad: Canyon Nerve XC8 (2012)
    Touring / Commuting: On-One Inbred (2011)(FCN9)

  • mikeyj28
    mikeyj28 Posts: 754
    Other than being run over and fracturing my skull, being put into a coma and in intensive care for 8 days after brain surgery. yes i did have a helmet on too!

    1. Broken my wrist
    2. Smashed my front tooth out (now got a great implant which looks better than the real thing)
    3. Stitches on elbow, above front lip and knee
    4. Split groin open on top tube (6 stitches needed and a shameful trip to A&E and a fit nurse to assist the doctor haha)
    5. Fractured shoulder blade (hurt a lot!!)
    Constantly trying to upgrade my parts.It is a long road ahead as things are so expensive for little gain. n+1 is always the principle in my mind.
  • .blitz
    .blitz Posts: 6,197
    capoz77 wrote:
    Have you been injured Mountain Biking?
    Err...yeah lol
    If you're doing it right, you're bound to crash occasionally. Fractured ribs, concussion, dislocated knee, internal bleeding, and various enormous holes, cuts and gashes in skin.Wouldn't have it any other way.
    ^^ this, but only the ribs and cuts and bruises. Have broken both scaphoids if that counts.
  • Had a friend who during a woods session a few years back hit a small sapling with his shoulder/chest, spent the rest of the day complaining and us generally telling him to MTFU.......woke up the next morning with severe chest pains and after persuading his lodger to take him to A&E (she stopped for fags on the way and took 1/2 hr to find parking) found he had bruised his heart so badly that he spent a week in coronary care and a further week in hosp doing v little. he still has to carry a bottle of some sort that he is supposed to spray under his tongue if his heart plays up again.

    this was from narrow fast singletrack, the tree is still there and gets the utmost respect when we squeeze past it.........
    Falcon Sierra - 80's
    Muddy Fox Courier - 80's
    GT Palomar 90's
    GT Zaskar LE - 90's
    Cannondale k v 900 90's
    Santa Cruz Bullit - now
    Orange Evo 8 STOLEN 26/09/10
    Orange P7 Pro
    Lots of kites.
  • stubs
    stubs Posts: 5,001
    Just done a weekend of Peak District riding in horrible freezing weather went as fast as I dared on all the rocky descents and never even came close to falling off. Loaded up the car with bikes and gear had a last walk round to check we hadnt left anything forgot about tow ball mounted bike rack walked into it shinbone first ended up writhing on the ground for 5 minutes whilst my friends killed themselves laughing. I have a lump the size of a tennis ball on my shin but my ego took the most damage.
    Fig rolls: proof that god loves cyclists and that she wants us to do another lap
  • cee
    cee Posts: 4,553
    thatll be another yes from me then.

    ive done ribs, rotator cuff, acl, pedal injuries, the usual stuff.....

    the couch sucks.
    Whenever I see an adult on a bicycle, I believe in the future of the human race.

    H.G. Wells.
  • mrfmilo
    mrfmilo Posts: 2,250
    Been quite lucky really, only break has been a few toes, and lots of bruises/cuts.
    Closely avoided some serious back/spine/neck area damage going into a tree at 40mph, I now hate that tree.

    Ooo and recently had my disc cut into my achilles tendon.. = :shock:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I think we need a gallery for this. With ratings :D
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    deadkenny wrote:
    I think we need a gallery for this. With ratings :D
    Ok. This is a picture of all that remained of me after I glanced a curb on whilst riding to the shops.
    Admittedly, it's not too bad, but it's the only picture I've got.

  • shm_uk
    shm_uk Posts: 683
    Pulled a finger nail clean off whilst servicing my disc brakes...

    Wheel was rotating at a slowish rate whilst I fettled with aligning the caliper, finger nail caught on a disc rotor spoke, the sharp edge dug into the nail enough to yank it right out...

    No pain until I tried pushing it back in...

    Other than that, no 'proper' MTBing injury yet
  • mikeyj28
    mikeyj28 Posts: 754
    jonnyc2420 wrote:
    woke up the next morning with severe chest pains and after persuading his lodger to take him to A&E (she stopped for fags on the way and took 1/2 hr to find parking) found he had bruised his heart so badly that he spent a week in coronary care and a further week in hosp doing v little. he still has to carry a bottle of some sort that he is supposed to spray under his tongue if his heart plays up again.

    isn't the spray for angina?? As my old man has spray that he carries round with him and it is to be used for angina (as far as i am aware) as he was given it after his heart attack about 15 years ago
    Constantly trying to upgrade my parts.It is a long road ahead as things are so expensive for little gain. n+1 is always the principle in my mind.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    mikeyj28 wrote:
    isn't the spray for angina?? As my old man has spray that he carries round with him and it is to be used for angina (as far as i am aware) as he was given it after his heart attack about 15 years ago
    Sounds like the angina spray, which is actually Nitroglycerin!

    It rapidly relieves angina symptoms and helps prevent a heart attack.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    careful riding over rough ground with a pocket full of nitroglycerin :lol:
  • I've broke my hands, elbows, shoulders, ribs(3 seperate times), both shins (lost count), calfs and a couple of split heads. The soft tissue injuries are to numerous to mention.
    Majority of injuries due to hitting the brakes too hard or in the wrong place.

    Got a seat named after me in A&E
  • stu8975
    stu8975 Posts: 1,334
    Type 5 separated shoulder (2007) after a front end wash out in the peeing down rain and at a quite frankly, pathetic speed, whilst on me way to work. Didn't notice until I got to work and took my jacket off....some 3 miles later . :lol:
  • Mark_K
    Mark_K Posts: 666
    Well this set of steps taken to fast :


    Lead to this :


    which covered this :

    Colar bone bust in 4 places :shock: AND that was done in my local area on a slow group ride from Bike Radar :) as my wife put it when she finaly draged herself away from shopping "your old enough to know better" !!!!
  • Clank
    Clank Posts: 2,323
    Dayam! That ^^^ looks painful!

    I've had minor bumps and slashes but the worst was one tumble where I dislocated my knee and two joints in my sternum, broke two ribs, broke my left wrist and cracked two vertebrae in my neck.

    .....and snapped my brahma handlebars. Dang, I loved those bars.

    Worst thing about it? After years of heaving myself down the highways and byways of Somerset, I fell off commuting home from work! What a waste of good injuries! :lol:

    Gad, I am such a fraud!!
    How would I write my own epitaph? With a crayon - I'm not allowed anything I can sharpen to a sustainable point.

    Disclaimer: Opinions expressed herein are worth exactly what you paid for them.
  • dan shard
    dan shard Posts: 722
    There is a certain chap on here who can beat these.....Care to comment Omegas?

    Nothing other than bumps n scrapes from me
  • I stuffed a brake lever into my thigh whilst tail-whipping a BMX 10 years ago, had about 5 stiches in it.. however the area where the end of the handlebars hit developed a hematoma, which turned into a compartmentalised abscess which needed repeated trips to hospital to fix..

    Put me off bikes for 9 years!

    since my return to two wheels i've been riding like an old woman so no injuries so far!
  • stubs
    stubs Posts: 5,001
    freeagent wrote:
    so no injuries so far!

    Oops you shouldnt have said that. Remember to take some pics to show us the damage when the ground jumps up and hits you hard :lol:
    Fig rolls: proof that god loves cyclists and that she wants us to do another lap
  • omegas
    omegas Posts: 970
    dan shard wrote:
    There is a certain chap on here who can beat these.....Care to comment Omegas?

    Nothing other than bumps n scrapes from me

    If I told everyone about all my past broken bones and other injuries the psychological impact it would have, no one would get back on a bike and the then the moderators would ban me.
  • MacAndCheese
    MacAndCheese Posts: 1,944
    Mostly just cuts and bruises, but the worst was a twisted testicle! :oops: Was about 15 at the time I don't know how I did it, just came back from a ride and was hurting a bit, then I came over all sick and went into shock. I think my mum thought I'd been out taking drugs instead of riding or something because I was too embarrassed to tell her. To cut a long story short, I ending up in A&E having ultrasound on my nutsack - If you've never had ultrasound that gel they use is freezing cold - at least that was the excuse I gave the nurse....
    Santa Cruz Chameleon
    Orange Alpine 160
  • I agree with deadkenny I think it would be cool to have a 'show us your injuries' thread - Pics and a brief description - will bung one on the crudcatcher section.- mods - I will apologise now if its not allowed due to the gory nature, delete if needed.

    Not wanting to steal the glory from capoz77 for what is a really interesting thread, but i think a pics only thread added as well would make a good viewing on quiet days in work.....
    Falcon Sierra - 80's
    Muddy Fox Courier - 80's
    GT Palomar 90's
    GT Zaskar LE - 90's
    Cannondale k v 900 90's
    Santa Cruz Bullit - now
    Orange Evo 8 STOLEN 26/09/10
    Orange P7 Pro
    Lots of kites.
  • dan shard
    dan shard Posts: 722
    Mostly just cuts and bruises, but the worst was a twisted testicle! :oops: Was about 15 at the time I don't know how I did it, just came back from a ride and was hurting a bit, then I came over all sick and went into shock. I think my mum thought I'd been out taking drugs instead of riding or something because I was too embarrassed to tell her. To cut a long story short, I ending up in A&E having ultrasound on my nutsack - If you've never had ultrasound that gel they use is freezing cold - at least that was the excuse I gave the nurse....

    We have a winner. Forget broken bones and blood, a twisted plum sounds the most painfull, vomit inducing injury that you could possibly have...unless someone has managed to damage one somehow!
  • tsenior
    tsenior Posts: 664
    not on a bike unfortunately but i had a similar incident:

    was walking home from the pub chatting to a young lady, not looking where i was going and contrived to walk into a scaffolding pole, somehow adsorbing the full force of the impact on my right ball

    highly embarassed, I limped home .next mornign said appendage was black and the size of a large plumb.

    trip to casualty, ultrasound (with the freezing gell!) and told no structural damage 'just' severe brusing: i was walking round like john wayne for a week.
  • Did some jumps off some steps, landed perfectly, and lost control back slid out and hit a wall pretty hard, i hate moss.

    be more aware?

    Sprained wrist, mucking around on the way back on the road, went into a parked car. Fun times.

    dont piss about guys.

    carried far too much speed on the beast in thetford, up and over on the rocky section at the end, pinch flat and head into a tree. The wonders of full face helmets!

    Dont get cocky.
    2011 NS Core 2. Boing boing.
  • dan shard
    dan shard Posts: 722
    No more testicle posts please. I dont think my nerves can take it....why the hell do I feel sick now!?
  • Clark3y
    Clark3y Posts: 129
    Hit a wall and bruised up my shoulder/arm bad, looked like the one posted above, from shoulder down past the elbow. Hurt like a mother ****er, xray said it wasn't broken though.

    More recently nosedived off a great big drop at llandegla, sliced my face open and broke a tendon in a finger. Trust me, you don't want infected facial scarring :/
  • Yup, it was about 6 yrs. ago, the day before my birthday. Some
    friends and I were video taping my jump off a cliff. It was only
    about a meter high or so. I went off, and you know that instant
    when things are not going to end well. I landed on my left shoulder
    and smashed the rotor cuff and fractured the upper arm. My buds
    took me to the hospital where I was given morphine. One guy with
    us was taking pics the whole time in the E. R. Later my doctor
    wanted a copy of the tape for his practice, he said he would use
    it as a demonstration of what results from this particular type of
    accident. I then sent my vid to Americas Funniest and received
    a runners up award.
    "Leave the gun, take the cannoli"
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    ^^ What's with the funny formatting?