Shaving legs

r.gilling121 Posts: 20
edited March 2011 in Amateur race
I am new to cycling and and not sure if this post should be here. when did you start shaving your legs? i want to race in the summer but my girlfriend doesnt like the idea of me shaving my legs so i wont for the first few races but what level do most or all people shave thier legs? Thanks


  • danowat
    danowat Posts: 2,877
    I didn't start, and never will!!!
  • weapons
    weapons Posts: 367
    Get them waxed then!
  • jibberjim
    jibberjim Posts: 2,810
    If you turn up to a 4th cat evening crit without a DI2 equipped 3000 pound frameset with lightweight wheels then you'll look completely out of place anyway that no-one will notice your legs.

    Shave if you want to, don't if you don't. No-one looks at your legs.
    Jibbering Sports Stuff:
  • i wish there was a chance of me turning up on a bike like that. ok just i read on here some people give advice of staying away from people with hairy legs
  • danowat
    danowat Posts: 2,877
    just i read on here some people give advice of staying away from people with hairy legs

    Lol, what?
  • SBezza
    SBezza Posts: 2,173
    As above, don't worry about it.

    For what it is worth, I shave mine as soon as I start wearing shorts again.
  • DavidBelcher
    DavidBelcher Posts: 2,684
    SBezza wrote:
    For what it is worth, I shave mine as soon as I start wearing shorts again.

    Same here; leg-warmers all the way at most of the racing I've done recently so no need to "keep up appearances". Plus every little bit of extra insulation has been necessary over the last few weeks!

    "It is not enough merely to win; others must lose." - Gore Vidal
  • SBezza
    SBezza Posts: 2,173
    SBezza wrote:
    For what it is worth, I shave mine as soon as I start wearing shorts again.

    Same here; leg-warmers all the way at most of the racing I've done recently so no need to "keep up appearances". Plus every little bit of extra insulation has been necessary over the last few weeks!


    Then again I raced on NYD in shorts and I hadn't shaved them. I will admit I hadn't planned on riding in just shorts, but once I was warming up, I realised it was going to get warm, so took leg warmers off.
  • jonmack
    jonmack Posts: 522
    I started shaving mine completely a few weeks before I got my calves tattooed (didn't want to look stupid with two shaved patches on my legs and figured I could use cycling as an excuse to do the rest). That was last summer and I now shave them weekly.

    Why doesn't your girlfriend want you to shave your legs? Is she worried you'll start menstruating and eventually turn into a woman?
  • ok Thanks.

    Why doesn't your girlfriend want you to shave your legs? Is she worried you'll start menstruating and eventually turn into a woman? I think that could well be it she looked very funnily at me the firsat time i turned up in my tight cycling gear
  • i recommend not doing it! the woman will always win!!!! and punish u somehow haha
  • I Started riding about a year ago and eventually took the blades to my legs late summer as I didnt like the look of unsightly hairs sprouting through in the the fact I have quite hairy legs got me to lop off the hair as well!, during the winter I dont as agreeing with an earlier post about extra insualtion as well as my bib longs...Im a sucker to athetics!!
  • x8swift9x
    x8swift9x Posts: 268
    Shave! You will not regret it! The feeling of jeans on fresh shaved legs is odd, but I like it!

    You will get alot of attention/banter from mates and even strangers when wearing non-cycling shorts in summer etc but who cares!!
    Road: Felt AR0, Di2
    Touring/commute: Dolan Multricross
    TT: PX Exocet Sold because it was like a sail in the wind (sh*t)
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    One aspect of shaving your legs that is rarely brought up is "do your legs look good enough to shave?". Do you have the muscle to show or will you be drawing attention to legs that aren't really up to the task of looking good? Me, not that I'm trying to brag but, I've got somewhat short legs and muscle comes pretty easily to them. This is a trait of
    short legs and or short people. They get bigger muscles than taller people. Even at 62 I still get comments like "Jesus, where did you get those thighs and calf's". Seems like lately though that the muscles have become incased in a bit of unwanted fat so I've quit shaving for the moment. In any case it's something to consider. Just how will they look shaved? :oops: :oops: :wink::wink:
  • For what it's worth I shave mine year round, you very rarely see hairy legs on the start line of races. I also think it looks better, especially when tanned and vanity is part of it.

    What I don't get though is - you're a grown man, if you want to shave them do so, if you don't don't. It's nobody else decision (other half included) but yours.
    If you want to do it, just man up and do it, no need to involve her in the decision making. Does she ask for your input into keeping her bikini line and armpits tidy?
  • i will shave mine again the day before i leave for a training camp in Lanzarote, shaved legs tan better and therefore look better, also trying to apply warm up balm to hairy legs is a nightmare, i say do it your girlfriend may be surprised but alos more i annoyed that your legs are smoother than hers, my mates wife won't let him grow his hair back as she thinks it looks weird
  • danowat
    danowat Posts: 2,877
    Fuck me, you lot are properly metro-sexual!!!

    Tanning?, shaved legs?, ffs, this isn't bloody loose women you know!
    you very rarely see hairy legs on the start line of races.

    To be perfectly, honest, I can't say I've ever paid much attention, well, not that much to notice if matey bollocks over there has hairy legs or not!
  • Tom Butcher
    Tom Butcher Posts: 3,830
    i wish there was a chance of me turning up on a bike like that. ok just i read on here some people give advice of staying away from people with hairy legs

    Best piece of advice mother ever gave me.

    it's a hard life if you don't weaken.
  • cyco2
    cyco2 Posts: 593
    I am new to cycling and and not sure if this post should be here. when did you start shaving your legs? I want to race in the summer but my girlfriend doesn't like the idea of me shaving my legs so I willn't for the first few races but what level do most or all people shave their legs? Thanks

    When you get in to a race with your hairy legs and they are dropping you, you'll be thinking it must be my hairy legs, dammit.
    I used to think they didn't want to shave their legs because they were scared of what there mums or girlfriends, neighbours, friends would say, wife's don't count.
    In the wet the road dirt makes your legs look like dead tree trunks if they are hairy.
    In the wet I used baby oil and au de cologne to clean it off. Much better when shaved.
    When you've done it once you willn't want them back. Tough it out with comments :)

    If you want to be a strong rider you have to do strong things.
    However if you train like a cart horse you'll race like one.
  • peejay78
    peejay78 Posts: 3,378
    turning up to a race with hairy legs is a bit like turning up in fancy dress when it isn't actually a fancy dress party.

    there will always be those who don't shave the legs. fair play to them. it's a personal choice. if you want to be treated akin to a medieval leper, it's fine.

    (insert jokey wink face here)
  • I converted last year but have let it grow out over winter. I will shave them for my first race.

    Is it vain and bit homo-erotic? sure but it certainly looks shitloads better
  • meanredspider
    meanredspider Posts: 12,337
    I'm lucky in that all my leg hair fell out at some point (no idea when exactly - in my teens) - no idea why and it is all there elsewhere...

    Ladies are always very jealous :wink:
    ROAD < Scott Foil HMX Di2, Volagi Liscio Di2, Jamis Renegade Elite Di2, Cube Reaction Race > ROUGH
  • P_Tucker
    P_Tucker Posts: 1,878
    dave milne wrote:
    Is it vain and bit homo-erotic?

    Yes. Not that there's anything wrong with this.
  • rozzer32
    rozzer32 Posts: 3,924
    I shaved mine for the first time during the winter last week. When you can start to see your leg hair poking through your lycra then you know they need to be done :lol:

    But I always keep mine shaved during the summer.
    ***** Pro Tour Pundit Champion 2020, 2018, 2017 & 2011 *****
  • When I got 2nd cat. Turning up for 3rd cat races with hair and without carbon is OK. Not for an E1/2 lineup it seems. It's kind of a mark of commitment maybe - not mandatory or even talked about but just seems to be expected.
  • DavidBelcher
    DavidBelcher Posts: 2,684
    dave milne wrote:
    Is it vain and bit homo-erotic?

    <Al Murray>

    I was never confused!

    </Al Murray>


    "It is not enough merely to win; others must lose." - Gore Vidal
  • v.e.e
    v.e.e Posts: 46
    Shave your legs. They look soo much nicer. It doesn't matter what shape legs you have they defo look better shaved.

    Once your girlfriend gets over the shock she will end up thinking that your legs look horrid hairy. Trust me I am a woman.

    Shaved cyclists legs are the best ever!!
  • a_n_t
    a_n_t Posts: 2,011
    v.e.e wrote:
    Trust me I am a woman.

    Manchester wheelers

    10m 20:21 2014
    25m 53:18 20:13
    50m 1:57:12 2013
    100m Yeah right.
  • Lion-O
    Lion-O Posts: 48
    no offence but trust me you will wish you shaved thwm if you crash and it will happen at some point. ive been doing it sice i was 16 and will always shave my legs as now i think hairy legs look weird. also if you ever have a leg massage smooth legs are a lot less painful
  • Surely most of the leg shave arguments are just as relevant for arms (and heads pre-helmet days), so why dont you all shave your arms as well? and head, eyebrows etc?