fiftyacorns Posts: 66

I've been finding turboing really boring recently, especially during the snow and I had no chance of getting out on the roads - so decided to build a turbo training website to try and make the sessions more tolerable.

The site lets you upload your favourite routes or courses you would like to ride, and provided the google car has been on these roads then you can ride the routes while on your turbo.

Give it a shot and let me know what you think - the site is


  • sagalout
    sagalout Posts: 338
    Just had a go with it. Its a pretty cool idea to be honest, and worked fine when I uploaded a GPX from my morning loop from the Garmin site.

    Only downside is the constant refreshing, which is a bit off-putting (but I realise necessary as its a just a series of images). It works best with a small browser window so the image has time to fully render so you can make out the details before it refreshes to the next point. It would be good if the streetview arrows weren't there too, but guessing thats not available in the google maps api yet?

    Its certainly an interesting concept - I wont be able to use it for real though as my turbo is setup in the garage and the wifi wont reach :(
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,545
    It's a great idea and I'll use it to make some Alpine routes I'd love to ride. I know you are limited by the refresh speed but the only downside is that it could do with being smoother. Maybe Google will start doing video footage at some point.
  • Hi

    Thanks for your feedback and Im glad you like the site. I'm already using it for my own turbo sessions - especially since its started snowing again!

    Ive just done an update to improve the refresh and make it smoother, and will keep working on this. So let me know if things are improving, or if there is any other features you would like to see.