Opening myself up for abuse



  • Jay dubbleU
    Jay dubbleU Posts: 3,159
    There are some humourless miserable gits on here aren't there - What KB did worked - got the girls off the road - personally if I were riding without lights I would expect to get hooted at

    "A horn is a bit of a blunt instrument to communicate a nuanced "Good evening young ladies, sorry to disturb, but I can't help notice that you have no lights on this rather dark road. I am concerned for your safety and would recommend you purchase appropriate bicycular illumination. I hope the rest of your evening is enjoyable, tar tar!".

    Going for that approach with teenage girls I imagine all you would have got would have been a string of abuse
  • rhext
    rhext Posts: 1,639
    It wouldn't have seemed funny from the girl's point of view.

    And I strongly suspect that after they'd recovered from their shock they'd have just thought 'A***hole' and got back on their bikes.

    There was an article recently with some no-mark celebrity chef who wrote in a newspaper column how funny it would be to do this to cyclists. There weren't many of us giggling to that one! I don't see how this is different.
  • notsoblue
    notsoblue Posts: 5,756
    Going for that approach with teenage girls I imagine all you would have got would have been a string of abuse

    Yeah, slags. They deserve being honked at.

  • I heard on the news one of the girls has died, she had a weak heart.

    She was the only child of a retired postmistress who also had a heart attack and died when she heard the news.

    Their alsatian will have to be put down because the girl's father died a few years ago in a flash fire in a waterbed factory.

    It makes me sick.
  • There are some humourless miserable gits on here aren't there
    I'm sorry. I didn't realise we were supposed to laugh and snigger along with KB after reading about his jolly japes with his very loud horn. If there had been anything to laugh at I would have done.
    - What KB did worked - got the girls off the road - personally if I were riding without lights I would expect to get hooted at
    Did it work if they don't know why they were blared at? You personally might expect to get hooted at for riding without lights because you know what you're doing wrong. They might have had no real appreciation of just how difficult they were to see. Also there is a world of difference between a friendly hoot on the horn and a stealthy blare as inflicted by KB.
    Going for that approach with teenage girls I imagine all you would have got would have been a string of abuse
    I don't think you should tar all teenage girls with the same brush. That's a bit prejudicial isn't it? Given that they got off their bikes and didn't just shout abuse at the car makes me think they would have listened to KB's good advice - if only he had given them some.
    Mind you perhaps they were so shaken by the episode they simply didn't feel able to do much more than hold onto their bikes let alone ride them.

    For all we know from the original posting they might have got back on their bikes and carried on once the shock wore off.

  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 29,404
    Well, you did say you were opening yourself up to abuse KB.
    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • spen666
    spen666 Posts: 17,709
    There are some humourless miserable gits on here aren't there - What KB did worked - got the girls off the road - personally if I were riding without lights I would expect to get hooted at
    So those motorists who drive in such a way as to scare cyclists so they are afraid to use the road are justified are they?

    They got the cyclists off the road as well

    "A horn is a bit of a blunt instrument to communicate a nuanced "Good evening young ladies, sorry to disturb, but I can't help notice that you have no lights on this rather dark road. I am concerned for your safety and would recommend you purchase appropriate bicycular illumination. I hope the rest of your evening is enjoyable, tar tar!".

    Going for that approach with teenage girls I imagine all you would have got would have been a string of abuse

    Sadly for you the law says otherwise about the horn

    There is clearly an offence of inconsiderate driving here = same penalties as careless driving - ie fine and up to 9 points plus discretionary ban
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  • Wallace1492
    Wallace1492 Posts: 3,707
    Exactly. Wind down window, explain to them that you could hardly see them due to lack of lights and high viz, and explain how dangerous that could be. Explain a nice, friendly voice, from a man that they then feel they could trust, a fine upstanding pillar of the community, helping 2 young, innocent girls who just simply know no better. You can then carry the conversation on.....
    "Encyclopaedia is a fetish for very small bicycles"
  • Didn't feel great then ? bit of a head cold ? thought you needed something amusing at someones expensive to cheer yourself up ?

    FFS - what makes you any better than all the other crap drivers out there - that everone moans about/takes videos of/feels threatened by/becomes aggressive with - other than the make of car (possibly)

    So they've been caught up at a friends, its 25 minutes after sunset, its a village ? - at least they had the nonce for at least one of them to use the pavement and not try riding two abreast !!

    you justify yourself as they were off their bikes when you looked inthe rear view mirror as it obvioulsy meant your lesson worked and they knew immediatley why some tosser would dissenage his clutch, roll down the road next to them and blast their eardrums :shock:

    So I take it you didn't have the balls to actually tell them - after you'd blasted them with your horn - as to what it was all about then (or you would have posted it) :idea: what were you afraid off - a mouthful of abuse ?
  • rjsterry wrote:
    Well, you did say you were opening yourself up to abuse KB.

    I know. That's why I posted this - always nice to hear people's opinions on these matters.

    Fascinated at those that seem to know just what I was thinking at the time though.
    Chunky Cyclists need your love too! :-)
    2009 Specialized Tricross Sport
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    Proud CX Pervert and quiet roadie. 12 mile commuter
  • Jay dubbleU
    Jay dubbleU Posts: 3,159
    Can of worms, KB, can of worms 8)
  • Meh. I can handle it.

    Although, I'd like people to picture what would've happened if a middle-aged man had stopped a car and approached 2 teenaged girls on a dark street before repeating the suggestion that I had a quiet word.

    My intention was simple: a short sharp shock to scare her out of her complacency.
    Chunky Cyclists need your love too! :-)
    2009 Specialized Tricross Sport
    2011 Trek Madone 4.5
    2012 Felt F65X
    Proud CX Pervert and quiet roadie. 12 mile commuter
  • rjsterry wrote:
    Well, you did say you were opening yourself up to abuse KB.

    I know. That's why I posted this - always nice to hear people's opinions on these matters.

    Fascinated at those that seem to know just what I was thinking at the time though.

    Ah, so you were trolling. Have I got the right forum word there?

  • notsoblue
    notsoblue Posts: 5,756
    Meh. I can handle it.

    Although, I'd like people to picture what would've happened if a middle-aged man had stopped a car and approached 2 teenaged girls on a dark street before repeating the suggestion that I had a quiet word.

    My intention was simple: a short sharp shock to scare her out of her complacency.

    Ugh, really? You seem like a decent chap, and a very experienced cyclist KB, I'm really surprised you thought it was a good idea at the time *and* are defending it after the fact.
  • antfly
    antfly Posts: 3,276
    Meh. I can handle it.

    Although, I'd like people to picture what would've happened if a middle-aged man had stopped a car and approached 2 teenaged girls on a dark street before repeating the suggestion that I had a quiet word.

    My intention was simple: a short sharp shock to scare her out of her complacency.

    You could have just given them a quick flash, that might have satisfied your urge and wouldn't have shocked them as much as your horn. :?
    Smarter than the average bear.
  • Dudu
    Dudu Posts: 4,637
    Meh. I can handle it.

    Although, I'd like people to picture what would've happened if a middle-aged man had stopped a car and approached 2 teenaged girls on a dark street before repeating the suggestion that I had a quiet word.

    My intention was simple: a short sharp shock to scare her out of her complacency.

    So it didn't occur to you to drive along slowly behind the girls until you had room to pass, and then do so gently?

    Or were neither of them in your path?

    And who are you to hand out short, sharp shocks anyway?

    Sorry, but you've just turned yourself into another arsehole who hoots or shouts at cyclists for no apparent reason.
    People need to be told what to do so badly they'll listen to anyone
  • HamishD
    HamishD Posts: 538
    antfly wrote:

    You could have just given them a quick flash, that might have satisfied your urge and wouldn't have shocked them as much as your horn. :?

  • Meh. I can handle it.

    Although, I'd like people to picture what would've happened if a middle-aged man had stopped a car and approached 2 teenaged girls on a dark street before repeating the suggestion that I had a quiet word.

    My intention was simple: a short sharp shock to scare her out of her complacency.

    So is your fear of being taken for some kind of deviant a valid excuse for your subsequent actions? You seem unable to accept that what you did was wrong. You deliberately took steps to maximise the scare factor, you used your horn aggressively and you made no attempt to explain yourself to the girls concerned.

    Then you post some details about the incident on here. What was your intention in doing so? Do you actually regret it in the cold light of day and are looking for some punishment or hoping that some people will support your actions and make you feel better about it?

    Also, how long were the girls in sight of your rear view mirror? Do you have any idea what they did 1, 5 or even 10 minutes after your sonic assault on them?

    The thread title suggests you want us to abuse you. Is that the case? If so I'm afraid you haven't done too well.

  • Slightly off subject but my horn on my car seems to have stopped working. Is it against the law to drive a car without a working horn?

    (I do realise that question is just full of innuendo :oops: )
  • Slightly off subject but my horn on my car seems to have stopped working. Is it against the law to drive a car without a working horn?

    (I do realise that question is just full of innuendo :oops: )

    Yes, and it'll fail it's MOT.
    Kona Jake the Snake
    Merlin Malt 4
  • You seem like a good bloke KB, but I think what you did was rather mean and potentially dangerous.
  • W1
    W1 Posts: 2,636
    Why not simply run one of them over? That would teach the other a valuable lesson.
  • Butterd2
    Butterd2 Posts: 937
    W1 wrote:
    Why not simply run one of them over? That would teach the other a valuable lesson.

    "Pour encourager les autres" as I believe Napoleon would have said....
    Scott CR-1 (FCN 4)
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    Giant Trance X

    My collection of Cols
  • notsoblue
    notsoblue Posts: 5,756
    W1 wrote:
    Why not simply run one of them over? That would teach the other a valuable lesson.

    I think thats going a bit far. Just nudge them into the hedge, gently. That way you'll have time to stop the car, get out, and calmly explain the error of their ways. Just so they understand how dangerous it is to ride without lights on.

  • Dudu
    Dudu Posts: 4,637
    notsoblue wrote:
    W1 wrote:
    Why not simply run one of them over? That would teach the other a valuable lesson.

    Just so they understand how dangerous it is to ride without lights on.


    Naaah. If they haven't got lights on KB can't see them so he'll miss.
    People need to be told what to do so badly they'll listen to anyone
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    Blimey. A day out on site and I come back to this. Cheers Kieran, good to see that the witch-burners have turned their ire on you - I had it the other week for daring to admit that I use warm water to clear my car windows, some of which goes onto my drive. Because of that I am apparently responsible for all old ladies breaking their numerous legs whilst walking up my drive [oh if only they'd all stay away] and falling only when they hit my own personal black-ice patch; alternatively any cyclists who ride up my drive and fall off are entirely down to me. Cheers for taking that mantle off me, you child-murdering licence-out-of-a-lucky-bag waste of oxygen you. :wink:

    <wanders off mumbling to self...>
  • Keith47
    Keith47 Posts: 158
    Oh for heavens sake, if some brainless dickhead riding a bike at night with no lights can't figure out why the nasty man beeped his horn then they deserve to eat tarmac!
    The problem is we are not eating food anymore, we are eating food-like products.
  • ellieb
    ellieb Posts: 436
    You should have let Darwin get on with it.
  • tailwindhome
    tailwindhome Posts: 19,355
    Oh I don't know.

    First reaction is the KB was a d!ck and there would be a sh!tstorm of regulars on here telling him as such if he wasn't a regular, well-liked poster.

    However I was on the receiving end of a horn blast several months ago, just as the dark nights came in. At the time I thought the driver was just another c0ck however it occured to me to pull over and check my rear light....the battery had died. I assume the driver was warning me.

    In balance I'm letting him off with a caution.

    However I remind Mr Burns that his joy in the young girl's reaction undermines the selflessness of his deed and he should consider his actions more carefully in future.
    “New York has the haircuts, London has the trousers, but Belfast has the reason!
  • Tonymufc
    Tonymufc Posts: 1,016
    Yep couldn't agree with you more. You definitely opened yourself up for abuse in this post. :D