New Turbo, need ideas???

thechangingman Posts: 61
I've just got my first turbo-trainer so that I don't go through last year's early spring pain of starting back out after a winter break and feeling 80 years old on a penny farthing.... :(

So, can anyone direct me to some useful training advice? Also, how do you get over the boredom factor? I've got a radio in the garage but too much of that is more of a problem than a help...
"There's more to life than bikes you know, but not much more..." (with apologies to Morrissey)


  • Karl2010
    Karl2010 Posts: 511
    When i used to use the exercise bike in the gym id go on it for 1 hour.
    Id listen to some dance music on my Ipod. (currently david guetta album).
    Id also be watching my Heart Rate, Cadance, Speed, Power Output, whcih kept me ocupied.

    1 hour isnt that long, it passes quickly.

    You could try downloading one of the Suffer Fest Videos for motivation.
    I did the one called "The Hunted" last night and enjoyed it.
  • I just heard of these 'sufferfest' DVDs - what are they? Where do you get them?
    "There's more to life than bikes you know, but not much more..." (with apologies to Morrissey)
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,666
  • birdy247
    birdy247 Posts: 454 is a website that I developed. Basically an online resource which has a real time stop watch thatsl shouts at you when its time to change focus in a particular plan. Loads of plans on there to give you some ideas..
  • bigpikle
    bigpikle Posts: 1,690
    +1 Sufferfest

    put in on and ride!
    Your Past is Not Your Potential...
  • +1 for the turbotraining site - well done birdy247! You'll need to supply your own visuals, though. You will also need to know ahead of time what workout you want, as the ones on the site are a mish-mash of user-created ones that may or may not be much cop.
  • step away from the turbo and get some fresh air out on the road bike
    going downhill slowly
  • bexley5200 wrote:
    step away from the turbo and get some fresh air out on the road bike[/ turbo are boring i know ive got one i hate training on it
    going downhill slowly
  • Butterd2
    Butterd2 Posts: 937
    +2 for thesufferfest
    Scott CR-1 (FCN 4)
    Pace RC200 FG Conversion (FCN 5)
    Giant Trance X

    My collection of Cols
  • Birdy. If we ever meet I owe you a drink. Your site is brilliant.
    Basso Astra
    Principia Ellipse SX
    Kinesis Racelight 4S
    Kinesis Crosslight Pro Disc
  • oceheb
    oceheb Posts: 124

    Iv got CTS Training for fitness. Not boring at all :)
    Canyon Nerve XC 8
    Spec. Allez 16 2010
    Merida TFS700
  • bexley5200 wrote:
    bexley5200 wrote:
    step away from the turbo and get some fresh air out on the road bike[/ turbo are boring i know ive got one i hate training on it

    Beats the hell out of not riding at all though :)

    ( Snapped thumb ligament taking a tumble, physio says not to ride on the road till end of February :( . )