Viva la Revolución



  • I always laugh at those with che guevara T Shirts and flags basically celebrating a man who killed civilians. Why focus on that when there's a revolution going on :wink:
    Formally known as Coatbridgeguy
  • Pudseyp
    Pudseyp Posts: 3,514
    i shit more knowledge out in a morning dump than you've amassed so far by the looks of it.

    Shame though you can't retain any.... :wink:
    Tomac Synper 140 Giant XTC Alliance 1
    If the world was flat, I wouldn't be riding !
  • sheepsteeth
    sheepsteeth Posts: 17,418
    violent protesters should be shot.

  • bennett_346
    bennett_346 Posts: 5,029
    I think theres a lot of confusion about the whole thing amongst students, and rightly so. I'm currently nearing the end of sixth form college and i'm applying to several universitys but, like other people i know, I don't even know if the fees increases will affect me. I know vaguely that 2012 was mentioned, and i'll be on my 3rd year (placement year) then, will my 4th year fee rise to £6,000? Will it rise to £9,000?

    It makes it impossible to plan for the future at such a critical time and i think thats what part of the protest is about.
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    @pudseyp +1000000 toilet potatoes
    @bennett - what difference does it make - you still don't have to actually pay the fees, and don't have to repay anything until the are earning?
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    violent protesters should be turned into jars of liver.


    +1 lime
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • bennett_346
    bennett_346 Posts: 5,029
    @bennett - what difference does it make - you still don't have to actually pay the fees, and don't have to repay anything until the are earning?
    What do you mean i don't have to pay them? And i get a job at the end of my degree straight away so i'd be paying it back from the start.

    To be honest it's not the money itself that annoys me, i understand that i'm contributing to what is essentially an investment for my future. It's the government that have annoyed me.
  • blister pus
    blister pus Posts: 5,610
    I always laugh at those with che guevara T Shirts and flags basically celebrating a man who killed civilians. Why focus on that when there's a revolution going on :wink:

    valid point and why gandhi ultimately had it right
  • We should all start a political party and call for the following:

    An end to all stupid uni courses and enabling free tuition for proper degrees

    Give tax breaks to companies who take on apprentices who can be given proper training in proper trades.

    Give tax breaks to start up companies and subsidised rent rates

    We shall train an army of people to create spectacular bouncy castles...our bouncy castles MUST be the envy of the world

    We shall call for the immediate arrest of Peter Rhodes to have him glued to the side of a mountain until he perishes (he will then realise the benefit of doing charitable endeavours)

    Withdraw troops from these countries we have no right to be in and send them to Cyprus so they all still have kick ass suntans without fear of legs being blown off.

    Nationalise all private energy, telecoms, transport and banks and turn em into non-profit organisations with profits being re-invested back into the business.

    An end to political bias within journalistic publications. Ban Rupert Murdoch from owning any company in the UK.

    Naked Fridays: why has this not been brought back in?

    Now WHO IS WITH ME!?!?!?!
    Formally known as Coatbridgeguy
  • blister pus
    blister pus Posts: 5,610
    i reckon that stint abroad has done you a power of good. I'm in.
  • We should all start a political party and call for the following:

    An end to all stupid uni courses and enabling free tuition for proper degrees

    Give tax breaks to companies who take on apprentices who can be given proper training in proper trades.

    Give tax breaks to start up companies and subsidised rent rates

    We shall train an army of people to create spectacular bouncy castles...our bouncy castles MUST be the envy of the world

    We shall call for the immediate arrest of Peter Rhodes to have him glued to the side of a mountain until he perishes (he will then realise the benefit of doing charitable endeavours)

    Withdraw troops from these countries we have no right to be in and send them to Cyprus so they all still have kick ass suntans without fear of legs being blown off.

    Nationalise all private energy, telecoms, transport and banks and turn em into non-profit organisations with profits being re-invested back into the business.

    An end to political bias within journalistic publications. Ban Rupert Murdoch from owning any company in the UK.

    Naked Fridays: why has this not been brought back in?

    Now WHO IS WITH ME!?!?!?!
    Fucking HELL YES! You had me at -
    Withdraw troops from these countries we have no right to be in and send them to Cyprus so they all still have kick ass suntans without fear of legs being blown off.

    Why aren't you PM / King yet...?
    Boo-yah mofo
    Sick to the power of rad
    Fix it 'till it's broke
  • bennett_346
    bennett_346 Posts: 5,029
    We should all start a political party and call for the following:

    An end to all stupid uni courses and enabling free tuition for proper degrees

    Give tax breaks to companies who take on apprentices who can be given proper training in proper trades.

    Give tax breaks to start up companies and subsidised rent rates

    We shall train an army of people to create spectacular bouncy castles...our bouncy castles MUST be the envy of the world

    We shall call for the immediate arrest of Peter Rhodes to have him glued to the side of a mountain until he perishes (he will then realise the benefit of doing charitable endeavours)

    Withdraw troops from these countries we have no right to be in and send them to Cyprus so they all still have kick ass suntans without fear of legs being blown off.

    Nationalise all private energy, telecoms, transport and banks and turn em into non-profit organisations with profits being re-invested back into the business.

    An end to political bias within journalistic publications. Ban Rupert Murdoch from owning any company in the UK.

    Naked Fridays: why has this not been brought back in?

    Now WHO IS WITH ME!?!?!?!
  • CraigXXL wrote:
    I'm appalled at the student protests and if this is the most educated and brightest of our children then I can't see the difference between them and the scum who terrorise housing estates.

    But the trouble is that you have watched the footage of the protests on the news and heard about the royal family being attacked and it is such a one-sided coverage of the protests.
    I'm not going to try and defend the violent protesters, but they were in a small minority.

    As others have said, it's not just about the tuition fees, it's about the farce that is the coalition government. The lib dems signed a pledge which said they would oppose an increase in tuition fees yet their leader and half their representatives voted for the increase. I know that the lib dems are not in power, so their original policies do not matter. However, whilst the conservatives got more votes they did not get a majority so why should their policies be implemented?
  • sheepsteeth
    sheepsteeth Posts: 17,418
    alexj2233 wrote:

    But the trouble is that you have watched the footage of the protests on the news and heard about the royal family being attacked and it is such a one-sided coverage of the protests.

    i watched it on the bbc, there was footage of the protesters, the filth and the people sitting down in the street and walking through brighton. there were interviews with the police, interviews with the protesters (both violent and peaceful) and interviews with security experts.

    it wasnt one sided at all

    the fact that there werent many violent protesters compared to decent peacefull ones doesnt change the abhorrent nature of the violence displayed by peopl who should have ben busy either having a nice bath or doing some bastardwell homework.

    its like saying, i dont like eating shitt but i will put up with this tiny little bit, cause it's only a tiny bit.
  • its like saying, i dont like eating shitt but i will put up with this tiny little bit, cause it's only a tiny bit.

    I'm not saying that we should put up with the violence but seriously what is the solution?
  • sheepsteeth
    sheepsteeth Posts: 17,418
    the solution is to shoot them

    and not to spout " the media is the criminal showing a one sided story" cause they didnt.
  • Really? shoot them. Good one

    But there was a bias towards the violence, when i watched the BBC news story on it, whilst they did interview peaceful protesters they still focused on the police casualties, little mention of student casualties due to police tactics.
  • sheepsteeth
    sheepsteeth Posts: 17,418
    the worst people for twisting the representation of the news are people who watch the news then spout balls about it.

    by your own admission, it wasnt one sided, there were interviews on both sides of the fence and i would say the inclusion of more airtime for the sheepscunts smashing london up is more interesting than a load of sheepscunts who need a bloody good wash sitting in the street.

    all of the people who were injured by the filth were close enough to get injured, as far as i can tell you have to be right at the front of a protest to be within the reach of a riot shield.

    if the riot shields had been deployed, it was because they were necessary, if you dont want to get hit by one, protest more peacefully elsewhere.

    and have a wash you student hippies.

    before nayone chopses off about the police causing the riots, answer me this, do you reckon the place wouldnt have gotten smashed up had the police not been present? (lets not forget what happened last time this protest happened and there werent enough police)
  • The media is to blame for everything

    All these people who have jobs as a result of media studies degrees rather than proper journalism ones.

    My manifesto would fix this
    Formally known as Coatbridgeguy
  • sheepsteeth
    sheepsteeth Posts: 17,418
    mine was the idea about which course should be free and which shouldnt, i hope im the education minister in the new party?

    and i'll throw my hat into the ring for foreign affair minister too, not of you slack jawed faggots have got it in you (yet)
  • Do you have the right to be charged at by police on horses when you have no where to move because your trapped in a confined space with a lot of people?

    Do you have the right to have a police van driven into a big crowd of people then piss and moan about how the people were a little angry at almost being run over?

    But i'm not disagreeing that the violence was disgraceful, the point is that in a democracy you hold the right to protest especially when the whole tuition fees debate highlights the flaws in the way the policy has been decided.
  • sheepsteeth
    sheepsteeth Posts: 17,418
    dont talk so gay.

    the police can do as they please and as far asi can tell, those people wouldnt have got hurt if they were doing their homework instead of moaning about something that has been done and isnt going to change.
  • That's fine.

    I agree it is a stupid idea, to be honest we should just get ourselves a dictatorship and be done with this democracy bollocks. Who needs a vote.

  • Aye you can be education minister if you want. Just make sure you ban faith schools (including catholic ones).

    Who wants to be chancellor? Or the slightly gayer "Enterprise minister"?

    As for the Police not having the right to charge folk. People have a right to protest but it's how they use that right which invariably dictates what sort of response is given. If you have an element which is intent on causing trouble then the police are not in a position to dictate who they can and can't go for (by nature of the mob mentality).

    n.b. I don't know or care if that makes sense. I'M RUNNING FOR OFFICE!!
    Formally known as Coatbridgeguy
  • We should all start a political party and call for the following:

    An end to all stupid uni courses and enabling free tuition for proper degrees

    Give tax breaks to companies who take on apprentices who can be given proper training in proper trades.

    Give tax breaks to start up companies and subsidised rent rates

    We shall train an army of people to create spectacular bouncy castles...our bouncy castles MUST be the envy of the world

    We shall call for the immediate arrest of Peter Rhodes to have him glued to the side of a mountain until he perishes (he will then realise the benefit of doing charitable endeavours)

    Withdraw troops from these countries we have no right to be in and send them to Cyprus so they all still have kick ass suntans without fear of legs being blown off.

    Nationalise all private energy, telecoms, transport and banks and turn em into non-profit organisations with profits being re-invested back into the business.

    An end to political bias within journalistic publications. Ban Rupert Murdoch from owning any company in the UK.

    Naked Fridays: why has this not been brought back in?

    Now WHO IS WITH ME!?!?!?!

    I'm on it, Ennit
  • sheepsteeth
    sheepsteeth Posts: 17,418
    you're not allowed in, you thought it was good that the royal family got attacked because they are rich.
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    What can be done about it?
    If a group want to organise a protest, they should arrange marshalling as well, and take responsibility for the people who join the protest, and keep them under control.
    And take out insurance for damage caused.
    If they are unable to take responsibility for their actions, they have no right to protest.

    Anyone wearing a mask should be summarily executed.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • CraigXXL
    CraigXXL Posts: 1,852
    alexj2233 wrote:
    CraigXXL wrote:
    I'm appalled at the student protests and if this is the most educated and brightest of our children then I can't see the difference between them and the scum who terrorise housing estates.

    But the trouble is that you have watched the footage of the protests on the news and heard about the royal family being attacked and it is such a one-sided coverage of the protests.
    I'm not going to try and defend the violent protesters, but they were in a small minority.

    As others have said, it's not just about the tuition fees, it's about the farce that is the coalition government. The lib dems signed a pledge which said they would oppose an increase in tuition fees yet their leader and half their representatives voted for the increase. I know that the lib dems are not in power, so their original policies do not matter. However, whilst the conservatives got more votes they did not get a majority so why should their policies be implemented?

    Nothing to do with the coverage but debates on radio and tv where the student seemed to be proud of the violence and vandalism as it got there message across. They have come across as selfish spoilt brats time and time again unable to dabate instead shouting over the other person. When you see footage of the marches why are so many covering their faces if they plan for a peaceful march. The police have tried to contain the march within the agreed route but instead you have students breaking through violently because they want to march elsewhere that hasn't been agreed. I think the police have done a great job so far in showing restraint. If the students wanted to make a point without the violence then why haven't they just sat in the middle of the road bringing London to a standstill, this would have been a better tactic rather than aleinate the public.
    You seem to forget that the Lib Dems didn't win but formed a coalition government to try and get this country out of the mess it's in. They could have gone with Labour but couldn't trust them so joined up with the Tories to vote on measures of theirs and the Lib Dems to cut the huge deficit. Not all Tories and Lib Dems backed the fees bill but enough did vote to gain a majority and pass the bill, that's how the system works in a coalition government.
  • I'll tell you what people can do. Form their own political party and actually try and force change. All these spazzies who do these protests never change over the ages. Regardless of what happens they will always vote for the same people. Some will even end up in politics for Labour or lib Dems or some shite, get into power and then promptly turn into the arseholes they are campaigning against (how many labour MPs have their kids in private schools? how many MPs didn't didle the shite out the expenses?)

    The political system we have just now is a morally, ethically and sometimes legally corrupt entity. The biggest crime though is that you get mongos thinking "oh I'm going to protest at this" will make the slightest difference.

    Just as a side note I seen that the son of one of the dudes out Pink Floyd was seen swinging from the cenotaph having been "caught up in the moment". if that doesn't epitomise the sheer pointlessness of it all nothing well. Bunch of rich kids wanting to fight the oiks before becoming an oik themselves...
    Formally known as Coatbridgeguy
  • sheepsteeth
    sheepsteeth Posts: 17,418
    people like to have a cause and they like to be sheepscunts.

    thats what the protests are about.