@ Pokerface - re your blog

Eddy S
Eddy S Posts: 1,013
edited June 2011 in The bottom bracket
Hey Colin,

I was going to post a comment on your blog but it mean signing up for yet another thing...!

Nice read so far (especially as I lay in hospital with a broken leg...) and hope you keep sharing the experience.

BTW, is there a way you can link it into Facebook?

Enjoy the journey! 8)


I’m a sprinter – I warmed up yesterday.


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I broke my leg last year and consequently started a blog. Not been updated for a while though. (Blog is in my signature).

    Get well soon...
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    Eddy S wrote:
    BTW, is there a way you can link it into Facebook?

    I'll look into that. There is a facebook button on it, but I assume you'd have to be one of my friends.

    Anyway - thanks for the comment. Just getting started on it, but will definitely be writing on it every few days. I have a long list of topics I plan to cover!

    And I hope you get well soon!

  • ratsbeyfus
    ratsbeyfus Posts: 2,841
    Love the blog Pokerface! I'll be cyberstalking your progress and rooting for you with more than the 1/4 of me that's got irish heritage. Good luck to you!

    I had one of them red bikes but I don't any more. Sad face.

  • Tom BB
    Tom BB Posts: 1,001
    Yep excellent blog there.....will be reading regularly. Very interesting insight thus for :D

    Best of luck at the paralympics :D
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    Thanks all!! I'll be writing a lot more of the 'inside scoop' of squad training and personal challenges in the weeks to come. Just getting the basic background info written first!
  • That's a excellent blog, great writing style, very readable.

    Anyway all the best with you mission.
  • nolf
    nolf Posts: 1,287
    +1, I likes it too.
    "I hold it true, what'er befall;
    I feel it, when I sorrow most;
    'Tis better to have loved and lost;
    Than never to have loved at all."

    Alfred Tennyson
  • inkyfingers
    inkyfingers Posts: 4,400
    Nice work, looking forward to reading more.
    "I have a lovely photo of a Camargue horse but will not post it now" (Frenchfighter - July 2013)
  • Gav888
    Gav888 Posts: 946
    +1 keep up the good work, maybe some more about how you progressed from no cycling to where you are now, the sort of training you did etc, I would like to read about how you got to where you are now - maybe it will give me some ideas on how to improve my cycling :D
    Cycling never gets any easier, you just go faster - Greg LeMond
  • hugo15
    hugo15 Posts: 1,101
    Your blog is excellent Colin, really enjoying reading it. Best of luck with the road to 2012.
  • Excellent Blog....Just added to my Fav's.....will be following you online till you make it to the 2012 Paralympics.

    The non-race info (300lb Gorilla) is also great stuff, well written, makes me think.....thanks.

    Good Luck.
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    Another peek into the struggles of the one-legged wonder :oops: :

    I don't feel your pain
  • Tom BB
    Tom BB Posts: 1,001
    Wow....this blog is really putting my manflu into perspective :!:
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    The next installment will be somewhat more upbeat!
  • I like how you write, very interesting too.
    Favourited & tweeted to share.
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    New one (it's a bit longer), looking back at the World Championship:

    On Top of the World
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    New post on weight:

    A Heavy Burden to Bear
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    New post on training plans:

    Get With The Plan
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    Couple of new posts up on Christmas Day training and the benefits of riding with a good club.
  • Bobbinogs
    Bobbinogs Posts: 4,841
    Great blog Pokerface, now about this "No sweets, fattening deserts, alcohol, mince pies or anything else", now come on, a small glass of port and a mince pie surely? You have blinking well earned it.

    How many days to go now?
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    Bobbinogs wrote:
    Great blog Pokerface, now about this "No sweets, fattening deserts, alcohol, mince pies or anything else", now come on, a small glass of port and a mince pie surely? You have blinking well earned it.

    How many days to go now?

    613 to go! (And I can't stand mince pies, although I ate a pack of wine gums and a Kit Kat bar on the way home!) 8)
  • crumbschief
    crumbschief Posts: 3,399
    edited December 2010
  • mr_poll
    mr_poll Posts: 1,547
    Brilliant Pokerface - after your comments I will firmly put myself in the recreational rider category - I have sat here eating full dinner, x-mas pudding, chocs, wine and cheese and biscuits.
    I stand in the other camp of loving xmas - however your comments about cycling as a distraction post marriage break up strike a real chord and is probably a reason why I am now cycling.

    Great blog keep it up.
  • lfcquin
    lfcquin Posts: 470
    Well done Colin. Glad to know someone was pounding the roads today. Personally I ate and drank too much and did no training, but then again, I am not planning on being a World or Olympic champion any time soon.

    Can I count today as recovery and carb loading for the Royles Supercross on Tuesday? :roll:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I make no excuses, I just got pissed up on booze and ate to much because it's what I do at every opportunity...
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    lfcquin wrote:
    Can I count today as recovery and carb loading for the Royles Supercross on Tuesday? :roll:

    Are you not doing the Wheelers Cross race on Tuesday? Do you actually ride Cyclocross!?

    And to anyone with a life/family - you are forgiven for eating and drinking yourself into oblivion today. I would do the same if I could get away with it! :oops:

    On the plus side, I am nearing my all-time lowest weight (I mean since I started cycling competitively), Of course, there's still a good 10-12 pounds to go before I reach my goal weight for March. A pound a week should just about cover it.
  • lfcquin
    lfcquin Posts: 470
    Pokerface wrote:
    Are you not doing the Wheelers Cross race on Tuesday? Do you actually ride Cyclocross!?

    Yep, I should be riding. That's the Royles Supercross I mentioned. Cyclocross is awesome. Best fun on two wheels, although I can't say I am looking forward to the freezing conditions! I woke up with a sore throat this morning, so hope it isn't the cold that the family have got, otherwise I might have to wimp out.

    Good work on the weight control. I'm a good few pounds away from my ideal, but it'll be fine by the summer.
  • fantastic Blog mate! i didnt realise you were actually this serious in Road racing :)

    i plan on Reading them all :)
    Coveryourcar.co.uk RT Tester
    north west of england.
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    New post on what it means to be a true inspiration to others.

    I Am Not An Inspiration