Neil Pryde - Diablo

nicensleazy Posts: 2,310
edited January 2011 in Road buying advice
Just been doing some reading up on the new Neil Pryde Diablo. All the write up's I have seen ( which are limited at the moment) have been quite positive. Looks great value. Anyone have any further info or had a ride on one?



  • Hey nicensleazy

    As you may or may not have seen from the write up - NeilPryde is a Hong Kong based company. Known for their excellent watersport products, they are now breaking into the world of cycling. And with the help of BMW Designworks, seem to have built some incredible machines.

    I received a Diablo (with Ultegra) from the company this weekend just gone by and hope to give it a proper test run this weekend on its maiden ride.

    I have to say on first impressions, I am extremely impressed with the bike. It looks great, the finish is immaculate and I cannot help notice how light it is. The Diablo was built with climbing in mind so emphasis was placed on stiffness and keeping it light.

    Here are some pics I took of it just after I unpacked it:

    I hope to get a review up on my blog soon about it, but if you need to find out more, check out their website on

  • Hello nicensleazy

    I agree with Craig, please check There you will find all information about the brand and where it started.

    I have seen the NeilPryde Diablo for the first time on Eurobike as it was with a magazine stand for a test. I was stunned straight away. Halfway October I received the Diablo myself with Dura Ace in the color your picture shows. You will see the different details they designed with Design Group USA of BMW to stand out between all other brands.

    The cycling is very surprising. As soon as you step on the bike you notice that the bike is very light. Every pedal stroke is a straight hit! You feel that the frame is very direct in handling and BB stiffness. So if you are after a bike that's light, responsive and direct, made for a sportive/ racing ride this will be your bike.

    Here are two reviews as well.

    Thanks Joris
  • giant_man
    giant_man Posts: 6,878
    edited November 2010
    Hmm .. both first time posters, and I'm guessing you both work for Neil Pryde bikes. Geez ..... talk about obvious ....
  • Percy Vera
    Percy Vera Posts: 1,103
    Hmmmm... 2 people sign up to sing the praises of a new bike.

    Could it be.......?


    Craig & Joris why don't you come straight out and say you are connected? Doing it this way is deceitful, dishonest etc not a good way to start a relationship. If you do want to sing it's praises why not pay for some advertising?
  • Hey Parcy Vera and Giant Mancp

    Not spam at all, just honest feedback! You will see that what I have said is fact. Check out the article from James Huang ... rket-27357 which is pretty much in line with what's being said.

    Plus, my impressions, well, they are mine. And I am very impressed with the bike. No question of that.

    And yes, I am connected to the company, but only through a competition that took place recently. If you paid attention to the competition that was run on last month, you will have seen NeilPryde looking for Epic Riders. These select few people each get a bike. In return all the company asks for is that they write their thoughts and comments on it (good or bad). It's no secret at all - check out: ... ompetition

    So, no, I am not being paid to talk about it.

    Apologies if this did not come through straight away. Never tried to cover it up or make a secret of it. Actually, quite the opposite. Check out the video of my entry for the competiton: ... mpetition/ can't be anymore open than this?

  • there's a review in this months Procycling by Marcel Wust. Don't like his reviews personally but you might want to take a look. He likes it.
    If suffer we must, let's suffer on the heights. (Victor Hugo).
  • Hibbs
    Hibbs Posts: 291
    zippypablo wrote:
    there's a review in this months Procycling by Marcel Wust. Don't like his reviews personally but you might want to take a look. He likes it.

    He seems to say every bike is brilliant, worthy of a pro etc these days. Either he's lost it or the top-end bikes now are all so good there's barely any difference between them. I'd vote for the latter.

    Having said that, he only seems to review carbon superbikes. How about throwing a titanium Baum or steel Pegoretti in there.
  • Spudboy
    Spudboy Posts: 101
    Nice looking bike except for that slender seatpost poking out of a chunky seat/top tube junction. Would look much better with an aero post or a 31.6 IMHO.

    Shame as it spoils the look for me although functionally I concede it may provide a bit more comfort.
  • So Craig has been given a bike by Neil Pryde to write about it.

    What about Joris - do you have any connection with Neil Pryde bikes that might be relevant to your posting about them?
  • giant_man
    giant_man Posts: 6,878
    I was going to say, of course Craig is going to speak favourably about the bike cos he didn't have to go out and buy it!

    His review might be different if had sought the bike himself. Or it might be exactly the same, who knows ....
  • Here's an expensive bike for you free ...

    Would you then be well-disposed to the giver or not?

    Nice marketing! :roll:
  • Percy Vera
    Percy Vera Posts: 1,103
    Joris is a staff member -

    Says a lot really..... Guys we are not fools, please don't take us for fools!

    Craig, basically you have been given a bike so you can SPAM forums, to me that is payment. I would rather hear from people who have spent their hard earned cash on a bike.

    At that price point you won't get a bad bike, it's down to personal preference.

    The frame looks Ok, but as has been pointed out the seat tube to seat post isn't aesthetically pleasing.
  • Good detective work! Though in truth it hardly took the skills of Columbo to bottom this one out.

    I'm laughing as I type this as this whole thread is a comically bungled piece of marketing using social media - a textbook "how not to do it".

    Ok, I'll shut up, if I can have a Neil Pryde Alize with Dura Ace components.
  • giant_man
    giant_man Posts: 6,878
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    I'd really like to understand the 'input' of BMW Design Works - just how much 'engineering' goes into putting a paintjob onto a generic frame?

    2/10 for effort, 0/10 for execution though - the marketplace is crowded enough, we don't need another 'me-too' jumping on the bandwagon
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • Percy Vera
    Percy Vera Posts: 1,103
    Just been doing some reading up on the new Neil Pryde Diablo. All the write up's I have seen ( which are limited at the moment) have been quite positive. Looks great value. Anyone have any further info or had a ride on one?

    To get back to the original question.... looks like just the staff members and the guys who got them free! Has anyone actually bought one yet? :lol:
  • priceless, all the two posters had to do was state who they were and then simply give as much info as they could, would have been a far more productive exchange rather than this PR balls up.
  • inseine
    inseine Posts: 5,788
    I'd really like to understand the 'input' of BMW Design Works - just how much 'engineering' goes into putting a paintjob onto a generic frame?

    I'm not connected with any of the above (but i am a designer) but I have seen enough about this bike to know that it is not 'generic'. It was designed from scratch by DesignWorks as far as i can see. Nice job IMO, but that's to be expected.
  • Percy Vera
    Percy Vera Posts: 1,103

    Have you been trained by Neil Pryde in the art of SPAMMING forums?
    I just ask because the layout if your 1st response is the same as Joris's! :lol:

    3 Paragraphs, then some links! :lol:

    Would you have bought one?
  • Percy Vera
    Interesting. Just find it a shame that even though I purchased my own bike, clothing, accessories and have helped put on some of the best cycle racing events to hit the UK in many many years, I am not entitled to give my opinion.

    So I am being 'sponsored' with a bike. Surely that doesn't mean I can't have an opinion.

    Also, considering the company is a so young, doing what they have in engaging with every day riders and giving some of them a bike to use, is a good marketing tactic. How else will they see adoption for their products? You can't blame them for trying something different now can you?

    Yeah, I agree, it would be good to find out who has "purchased" one of their bikes and get their thoughts on it. However, I have one with me. And as I have said, I am taking it out this weekend for a good long ride and will feed back to you my thoughts on it. Whether you decide to take it on board or not is entirely up to you.
  • spasypaddy
    spasypaddy Posts: 5,180
    sweatngears, would you have bought the bike if you hadn't been 'sponsored' probably not. therefore its always going to be good.

    free stuff >>>> paid for stuff

    just like if you gave me a trek (which i would never buy) and they were sponsoring me id tell you it was fantastic because thats what they are essentially paying me to do with the free gear
  • Think most peoples problem was the lack of 'upfront'
  • spasypaddy
    Ok - fair comment.

    Now considering I cannot/not allowed to give you a view point on the bike, how about we try something different?

    If anyone is in the Banbury area on Sunday, let's meet up and you can make your own assessment of the bike? You're even welcome to join us on the ride. I am playing open cards here (as has been asked in earlier posts). Then you can let everyone on here know your thoughts. It's up to you.
  • miggers
    miggers Posts: 269
    Ok - fair comment.

    Now considering I cannot/not allowed to give you a view point on the bike, how about we try something different?

    If anyone is in the Banbury area on Sunday, let's meet up and you can make your own assessment of the bike? You're even welcome to join us on the ride. I am playing open cards here (as has been asked in earlier posts). Then you can let everyone on here know your thoughts. It's up to you.
    As someone who most definitely doesn't work for Neil Pryde but who does live in the Banbury area I would be more than happy to meet up.. hope the forecast improves though..

    Also for what its worth I've met Craig around the cycling circuit, he's a decent guy who works in IT security…

    Cheers, Pete
    Peter Bragg
  • wasabi_m
    wasabi_m Posts: 164
    This is pathetic.

    +1 for the generic frame comment.

    Funnily enough i noticed Neil Pryde were advertising for brand reps a couple of months back. They were looking for people who would network about there product and in return receive a demo bike.

    Sadly all we are doing by commenting is putting this dreadful attempt at viral advertising back at the top of the forum topic list.

    Stop commenting on this generic crap now!
  • giant_man
    giant_man Posts: 6,878
    wasabi_m wrote:
    This is pathetic.

    +1 for the generic frame comment.

    Funnily enough i noticed Neil Pryde were advertising for brand reps a couple of months back. They were looking for people who would network about there product and in return receive a demo bike.

    Sadly all we are doing by commenting is putting this dreadful attempt at viral advertising back at the top of the forum topic list.

    Stop commenting on this generic crap now!
  • bigpikle
    bigpikle Posts: 1,690
    whatever you do, dont post anymore....

    Your Past is Not Your Potential...
  • Upfront - I sell bikes. and It feels a little weird to have to qualify myself before I make a comment.

    I also have an opinion, not only because I sell bikes but because I love them and I feel my opinion might be helpful to some. I have ridden and written about a lot more bikes than an average person get's to own in their lifetime.

    In response to the original question - the bikes are great, how would they now be? Look at their pedigree. As someone charged with promoting them it was very exciting when my first test rides on both the Diablo and Alize were as I had hoped. Fantastic.

    Diablo rides a lot like my Eddy Merckx EMX 5 only it's lighter, stiffer and believe it or not more comfortable. Has to do with the 27.2 seatpost and the super over sized top tube. It might even be too stiff for some.

    Alize is a lot smoother and might be a better option for the average club racer. It feels a lot like the Litespeed I reviewed on my blog, a great road bike with an aero advantage. Aerodynamics in a frame are often hard to "feel" but I can say the bike did very well in some roll tests and the bike looks incredible.

    The bikes are not generic molds with fancy decals, they are really well thought out and deserve a look.

    Pics of my bikes below - for anyone interested in the bikes and for the "forum cops" lets start another thread where we determine the motives of everyone who takes the time to respond.

  • CliveDS wrote:
    Upfront - I sell bikes. and It feels a little weird to have to qualify myself before I make a comment.

    I also have an opinion, not only because I sell bikes but because I love them and I feel my opinion might be helpful to some. I have ridden and written about a lot more bikes than an average person get's to own in their lifetime.

    In response to the original question - the bikes are great, how would they now be? Look at their pedigree. As someone charged with promoting them it was very exciting when my first test rides on both the Diablo and Alize were as I had hoped. Fantastic.

    Diablo rides a lot like my Eddy Merckx EMX 5 only it's lighter, stiffer and believe it or not more comfortable. Has to do with the 27.2 seatpost and the super over sized top tube. It might even be too stiff for some.

    Alize is a lot smoother and might be a better option for the average club racer. It feels a lot like the Litespeed I reviewed on my blog, a great road bike with an aero advantage. Aerodynamics in a frame are often hard to "feel" but I can say the bike did very well in some roll tests and the bike looks incredible.

    The bikes are not generic molds with fancy decals, they are really well thought out and deserve a look.

    Pics of my bikes below - for anyone interested in the bikes and for the "forum cops" lets start another thread where we determine the motives of everyone who takes the time to respond.


    The "forum cops" remark is comically misjudged.

    The point is that the first two people with experience of the bike on this thread posted an apparently independent assessment and were quickly outed as being paid / sponsored by Neil Pryde. This is a forum on which people seek advice, they naturally therefore want to know the "advice" is not advertising. Do you see the distinction.

    But what's really funny here is that this comedy is actually a result of NP's own marketing strategy.

    Ok, I'm willing to give the NP kit a break. It might well be a great bike and Id like some independent testing of it.
  • giant_man
    giant_man Posts: 6,878
    I'm not. it's called 'deceit marketing' in my book