The Royal Wedding? A Vision of the Day?



  • jimmypippa
    jimmypippa Posts: 1,712
    In case you haven't come across the "Daily Mail-o-matic"
    Daily Mail-o-matic

    It’s that simple – this gives you a new Daily Mail headline every time you click the button. Scientists say it can prevent cancer. Or cause it. They’re not sure.

  • spen666 wrote:
    Ever wonder why so many more people read the Daily Mail than say the Grauniad or the Miirror?

    Do many more people read the Daily Mail over the Guardian or the Mirror?

    Unfortunately, yes. I think people like the predictability. Same stories every day.

    - one about a murderous asylum seeker

    - piece about a family of 25 on benefits, each kid having their own flat screen TV and Nintendo and quote from mum saying they need a bigger house

    - story about how there will only be one white British person for every 10,000 with dodgy brown skin within 5 years

    - piece about immigrants not being able to speak English, which isn't really British, not followed by a piece on George 1 and his linguistic ability

    - 15 stories about how good some unknown celeb from some show called the X factor (I think it must be a talent show of some kind) got fat but now looks fab

    - a piece about an immensely fat person broke a hospital bed because they were, well, so fat

    - a feature about how wonderful life was in 1953, complete with illustration of mother knitting while kids read comics

    Now of course overtaken by several years on the royal wedding.

    Wow! Sounds like my kind of paper! Now, if only they would only write articles about how outrageously underdressed young ladies are today - together with pictures of appropriately underdressed young ladies for reference purposes only - then I would definitely make it my daily.