Sky get new co-sponsor



  • iainf72 wrote:
    Races where happening when i went past a few hours ago. Whats happened since then?

    I believe a fella collapsed.

    * - 2nd hand info from someone at work

    If true thats bad. Hope they are ok.
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • The bloke who collpased was in my heat. He keeled over half way through. The ambulance guys had the defibrillator out and It took a good half hour or so to stabilise him, before they could get him into an ambulance. Fingers crossed he is OK. It was very cold and there was hardly any time to warm up, so not ideal conditions. Doesn't surprise me that something like that could happen - it was very intense exercise, very hard on the lungs.
  • sedliak wrote:
    The bloke who collpased was in my heat. He keeled over half way through. The ambulance guys had the defibrillator out and It took a good half hour or so to stabilise him, before they could get him into an ambulance. Fingers crossed he is OK. It was very cold and there was hardly any time to warm up, so not ideal conditions. Doesn't surprise me that something like that could happen - it was very intense exercise, very hard on the lungs.

    Was there any medical screening at all or could you just turn up as a random person and take part? Call me old-fashioned but I've always preached having base fitness before attempting efforts like this, even if it's only intervals on the road.
  • No - you just turned up and off you went.
  • mroli
    mroli Posts: 3,622
    I was there and helped with the medical treatment. The guy was a "proper" cyclist - he had a proper shirt/shorts and jacket on. He was in good shape physically. As stated previously he was in the 1pm heat, collapsed near the end of the heat. He wasn't breathing when we got him off the bike and the paramedic commenced CPR. An ambulance arrived about 15 minutes later and apparently got his heart going before they took him away about an hour after he collapsed. Fingers crossed.
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    The article about the guy collapsing mentions that someone had 'just beaten Wiggins' when the guy collapsed. And then the event was cancelled.

    So I'm wondering if that guy who beat Wiggins will still get his free bike?

    P.S. Hope the collapsed rider is OK.
  • bigmat
    bigmat Posts: 5,134
    I beat Russ Downing and didn't get a bike! Think they were a bit cheeky on how they reported the prizes (although to be fair I had read the small print) - only the fastest of the riders to beat a pro got the bike. Not sure how far off I was, should have tried harder!
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    MatHammond wrote:
    I beat Russ Downing and didn't get a bike! Think they were a bit cheeky on how they reported the prizes (although to be fair I had read the small print) - only the fastest of the riders to beat a pro got the bike. Not sure how far off I was, should have tried harder!

    That is so ghey but typical. They advertised it as ANYONE who beat Wiggins or that Welsh guy would win a bike. Beating Downing is no big feat :lol:
  • bigmat
    bigmat Posts: 5,134
    Pokerface wrote:
    MatHammond wrote:
    I beat Russ Downing and didn't get a bike! Think they were a bit cheeky on how they reported the prizes (although to be fair I had read the small print) - only the fastest of the riders to beat a pro got the bike. Not sure how far off I was, should have tried harder!

    That is so ghey but typical. They advertised it as ANYONE who beat Wiggins or that Welsh guy would win a bike. Beating Downing is no big feat :lol:

    Oi! Big respect to Russ, he's a cracking rider but was there on short notice which can't have helped.
  • Gazzaputt
    Gazzaputt Posts: 3,227
    So anyone know if anyone won the Dogma?

    How many times were the pros beaten?
  • mroli
    mroli Posts: 3,622
    Gazza - tbh, I think the organisers probably have more important things on their mind at the moment.
  • maybe so .....but we have' who won a dogma ?
  • Gazzaputt
    Gazzaputt Posts: 3,227
    marusches wrote:
    maybe so .....but we have' who won a dogma ?


    Best wishes go out to the fella hope he makes and full and speedy recovery.

    Anyway come on someone must know who won the Dogma!
  • durhamwasp
    durhamwasp Posts: 1,247
    I was there for an hour and saw 4 people beat Downing.

    Bit disappointed in it all to be honest, freezing cold day, tent on top of an ice rink too, and i got there to see Wiggo walk through the crowd without looking at anyone, walk across the rink, over the boards and not to be seen for another hour.

    I was fully expecting to see the sky riders mixing with the public and signing some autographs/having photos taken. But, saw none of it, especially the main face of British road cycling.

    Thomas seemed like a decent lad, and Downing up for a laugh. Apparently all had a good night on the bevvy the night before. - Reports on Cingles du Mont Ventoux, Alpe D'Huez, Galibier, Izoard, Tourmalet, Paris-Roubaix Sportive & Tour of Flanders Sportive, Amstel Gold Xperience, Vosges, C2C, WOTR routes....
  • phil s
    phil s Posts: 1,128
    durhamwasp wrote:
    i got there to see Wiggo walk through the crowd without looking at anyone, walk across the rink, over the boards and not to be seen for another hour.

    I was fully expecting to see the sky riders mixing with the public and signing some autographs/having photos taken. But, saw none of it, especially the main face of British road cycling.

    And that's a surprise? The guy can behave like a proper a-hole when he feels like it.
    -- Dirk Hofman Motorhomes --
  • bigmat
    bigmat Posts: 5,134
    I chatted to Thomas / Swift, and shook Downing's hand. Didn't speak to Wiggins, although he did squeeze past me on the "walk through the crowd" mentioned above. He'd just finished his turn on the WattBike though so was probably heading off for a well earned rest. The impression I got was that they were happy to talk to anyone who approached them, but maybe they get a bit tired of the "autograph and a photo" routine - they just seemed like regular guys!