Cycling Fitness/Training Books "for Dummies"

jweighell Posts: 30

Are there any good books about cycling fitness/training for a complete newbie? I don't really know a thing about it and don't really understand a lot of the terms flying around? Would be nice if there was a Cycling Fitness for Dummies book!

Don't really want to take it too seriously, but would be nice to know if I'm at least trying to do things right.

Either that, or are there any good websites that walk me through cycling fitness that won't baffle me too much with terminology?!



  • Personally I think LAnce armstrongs 7 week plan book is a good read - you get a run through of equipment , training basics and 3 plans - beginner, intermediate and advanced, plus a couple of hapters on climbing, TTing etc.
    But there are others - how about doing soemthing so old fashoined as browsing your local library shelves....
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I also think that Lance Armstrong 7 week plan is good for a new rider. All you need is a cheap heart rate monitor and away you go!
  • hugo15
    hugo15 Posts: 1,101
    I found Joe Friel's "Total Heart Rate Training" pretty good as a starting point. I've also read his Cyclists Training Bible, but was glad I read the Total Heart Rate Training First.
  • smart cycling by Arne Baker is an ok read too. American slant to it (like Lance's) but soem good ideas and some turbo sessions as a bonus.