COD Black Ops geeks...



  • Or having your friends over, and nuking everyone of them on MW2. They hated me after that when playing 1v1s
  • chojin
    chojin Posts: 67
    @Coatbridgeguy - UKTFCL?!


    UKTFL was where it was at!

    TFC was rubbish ;)
    2010 Cube AMS Pro 125 RX
    2010 On One 456ss, RS Reba, SLX, Juicy 3s
    2008 Giant XTC 3.5 (Sold)

    2010 Cube Attention (RIP, stolen in September)
  • I'd disagree but I'd go out on a limb and say the whole clan scene back then was alot better than what you get these days
    Formally known as Coatbridgeguy
  • I'd disagree but I'd go out on a limb and say the whole clan scene back then was alot better than what you get these days

    You don't really get people in clans properly on XBOX on a regular basis. Most people just copy others clan tags to make themselves look cool.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,666
    I wonder why nobody's ever thought of allowing an xbox, or PS3 to use a keyboard and mouse for FPS games?
  • It would give those users a distinct advantage over joypad users.
    Formally known as Coatbridgeguy
  • It would give those users a distinct advantage over joypad users.
    Formally known as Coatbridgeguy
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,666
    It would give those users a distinct advantage over joypad users.
    but the option would be there for everyone, just like how you can use a steering wheel setup or joypad for games.
  • psymon
    psymon Posts: 1,562
    those steering wheel tings suck.
    tiny 5 degrees of movement = full lock on the game.
  • gotta say, the storyline so far, (only done the first 2 mind) isnt amazing. but im loving online. me and my freind played splitscreen multiplayer for like 3 hours today (we are too cool, i know) and its really good fun. gonna crack on some zombies later too.
  • It would give those users a distinct advantage over joypad users.
    but the option would be there for everyone, just like how you can use a steering wheel setup or joypad for games.

    I'd say that was slightly different though. Steering wheels change the experience but don't give an enormous advantage or disadvantage (used the wheel with the PR games and Forza with no difference in times). The mouse and keyboard user would destroy someone on a pad. Then everyone gets a keyboard and mouse... and we all have locked in PCs :D

    (as a side note I'd actually like consoles to be bundled with it so everyone is on level playing field but the bigwigs at MS and Sony would never have it)
    Formally known as Coatbridgeguy
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,666
    psymon wrote:
    those steering wheel tings suck.
    tiny 5 degrees of movement = full lock on the game.
    never used a decent one, huh? I used to be big into my racing games :D
  • Well, I finally get to buy the game today. Will be getting a ride the distance to the store as we''ve gotta take the cat to the vet, then will go buy game and kick wife off t.v. all night.
  • psymon
    psymon Posts: 1,562
    well you got some catching up to do.

    im prestige 1 level 17 :shock:

    but ive seen alot of prestige level 2 or more
  • psymon wrote:
    well you got some catching up to do.

    im prestige 1 level 17 :shock:

    I'm only level 21, and I have had it since release day :shock:

    I have mainly been playing wager matches though, tis annoying that they dont give you xp.

    (plus i don't really play that often)
  • psymon
    psymon Posts: 1,562
    ive played it far to much. im already craving new maps, which will be a rip off and everyone will kick off about.
  • I dont think I have even played on the maps yet, certainly dont know them wlel enough to get decent scores yet.

    Apart from the smalls ones like Nuketown etc...
  • I dont think I have even played on the maps yet, certainly dont know them wlel enough to get decent scores yet.

    Apart from the smalls ones like Nuketown etc...

    Nuketown is my fav map.

    im only level 18 and I have the game since the 13th Nov...:(
    To All.

    we should have a CLAN for Crudcatcher

    PSN: whatisthat
    "It is not impossible, its just improbable"

    Specialized Rockhopper Pro Disc 08
  • psymon
    psymon Posts: 1,562
    nuketown is fun, but the spawnpoints suck, often enemy spawning 6ft behind your back.
  • again i like nuketown. i just wander around with a SPAS 12 shotgun on that map, works really well

    however ive already gone back to MW2, i just prefer it generally.

    and as of tomorrow cod can go hide ina box, cause GT5 should arrive in the post tomorrow :D woo
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,666
    I can't make my mind up about the new COD. I think i like's not as frantic as MW2 that's for sure
  • Teach
    Teach Posts: 386
    Can someone just give some basic help.
    Santa is likely to get an Xbox and COD for my son for Christmas, so to give me a chance of staying ahead of him I'd like a bit of advice. I used to play MOHAA and wrongly or rightly assumed that COD was similar. The bit that I'm not sure about is in previous posts you talk about level 21 or prestige 1 level 17. What is that all about?
    Don't you just progress through maps/scenarios?
  • Teach wrote:
    Can someone just give some basic help.
    Santa is likely to get an Xbox and COD for my son for Christmas, so to give me a chance of staying ahead of him I'd like a bit of advice. I used to play MOHAA and wrongly or rightly assumed that COD was similar. The bit that I'm not sure about is in previous posts you talk about level 21 or prestige 1 level 17. What is that all about?
    Don't you just progress through maps/scenarios?

    He was talking about online multiplayer. You progress through maps and scenarios in the single player.

    When you play online, you get points for kills, challenges etc.. and you level up when you get a certain amount of points.
  • Teach
    Teach Posts: 386
    Thank you.
    I assume that the computer totals all the games you play?
    On MOHAA you used to change rank, but at the end of the online session it restarted.
  • Teach wrote:
    Thank you.
    I assume that the computer totals all the games you play?
    On MOHAA you used to change rank, but at the end of the online session it restarted.

    Yeah totals up everything over all the games you play. Works well as a system, they have added some new bits in with cod points etc this year that can be a bit confusing. But the basic prestige system is still there.
  • The online on xbox saves everything, down to your accuracy and kill death ratio and game win ratio.

    I'm super excited about finally having Black Ops now, but only one problem. My mrs bought the Sim 3 game that just got released as well, and i've had to strike a deal with her keep us from divorcing. She gets xbox until 10:30 then i'm on after that. Man it's gay that I have uni tomorrow cause I can't even stay up until 5 or 6 and play.
  • Teach
    Teach Posts: 386
    Prestige 0 Level 1 here I come?
  • Teach wrote:
    Prestige 0 Level 1 here I come?

    Yep you got it! Goes up to level 50 (I think on this one?) Then you go to prestige 1, goes through all the levels back to 50, then prestige 2 etc...

    Up to prestige 10 :)
  • Well 1 hour of playing and i'm level 9 now, and got to say not 100% impressed with it. I've noticed I like MW2 and MW1 alot more than the treyarch games, so I think they do tend to screw things up a bit. Bit havn't really tested everything properly yet.

    Saying that, this cod points system is good. Only gripe i've got is I bought the game here in Austria, which is a german only version, and i'm struggling to find my way around things to change things and undestand them since i'm pretty poo in German.

    I'll learn eventually though