Football is disgusting!!

AndyD2574 Posts: 1,034
edited October 2010 in The bottom bracket
Wayne Rooney whines about leaving a £90K a week job.......and that job is kicking a ball round a field.........then changes his mind........although he probably has this planned all along and is now on £250K A WEEK!!!!!!!!?????

WTF!!!!!!!! :o:o :shock: :shock:

Is it me or is this just Fckin mental?????????????

NOBODY is worth that much.............not least shreck?
Specialized S Works Venge
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  • dmch2
    dmch2 Posts: 731
    Things are worth what people are prepared to pay. If they're willing to pay 250k a week then he's, by definition, worth it.

    100 million people around the world want Man Utd to win so I guess that makes the board 'willing' to pay a lot to keep them happy so they keep buying shirts and TV subscriptions etc...
    2010 Trek 1.5 Road - swissstop green, conti GP4000S
    2004 Marin Muirwoods Hybrid
  • shm_uk
    shm_uk Posts: 683
    Yep, totally mental.

    But 'worth' is not a precise measure of anything.
    He's 'worth' whatever people (i.e. football management) think he's worth.

    More of an investment though really, in terms of the money he brings in to the club.
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    No more disgusting than golfers picking up millions to hit a ball into a hole, tennis players to hit a ball over a net, F1 drivers to drive a car round in circles, Steve Martin to make yet another sh*te "family comedy" or Robbie Williams to run back and forth across the stage with a face like a self-satisfied orang-utan, putting his hand to his ear and holding out the microphone to get the audience to sing the songs that they paid good money to hear him perform.

    At least all of these people aren't harming others. There are people out there who earn vast amounts of money by selling arms to dictators, chopping down rainforests and murdering the people who live there or anything else in a very long list of ethically dubious activities which net people fortunes.

    Sure the money going into sports and entertainment is ridiculous, but disgust should be saved for more worthy targets. Tony Blair taking tens of thousands for lectures for example.
  • Smokin Joe
    Smokin Joe Posts: 2,706
    Footballers really are the limit.

    They are working class and they earn more than middle class university graduates who have respectable local authority non-jobs. They ought to know their place, sweeping the streets or cleaning toilets and living in sink estates where they can be suitably patronised by their betters.

    Heaven knows, some of them are even black :shock:
  • Buckled_Rims
    Buckled_Rims Posts: 1,648
    I agree with the sentiments in that if someone is stupid to pay him money, then he's a clever boy to ask for it. I will not however, pay for a football shirt or any related item to help his wages. That includes SKY sports.

    However, I find it less disgusting then the musician who boasts he's written a big selling song on the back of a napkin in 5 minutes and makes millions from the royalties. Chances are it's the music producer and engineers who have arranged the song track in the first place.
    Kona Jake the Snake
    Merlin Malt 4
  • Smokin Joe
    Smokin Joe Posts: 2,706
    How many people who slag off footballers wages do the lottery? :lol:
  • northernneil
    northernneil Posts: 1,549
    I think you will find compared to american sports our soccer players are worth peanuts,

    and I dont like to defend them really cos I dont think they are worth it - but I also dont think Tom Cruise is worth $25M for 6 weeks work - or the fact Bono moves all his business away from Ireland to save tax, or that City hedge fund bankers can make £250K a day ....

    its all relative
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    I'm with the OP, the bloke is a real dick.

    Kids/ teenagers all around the UK are going to be looking up to him as a role model.

    He shagged a couple of prostitutes whilst his wife was pregnant. It's been all over the papers and now he lands a contract worth a fortune.

    Now I do agree that peoples private life is just that. But, if your going to be a role model and make a fortune off the back of it then you should behave accordingly.
  • brin
    brin Posts: 1,122
    RichardSwt wrote:
    I'm with the OP, the bloke is a real dick.

    Kids/ teenagers all around the UK are going to be looking up to him as a role model.

    He shagged a couple of prostitutes whilst his wife was pregnant. It's been all over the papers and now he lands a contract worth a fortune.

    Now I do agree that peoples private life is just that. But, if your going to be a role model and make a fortune off the back of it then you should behave accordingly.

    Peter Reid got it right, footballers/pop stars/actors aren't role models......parents are.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    brin wrote:
    RichardSwt wrote:
    I'm with the OP, the bloke is a real dick.

    Kids/ teenagers all around the UK are going to be looking up to him as a role model.

    He shagged a couple of prostitutes whilst his wife was pregnant. It's been all over the papers and now he lands a contract worth a fortune.

    Now I do agree that peoples private life is just that. But, if your going to be a role model and make a fortune off the back of it then you should behave accordingly.

    Peter Reid got it right, footballers/pop stars/actors aren't role models......parents are.

    Yes, your right, parents play a far more important role and have to take ultimate responsibility.

    But if your in the public eye, and children, or in this case teenagers/young adults look up to you then you should behave accordingly.

    He wouldn't have got away with it if he was a Blue Peter presenter.
  • PhilofCas
    PhilofCas Posts: 1,153
    he earns more in a week that most people earn in 10're right AndyD2574, that is fooking mental, just makes a mockery of honest hardworking people, part of the reason i gave up on football years ago
  • legin
    legin Posts: 132
    money ruins so much sport.look at rugby so many good young players bought by clubs and never used.i would rather play regular for free.the money in football is obscene whichever way you look at it.
  • Football isn't disgusting, it's a very enjoyable sport to play and watch (sometimes).

    The players at top level are paid disgusting amounts but so are other sportsmen.

    As others have posted all kinds of people get very obscene amounts and actually cause others much harm, they're the real sh1ts.

    I'm still unhappy about Rooney's deal though, he's just not worth it.

    Football though is not disgusting, no more than cycling or rugby is disgusting,
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • No doubt in my mind. It was not entirely Rooney who wanted to up the wages, but his manager/agent who will no doubt be paid a percentage as are theatrical agents etc.

    Just how much is Contador's brother (and manager/agent) making for not riding a bike? Not as much as Rooney's I'm sure.
    There's no such thing as too old.
  • Homer J
    Homer J Posts: 920
    Not knowing anything about football, but I thought the club was in massive debt, so how do they justify to the bank the money they are paying?
  • dmch2
    dmch2 Posts: 731
    If they keep making the interest payments then the bank are happy, that's how the bank make their money after all...
    2010 Trek 1.5 Road - swissstop green, conti GP4000S
    2004 Marin Muirwoods Hybrid
  • finchy
    finchy Posts: 6,686
    Homer J wrote:
    Not knowing anything about football, but I thought the club was in massive debt, so how do they justify to the bank the money they are paying?

    The Asian market is massive, and to sell shirts there you have to have players who are star names, rather than merely excellent footballers.

    Rooney is the only real star name Man U have now, so keeping him is probably worth it, especially as there are very few footballers in the world today who would fit this description and be willing to move to Manchester United.
  • fast as fupp
    fast as fupp Posts: 2,277
    johnfinch wrote:
    Homer J wrote:
    Not knowing anything about football, but I thought the club was in massive debt, so how do they justify to the bank the money they are paying?

    The Asian market is massive, and to sell shirts there you have to have players who are star names, rather than merely excellent footballers.

    Rooney is the only real star name Man U have now, so keeping him is probably worth it, especially as there are very few footballers in the world today who would fit this description and be willing to move to Manchester United.

    the shirts are all jarg and dont make british clubs any £££
    'dont forget lads, one evertonian is worth twenty kopites'
  • Gazzaputt
    Gazzaputt Posts: 3,227
    johnfinch wrote:
    Homer J wrote:
    Not knowing anything about football, but I thought the club was in massive debt, so how do they justify to the bank the money they are paying?

    The Asian market is massive, and to sell shirts there you have to have players who are star names, rather than merely excellent footballers.

    Rooney is the only real star name Man U have now, so keeping him is probably worth it, especially as there are very few footballers in the world today who would fit this description and be willing to move to Manchester United.

    the shirts are all jarg and dont make british clubs any £££

    Your joking aren't you? Shirt sales make clubs and some players alot of money.

    Crazy money to pay Rooney but they need to show they have the ambition to keep their top players after letting Ronaldo go.
  • He's not going to get any child benefit on that wage :D
  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386
    Football jersey sales ... 1.8.10.jpg

    If Man Utd make £10 on every jersey sold then that is Rooney's wages covered right there.
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.
  • shm_uk
    shm_uk Posts: 683
    The biggest bugbear I have with football is not the ridiculous wages, but can't they all just play one season, decide who's best, and leave it at that.

    We have to be subjected to the same cycle year after year after flippin' year...

    Players, managers and fans getting all shouty and stamping their feet like a 5-year-old who can't get what he wants, just because of a few bad performances, when they can just try again the next year anyway.

    The whole thing's weird.

    Right, I'm off to do some travelling around balancing on two inflated rubber rings attached to either end of a triangle, with a lump of polystyrene on my head, for no reason other than for the fun of it...

    Maybe football isn't so odd after all.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 44,061
    I think you will find compared to american sports our soccer players are worth peanuts,

    and I dont like to defend them really cos I dont think they are worth it - but I also dont think Tom Cruise is worth $25M for 6 weeks work - or the fact Bono moves all his business away from Ireland to save tax, or that City hedge fund bankers can make £250K a day ....

    its all relative

    Whilst preaching to politicians about how they should spend the tax of people earning less than £15k a year on getting rid of poverty in developing countries. I can accept that some people earn huge amounts of money and don't begrudge it but I really hate it when they then start getting all hyprocritical and preachy!
  • eh
    eh Posts: 4,854
    I agree Bono and his ilk are far worse than Rooney. All Rooney does is turn up, does his job and goes home, at no point does he try and tell me about the latest wonder diet, how to solve world poverty, that powerbalance bands are brilliant (looking at you WIggo) or any other sh*te that most celebs seem to want to tell us all on a regular basis. None of these people are role models, unless your idea of a role model is someone who'll say any old sh*t for some £££££.

    Wow I just about avoided a mega rant at Bono, I must be ill :oops: F**k me that guy pi**es me off more than all the footballers in world ever could.
  • 250k a week, whats his actual hourly rate given that he is unlikely to be doing a 40hr week , more like a 10 hr week if we are lucky????(he a shaggggiiinn tw@ anyway!!!!!!!!)
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
    Jealousy is a cruel mistress.
  • fast as fupp
    fast as fupp Posts: 2,277
    Gazzaputt wrote:
    johnfinch wrote:
    Homer J wrote:
    Not knowing anything about football, but I thought the club was in massive debt, so how do they justify to the bank the money they are paying?

    The Asian market is massive, and to sell shirts there you have to have players who are star names, rather than merely excellent footballers.

    Rooney is the only real star name Man U have now, so keeping him is probably worth it, especially as there are very few footballers in the world today who would fit this description and be willing to move to Manchester United.

    the shirts are all jarg and dont make british clubs any £££

    Your joking aren't you? Shirt sales make clubs and some players alot of money.

    Crazy money to pay Rooney but they need to show they have the ambition to keep their top players after letting Ronaldo go.

    joking? 99.9% replica shirts sold in the far east are counterfeit- the clubs dont make any money from them.
    'dont forget lads, one evertonian is worth twenty kopites'
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,291

    joking? 99.9% replica shirts sold in the far east are counterfeit- the clubs dont make any money from them.

    Manchester United sell an average of 1.2-1.5 million shirts per year* (legit sales, not knock-offs). They currently retail for £45 each on their website and probably cost about £3 to make.

    So, that's maybe as much as £65 million revenue. I think they may manage to squeeze a small profit out of that. And that's just shirts, not other merchendise.

    Twitter: @RichN95
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    And yet theyre how many millions in debt ?

    oh 1.1 billion....
  • Football is full of cnuts and boring IMO but the great british public loves it ... sky has made damn sure they love it and can't move without hearing about it.

    one thing i've noticed this year is that BBC main weather forecasts now often come with an additional football forecast. WTF? it's a game that goes ahead rain or shine and the spectators sit under cover. A good indicator of the national state of brainwashing, i mean enthusiasm for the beautiful game