


  • Butterd2
    Butterd2 Posts: 937
    sc999cs wrote:
    Butterd2 wrote:
    I have some BBB overshoes (not sure if the same model) but I find if i'm still wearing shorts then the water just runs straight down my legs and fills them up.
    At least my feet are warm and wet though.
    Am I missing something or do they only work with trousers that overlap the tops of them?

    I tend to wear over trousers when It rains so the tops are covered. If you didn't then you're right, but as they are open sole wouldn't the water just run out again (leaving you with wet shoes in the process)?

    Yeah, I think that's pretty much what happens. My feet still get soaked but they don't get as cold.
    Scott CR-1 (FCN 4)
    Pace RC200 FG Conversion (FCN 5)
    Giant Trance X

    My collection of Cols
  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    Trouble with toeclips is you constantly have to lean down and loosen the strap or tighten the strap as and when you need to stop and start. If you don't tighten the straps you don't get the benefit of the pedal being attached to yuor foot, so to speak. With clipless it's just click and go or twist and stop....

    Most of the benefit comes from pushing forwards at the top of the stroke and I find that if I do want to pull up I flex my ankle (or something?) to let me do so. As a result I virtually never tighten the straps all the way.
    The clip itself and straps that are a close fit, rather than tight, keep my foot on the pedals well enough to climb a steep hill (eg Dundas St. Edinburgh/Pendicle Road, Glasgow) on a fixie or descend at 160+ rpm. I can slide my foot out again very quickly if I need to (eg ice).


    I just remember using clips when I 1st started cycling back in the 80s as a teen and then finding clipless a complete revelation. I think there is some benefit to being able to pull up on clipless as well but there is the whole "ankling" technique riders used to use in the days of clips, as you describe. I find I can get out of my SPDs more quickly than I could get out of a tightened clip and I read somewhere that in an accident an SPD will release your foot whereas if your foot is in a tightened clip there is more likely to be trauma round the ankle etc as the foot remains stuck. But each to their own!
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