the Cyclo cross racing post



  • mentalalex wrote:
    Well my weekend wasn't the best concerning results.

    Raced Koksijde world cup for GB on sat! just wasn't on form! not a good ride at all!
    and sunday raced national trophy, felt better, but crashed on first lap, and lost contact with main bunch, and lost my rhythm.

    you win some you lose some!

    need to get by fitness up for nat champs

    Bad luck, Alex - good effort though simply for managing to tackle two big events in the space of a single weekend; one very ordinary domestic race was more than enough for me. Did you manage to finish on Sunday or did you retire early?

    "It is not enough merely to win; others must lose." - Gore Vidal
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    mentalalex wrote:
    Raced Koksijde world cup for GB on sat! just wasn't on form!
    If you ever get chance, I'd love to read of your experience of racing at a level most of us can only dream of.

    And don't be too hard on yourself - it was your first time riding in deep sand wasn't it?
  • To be fair the sand was frozen like so it was like concrete on Sunday

    10TT 24:36 25TT: 57:59 50TT: 2:08:11, 100TT: 4:30:05 12hr 204.... unfinished business
  • i do have a blog you can read and follow!

    I will be doing a larger report of it, just quickly put on together! so watch out for that in a couple of days.

    was my first time in deep sand yer! first major event as well, (only a first year junior) and only been racing a year!

    yes i finished the race rolled in at 9th! and managed to keep my 5th in the series! so not all bad!
    I do science, sometimes.
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    mentalalex wrote:
    i do have a blog you can read and follow!
    Yes, of course :oops:

    Did you stay to watch the elite women and men race?
  • mentalalex wrote:
    iyes i finished the race rolled in at 9th! and managed to keep my 5th in the series! so not all bad!

    Well done! You probably did get a mention over the PA system but I may not have registered that at the time - spent all day in the cold manning a crossing point at the National Trophy event so the icy wind meant my brain wasn't running at full capacity.

    "It is not enough merely to win; others must lose." - Gore Vidal
  • Did anyone else ride a regional championship event on the Sunday just gone? Early start for me and a 3 hour train journey down to Devon for the South of England event at Bicton (near Budleigh Salterton) - not to mention a 22-mile round trip between the nearest station and race HQ. I finished 24th and emphatically last (probably being lapped by most of the other starters at least once); compared to the usual events I ride I was way out of my depth ability-wise!! Going off-course due to a bit of ambiguous marking-out and unshipping my chain during the same lap didn't help matters. All the same, a good day out.
    Freezing cold day but never noticed that once on the move. I did win something for my troubles as random prizes were awarded to people whose race numbers were drawn out of a hat, so I returned home one box of chocolate biscuits to the good. Got one hell of a workout, too, so should be on OK form for the Central League final at Hillingdon this Sunday.

    "It is not enough merely to win; others must lose." - Gore Vidal
  • BeaconRuth
    BeaconRuth Posts: 2,086
    Did anyone else ride a regional championship event on the Sunday just gone?
    Ours was postponed.

  • BeaconRuth wrote:
    Did anyone else ride a regional championship event on the Sunday just gone?
    Ours was postponed.


    Yeah, I saw that on the BC website. There's also a report on the North of England championships on there, with some very festive-looking photos of the Lake District!

    "It is not enough merely to win; others must lose." - Gore Vidal
  • hammerite
    hammerite Posts: 3,408
    Stinker for me at Hillingdon yesterday. Lasted one lap of the race before tearing my rear mech off.
  • hammerite wrote:
    Stinker for me at Hillingdon yesterday. Lasted one lap of the race before tearing my rear mech off.

    Bad luck. That's at least 2 dead mechs I know of from yesterday plus 3 in the October event where mine got trashed - Hillingdon seems prone to that sort of thing; apparently it's 'cause the long grass gums up jockey wheels etc. I got through without any real mishaps and rolled in a lowly 46th out of 56. Enjoyed it, though - course suited me better than last week down in Devon. Also seemed to be climbing well and cornering a bit better than usual.

    "It is not enough merely to win; others must lose." - Gore Vidal
  • hammerite
    hammerite Posts: 3,408
    Well done David, glad you enjoyed it, yes it's the grass causes the problems. At least it's the end of the season so no rush to get it sorted, although I fancy the open race in Oxford next month.
  • hammerite wrote:
    Well done David, glad you enjoyed it, yes it's the grass causes the problems. At least it's the end of the season so no rush to get it sorted, although I fancy the open race in Oxford next month.

    I should be at Oxford, race starts 12pm so a bit earlier than most Sunday events (bang goes the lie-in!). Bit of an unknown quantity as I believe it's a new venue that hasn't been used for cross before (Brookes University) - most Oxford events tend to use the secondary school at Cowley.

    "It is not enough merely to win; others must lose." - Gore Vidal
  • One other thing - if there aren't too many fixture clashes in each calendar, I might give the Central League a go as a proper member (individual affiliate) next year rather than just doing the odd race in addition to the Wessex League. My current club is affiliated to the Wessex League anyway; is there anything to stop an individual rider affiliating to and contesting 2 different cross leagues? Couldn't see any regulations against it on the BC website.

    "It is not enough merely to win; others must lose." - Gore Vidal
  • Anyone know where I can see the photos from last Sundays Central league race @ Hillingdon?
    \'You Come At the King,You Best Not Miss\'
  • Anyone know where I can see the photos from last Sundays Central league race @ Hillingdon?

    As soon as they're ready, there's usually a link to the event pics on ; no sign of any photos from Sunday as yet though.

    "It is not enough merely to win; others must lose." - Gore Vidal
  • Thanks David.
    \'You Come At the King,You Best Not Miss\'

    10TT 24:36 25TT: 57:59 50TT: 2:08:11, 100TT: 4:30:05 12hr 204.... unfinished business

    10TT 24:36 25TT: 57:59 50TT: 2:08:11, 100TT: 4:30:05 12hr 204.... unfinished business
  • bigpikle
    bigpikle Posts: 1,690
    hammerite wrote:
    Stinker for me at Hillingdon yesterday. Lasted one lap of the race before tearing my rear mech off.

    sorry to hear that, especially as I suffered the same fate last time out and bagged a couple of cracked ribs along with it :(

    I decided to stay well away and unless something changes in future I simply wont bother with that race, as the risk just doesnt seem worth it. Might run a single speed next season so that might help things though...

    MIght well see you at Oxford though, although I've switched my training away from anything intense and cross related now so am not exactly going to be in the best of shape to attack it! Worst case I'll come and spectate.
    Your Past is Not Your Potential...
  • Well, that's my cross racing over until the Oxford race in late January....braved the elements to put in one lap of the Wessex League event at Checkendon yesterday. Couldn't get on terms with the course (handling very sketchy in places), lost way too much ground early on (nearly got lapped only 1 lap in) and retired. Rapidly decided that racing in snow and ice is not for me! :(

    "It is not enough merely to win; others must lose." - Gore Vidal
  • ebq
    ebq Posts: 29
    Anyone know where I can see the photos from last Sundays Central league race @ Hillingdon?
    As soon as they're ready, there's usually a link to the event pics on ; no sign of any photos from Sunday as yet though.
    Has anyone found any pics from Hillingdon on 12th December? There's nothing on centralcxl still. Also is there a link for the Oxford race?
  • ebq wrote:
    Anyone know where I can see the photos from last Sundays Central league race @ Hillingdon?
    As soon as they're ready, there's usually a link to the event pics on ; no sign of any photos from Sunday as yet though.
    Has anyone found any pics from Hillingdon on 12th December? There's nothing on centralcxl still. Also is there a link for the Oxford race?

    Nope, still no pics to be found. Oxford details can be had here though; ... uary-Cross

    "It is not enough merely to win; others must lose." - Gore Vidal
  • I've been riding Michelin Muds for the last two seasons. But I snapped my chain just after the start at Todmorden on Sunday. The Commissaire was good emough to let me run over to the pits, get my spare bike and join the race at the back after the start loop.

    I don't use the spare bike very often, as it turned out it wouldn't go into bottom gear so no chance on the cobbled hill.

    It has Hutchinson Pro series tyres and it reminded me of what good tyres they were sadly no longer available.

    What tyre preferences does anyone else have?
  • DugastRhino-500x500.jpg

    Hands down for Mud! simply cannot beat it!
    I do science, sometimes.
  • DavidBelcher
    DavidBelcher Posts: 2,684
    I used the Hutchinsons when I first started 'cross racing and agree that they were a very good tyre. Michelin Mud 2s are still pretty good, though. Have also used Schwalbe CX Pro Lights (low on weight and hard-wearing tread compound but can be a bit too skinny for thick stuff despite claiming to be 32mm cross-section) in the past and am currently on Panaracer Cindercross, good but seem to wear pretty easily; probably going back to Michelins for next season for best mix of wear, grip and value for money.

    As for Dugast tubs, probably the best you can get, but way beyond my budget! When I first got into 'cross, clinchers like the original Michelin Muds (bright green!!) and Vredestein Campos seemed quite popular, but tubs seem to be back in favour for the top guys these days.

    "It is not enough merely to win; others must lose." - Gore Vidal
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,156
    Out of interest why do people use tubs for cross? I'd have thought the risk of rolling them is too high (saw it happen at the first round of the National Trophy) and the cost of a puncture too much. Is there less chance of puncturing at low pressure with them?
  • If the tubs are glued on properly there's little chance of rolling them unless you do something very silly :)
    The advantages are a reduced risk of pinch punctures (due to the shape of the rim/tub combination), lighter weight, increased wheel strength, and ability to run low pressures.

    That ability vastly increases the available grip - during the very muddy Midland Champs last Sunday I was running Dugast Rhinos at less than 20psi and had no problems at all. I was bottoming the tub out against the rim several times per lap with no issues either, you couldn't do that with a tyre and tube.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,156
    Makes sense now, cheers. I'm used to tubs being an advantage because they can be run at higher pressures rather than lower.
  • andyp
    andyp Posts: 10,449
    The difference a pair of decent tubs makes in cyclocross has to be experienced to be believed. You get significantly more grip than clinchers and can run them at much lower pressures.