Evening / Morning Routine



  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    CiB wrote:

    Evening - arrive home, bike in garage, top + socks in wash basket if necessary, shower, change, tea, evening stuff.

    Morning - make coffee for two, bowl of porridge for one, morning ablutions, dress. Wave cheerio, bike out of garage, away.

    Day - some work.

    It's interesting (for me) as it shows some folk (LIKE me) do have a routine for getting things prepped and some wing it.

    I tried the winging it thing and found I was forgetting all sorts of stuff... like eating, clothes, getting up, that I was actually meant to be cycling in....

    I don't wing it, but as I always have the car at least once a week a whole rucksack full of clothes for the week goes in in one journey, so cycling days are just that - cycle.

    Forgot one bit:

    arrive in office, sit steaming & sweating for 5 minutes so log miles onto SC Stats before going for clean & change.
  • Greggyr
    Greggyr Posts: 1,075
    18.30 arrive, bike in garage
    18.33 strip off & shower clothes in wash
    18.45 prepare meal & dine with Mrs Greggyr
    19.00 clear up & veg
    22.00 lay out all kit that may be needed in the morning

    05.40 alarm
    05.42 tea for the Mrs, checking weather & temp via the patio door
    05.50 select appropriate clothing
    06.00 leave home
    07.00 arrive at work, bike in secure underground car park.
    07.05 enter locker room, pick up fresh towel from the massive pile of fresh towels.
    07.07 strip off and hang kit in lovely drying room.
    07.09 shower in state of the art shower (1 of 6)
    07.15 get clean shirt from the laundry service cupboard, and suit & grundies from my locker
    07.20 20 yard stroll to onsite coffee shop for espresso & home made smoothie
    07.25 Sit at desk ready to face the world..
  • snooks
    snooks Posts: 1,521
    Get home, put bike in back room get, hang helmet on boiler, put gloves and shoes in back room with bike, shower and change.

    Wake up, press snooze, fall back to sleep. 10 mins later woken by cat jumping on me, stroke cat, get up, listen to weather forecast on XFM, look out of window.

    Decide which bike to take.

    Dry = Road
    Dodgy = Inbred commuter
    Wet = MTB
    Beer after work = tube, shower dress off to work
    Or what ever bike I feel like that day

    Off to the bathroom, shave (if I can be rsed) brush teeth

    Dress accordingly, bundle jeans, top, underwear and socks into rucksack. Go downstairs, take everything out and put the laptop in first, re pack rucksack.

    Swap lights/ multi-tool to bike of choice

    Shoes on, rucksack, helmet on, gloves on, out the front door setting the alarm on the way

    Cycle like a b'stard to work, shower and change, and off to the canteen for a peanut butter bagel and a can of Appletise
    FCN:5, 8 & 9
    If I'm not riding I'm shooting http://grahamsnook.com
    THE Game
    Watch out for HGVs
  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    Mine varies but something like

    6-6.30pm - Leave office. Go to basement to change and get bike. Cycle home, arriving about 25 mins later
    7pm ish - Get home, walk dog
    (7pm - Alternative - go to gym, get back at about 9-9.30pm then have dinner)
    7.45-8pm - Have dinner or make dinner depending on whether I'm the only one at home or whether the other half has made it for me
    Watch telly and doze off on sofa with dog
    Around midnight - wake with a start, switch off telly and go to bed

    6.45-7am - Get up, sometimes do washing up that is still lying in sink from last night (if it hasn't been done)
    Get bag (fresh shirt, undies etc) ready (if I didn't do it the night before)
    Walk dog
    Shave (if I can be bothered)
    Have a cuppa tea and watch a bit of morning telly with dog
    Leave at 7.45-8, get bike out, check tyres, possibly lube chain etc and go

    Shower, change and eat brekky at work
    Do not write below this line. Office use only.
  • Pufftmw
    Pufftmw Posts: 1,941
    6.30 - Alarm
    6.30 - 7.20 - Cuddle g/f (that is all I will say as this is a public forum)
    7.20 - 7.45 - SSS & get dressed
    7.45 - 8.30 - Cook breakfast, unload dishwasher, load dishwasher, make sandwiches
    8.30 - bike gear on, camera(s) on, iPod on & leave for work
    8.59 - arrive @ work

    I either do karate 2 nights a week or go to a gym for weights the other 2
    Home, bike in front lobby
    Kiss g/f (no hugs yet as hot n wet n sweaty
    Beer (sometimes before shower)
    Cook supper/eat supper
    Chill a bit (read/chat/tv)
    Bed & cuddles with g/f
  • HamishD
    HamishD Posts: 538
    JonGinge wrote:
    notsoblue wrote:
    argue with knog rear light, pledge to buy new light that switches off.

    I'm not the only one then, only happens to me in the wet though. How annoying!


    I took it apart last night to have a look at it, the whole inside of the light was really, really wet, so I dried it out and it does seem to work better.

    The little trek one I have on the front seems a lot more waterproof and still has the stretchy bracket thingo.
    Yah, my rear knog died in the same way. After a few times drying it out no longer did the trick :(

    Mine too.
  • squired
    squired Posts: 1,153
    My routine seems a little more basic than others.

    I get home in the evening and change out of my bike gear. As I don't sweat much most of it is good for 2 days of use (sniff test is normally the decider). The bike and key pieces of equipment are immediately left in the state I need them for the morning.

    When it gets to bedtime I pack my work shirt and trousers and put my cycling gear on the floor by my bed (having checked on the expected weather for the next day).

    The morning routine is brief. Get up. No point washing (I can do that when I get to work). Put on cycling gear, with a bit of talc down below, clean teeth and head out. I can be out the door within 10 minutes of getting up normally. Breakfast and fluids are waiting for me at work.
  • Wallace1492
    Wallace1492 Posts: 3,707
    notsoblue wrote:
    argue with knog rear light, pledge to buy new light that switches off.

    I'm not the only one then, only happens to me in the wet though. How annoying!


    I took it apart last night to have a look at it, the whole inside of the light was really, really wet, so I dried it out and it does seem to work better.

    The little trek one I have on the front seems a lot more waterproof and still has the stretchy bracket thingo.

    Is this the Knog Skink by any chance? Mine has started going a bit funny.
    "Encyclopaedia is a fetish for very small bicycles"
  • hambones
    hambones Posts: 407
    Very simple routine here:

    Home by approx. 6.10pm
    Unpack backpack with the day's shirt and socks.
    Eat dinner in cycle clothes.
    Depending on what is happening after 7pm remain in cycle clothes until bedtime or shower and change.

    Up at 6.50am
    Put on cycle clothes (shorts, socks and s/s top from the day before - average 3 days wear per top but shorts last full week between washes).
    Optional 2nd coffee
    Ride to work
    Wash and change in toilets! Clean shirt brought in every Monday by work colleague.
    Optional banana or else nothing until lunchtime.


    (Tyres pumped up every Monday morning)
    Still breathing.....
  • Clever Pun
    Clever Pun Posts: 6,778
    get home, bike in shed
    cook/eat etc
    prep bag 5 mins before bed and button tomorrows shirt

    Morning (the whole process can take 10-30 mins depending what time the missus gets up and if there's much chatting)
    wake up
    fold shirt into bag
    glass of oj
    cycle to work
    Purveyor of sonic doom

    Very Hairy Roadie - FCN 4
    Fixed Pista- FCN 5
    Beared Bromptonite - FCN 14
  • Kieran_Burns
    Kieran_Burns Posts: 9,757
    How did this stupid topic get to 3 pages? :D

    I really should've called it - Morning / Evening commuting routine - as in what do you do for prepping for / recovering from the commute
    Chunky Cyclists need your love too! :-)
    2009 Specialized Tricross Sport
    2011 Trek Madone 4.5
    2012 Felt F65X
    Proud CX Pervert and quiet roadie. 12 mile commuter
  • Reluctant as I am to add yet more mundane information to the internet...

    7.30 stop alarm making a noise.
    7.39-7.44 get up; wake the girls up and supervise them getting dressed for school. A slow process. Usually catch Thought For The Day during this, with some contorted message that begins "I was having trouble using my smartphone yesterday" and ends "Jesus would have loved smartphones".
    8.00 (+/-5 mins)-8.25: get out and fold up shirt and pants, pack them with wallet, phone, specs and (nice) watch in bag. Get out bike kit for the day (this can take some time, as it's a long walk all the way to the back of the dressing room, where the arrays of matching kit are laid out). Shave, shower, get dressed.
    8.25-8.40. Breakfast. Talk to children, play with kitten. Pester children to finish breakfast, clean teeth, get shoes on. Check that their book bags are ready and packed (no) and their gym kit bags (if needed) are fully stocked (no). Remember to leave breakfast stuff as close to dishwasher as possible without actually being in dishwasher.
    8.40 ish. Leave house. Try to say in cheery voice "don't forget to bring the milk in" to Mrs 66, as she struggles to get the children out of the house in time for school.
    8.50 ish. Join Embankment and hand out free samples of pain and suffering.
    9.10 ish. Arrive at work. Change into alter ego of sensible person.

    19.00 Leap up from desk, shout "Yabba dabba dabba dabba do!" and change into cycle kit with same flair as Fred Flinstone progresses from workplace to car at the end of the day.
    Just post 19.00 head off; join Embankment shortly thereafter, and repeat 8.50 performance. With panache (pron: p'nash, not pan-ache. My pan does not ache).
    19.25-19.30 ish. Arrive home. Fumble for key as ringing doorbell is waste of time. Get in to survey remnants of three exploded people in hall. Put bike in overnight spot, put bike shoes away, clear up remnants from hall floor.
    19.35 ish. Greet loving family. Shout at them for leaving mess in hall. Get angry because they all start to cry. Remember that I'm hungry. Ignore fact of dinner being cooked. Raid fridge for anything I can find (essential preparation for later exchange of "we're having X for supper". "Oh. I'm not really hungry").
    19.45. Get changed into civvies. Shower if sweating like proverbial alleged sex offender.
    19.50 Join in attempts to cajole children into going to sleep. Give up shortly thereafter and despair when one comes down at 22.00 complaining that other is still awake. It's not a contest to see who is last to go to sleep, girls.
    20.00 ish. Eat a bit to maintain domestic peace. And prospect of meals in future when I might really need them.
    Later: sleep and repeat.

    Jaysus, it's a humdrum existence. I might top meself.
    Swim. Bike. Run. Yeah. That's what I used to do.

    Bike 1
    Bike 2-A
  • All you lot need to increase your morning efficiency. I am on the bike on the way to work within about 10-15 minutes of getting out of bed, thereby maximising my sleepy-time.

    Getting up an hour before you need to to watch t'telly?

    No t'ta.
  • dhope
    dhope Posts: 6,699
    All you lot need to increase your morning efficiency. I am on the bike on the way to work within about 10-15 minutes of getting out of bed, thereby maximising my sleepy-time.

    Getting up an hour before you need to to watch t'telly?

    No t'ta.

    Seems to me all this talk of mighty pickles, children etc is the main cause of a lack of efficiency. Strikes me that the routine should be more along the lines of

    7.30 Children wake up
    7.40 Children prepare coffee
    7.50 Children press and fold shirt, place cycling gear at foot of bedroom door
    8.00 Children prep bike and place by front door
    8.05 Children knock politely on bedroom door
    8.10 Rise from bed serenely, dress and drink coffee. Pat children condescendingly on head and leave for work.
    8.15 Children tidy house and take themselves to school, ready for a hard day studying, preparing themselves for the day when Daddy can no longer look after them so well. Or the kids might be chimney sweeps, I've not decided tbh.

    Anything less is quite simply a lack of preparation.
    Can you tell I'm not married and don't have children?
    Rose Xeon CW Disc
    CAAD12 Disc
    Condor Tempo
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    dhope wrote:
    7.30 Children wake up
    7.40 Children prepare coffee

    I would pay very good money for this.
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • Now I know that us cyclists veer a bit towards the geek factor, but this thread really takes the p*ss!!
  • Agent57
    Agent57 Posts: 2,300
    Getting up an hour before you need to to watch t'telly?

    No t'ta.

    I don't really get up. Well, no more than I have to to make a cup of coffee and then go back to bed. I like my snooze time, rather than walking up and getting up straight away. OK, maybe an hour is a bit much, but it means I can fit in an episode of X_random_TV_programme. Not that I actually snooze, because I would miss the programme. Works for me, anyway!
    MTB commuter / 531c commuter / CR1 Team 2009 / RockHopper Pro Disc / 10 mile PB: 25:52 (Jun 2014)
  • Cafewanda
    Cafewanda Posts: 2,788
    Asprilla wrote:
    Cafewanda wrote:
    Asprilla wrote:
    Cafewanda wrote:
    Asprilla, I'm mightily impressed with your evening routine between 'eat' and 'bed'. I might adopt that as part of my winter schedule :)

    I like to think of it as maintaining a healthy intake of iron (red wine to help maintain my CV system) and niceness (chocolate to stop me being grumpy).

    Would rose-ay make a good alternative? Too late to change my Tesco shopping order :)

    The only problem I have with pink wine is that it should only be drunk in direct sunlight. If you are drinking under artificial light or candels then red wine is where it's at.

    Chocolate can be consumed at any time, in any form and under any conditions. It should be from the fridge though.

    Tesco duly delivered my shopping including two packs of chocolate mini rolls. Abolished one pack +1 in 20 mins and am slowly working my way through a large glass of Gallo Zinfandel. Feeling very mellow 8)
  • All you lot need to increase your morning efficiency. I am on the bike on the way to work within about 10-15 minutes of getting out of bed, thereby maximising my sleepy-time.

    Getting up an hour before you need to to watch t'telly?

    No t'ta.

    Well, yes. If I have to be in early, then it's 6.10 alarm; get up, shave, shower, dress; out of the house by 6.27 at the latest.

    But where's the fun in that? :wink:
    Swim. Bike. Run. Yeah. That's what I used to do.

    Bike 1
    Bike 2-A
  • rjsterry
    rjsterry Posts: 29,411
    All you lot need to increase your morning efficiency. I am on the bike on the way to work within about 10-15 minutes of getting out of bed, thereby maximising my sleepy-time.

    Getting up an hour before you need to to watch t'telly?

    No t'ta.

    With the amount of breakfast I need to consume, if I then jumped straight on the bike I would revisit said breakfast very shortly after. I need at least 15 minutes between washing it all down with a glass of orange juice, and swinging a leg over the bike. Also, I don't eat quickly.

    Lastly, the littl'un has started hiding things, which makes leaving the house extra fun.
    1985 Mercian King of Mercia - work in progress (Hah! Who am I kidding?)
    Pinnacle Monzonite

    Part of the anti-growth coalition
  • itboffin
    itboffin Posts: 20,064
    Greg66 wrote:
    Reluctant as I am to add yet more mundane information to the internet...

    7.30 stop alarm making a noise.
    7.39-7.44 get up; wake the girls up and supervise them getting dressed for school. A slow process. Usually catch Thought For The Day during this, with some contorted message that begins "I was having trouble using my smartphone yesterday" and ends "Jesus would have loved smartphones".
    8.00 (+/-5 mins)-8.25: get out and fold up shirt and pants, pack them with wallet, phone, specs and (nice) watch in bag. Get out bike kit for the day (this can take some time, as it's a long walk all the way to the back of the dressing room, where the arrays of matching kit are laid out). Shave, shower, get dressed.
    8.25-8.40. Breakfast. Talk to children, play with kitten. Pester children to finish breakfast, clean teeth, get shoes on. Check that their book bags are ready and packed (no) and their gym kit bags (if needed) are fully stocked (no). Remember to leave breakfast stuff as close to dishwasher as possible without actually being in dishwasher.
    8.40 ish. Leave house. Try to say in cheery voice "don't forget to bring the milk in" to Mrs 66, as she struggles to get the children out of the house in time for school.
    8.50 ish. Join Embankment and hand out free samples of pain and suffering.
    9.10 ish. Arrive at work. Change into alter ego of sensible person.

    19.00 Leap up from desk, shout "Yabba dabba dabba dabba do!" and change into cycle kit with same flair as Fred Flinstone progresses from workplace to car at the end of the day.
    Just post 19.00 head off; join Embankment shortly thereafter, and repeat 8.50 performance. With panache (pron: p'nash, not pan-ache. My pan does not ache).
    19.25-19.30 ish. Arrive home. Fumble for key as ringing doorbell is waste of time. Get in to survey remnants of three exploded people in hall. Put bike in overnight spot, put bike shoes away, clear up remnants from hall floor.
    19.35 ish. Greet loving family. Shout at them for leaving mess in hall. Get angry because they all start to cry. Remember that I'm hungry. Ignore fact of dinner being cooked. Raid fridge for anything I can find (essential preparation for later exchange of "we're having X for supper". "Oh. I'm not really hungry").
    19.45. Get changed into civvies. Shower if sweating like proverbial alleged sex offender.
    19.50 Join in attempts to cajole children into going to sleep. Give up shortly thereafter and despair when one comes down at 22.00 complaining that other is still awake. It's not a contest to see who is last to go to sleep, girls.
    20.00 ish. Eat a bit to maintain domestic peace. And prospect of meals in future when I might really need them.
    Later: sleep and repeat.

    Jaysus, it's a humdrum existence. I might top meself.

    As mind numbingly boring as this thread is Greg you managed to make it sounds every so slightly amusing :wink:
    Rule #5 // Harden The Feck Up.
    Rule #9 // If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.
    Rule #12 // The correct number of bikes to own is n+1.
    Rule #42 // A bike race shall never be preceded with a swim and/or followed by a run.
  • itboffin
    itboffin Posts: 20,064
    cjcp wrote:
    dhope wrote:
    7.30 Children wake up
    7.40 Children prepare coffee

    I would pay very good money for this.

    Can you imagine the mess :? and no that skin will NEVER grow back!!!
    Rule #5 // Harden The Feck Up.
    Rule #9 // If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.
    Rule #12 // The correct number of bikes to own is n+1.
    Rule #42 // A bike race shall never be preceded with a swim and/or followed by a run.
  • dhope
    dhope Posts: 6,699
    itboffin wrote:
    cjcp wrote:
    dhope wrote:
    7.30 Children wake up
    7.40 Children prepare coffee

    I would pay very good money for this.

    Can you imagine the mess :? and no that skin will NEVER grow back!!!

    Pfft, as if kids ever do that


    Rose Xeon CW Disc
    CAAD12 Disc
    Condor Tempo
  • itboffin
    itboffin Posts: 20,064
    Still you can still always have MORE children :roll:

    Rule #5 // Harden The Feck Up.
    Rule #9 // If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.
    Rule #12 // The correct number of bikes to own is n+1.
    Rule #42 // A bike race shall never be preceded with a swim and/or followed by a run.
  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    Greg66 wrote:
    Reluctant as I am to add yet more mundane information to the internet...

    7.30 stop alarm making a noise.
    7.39-7.44 get up; wake the girls up and supervise them getting dressed for school. A slow process. Usually catch Thought For The Day during this, with some contorted message that begins "I was having trouble using my smartphone yesterday" and ends "Jesus would have loved smartphones".
    8.00 (+/-5 mins)-8.25: get out and fold up shirt and pants, pack them with wallet, phone, specs and (nice) watch in bag. Get out bike kit for the day (this can take some time, as it's a long walk all the way to the back of the dressing room, where the arrays of matching kit are laid out). Shave, shower, get dressed.
    8.25-8.40. Breakfast. Talk to children, play with kitten. Pester children to finish breakfast, clean teeth, get shoes on. Check that their book bags are ready and packed (no) and their gym kit bags (if needed) are fully stocked (no). Remember to leave breakfast stuff as close to dishwasher as possible without actually being in dishwasher.
    8.40 ish. Leave house. Try to say in cheery voice "don't forget to bring the milk in" to Mrs 66, as she struggles to get the children out of the house in time for school.
    8.50 ish. Join Embankment and hand out free samples of pain and suffering.
    9.10 ish. Arrive at work. Change into alter ego of sensible person.

    19.00 Leap up from desk, shout "Yabba dabba dabba dabba do!" and change into cycle kit with same flair as Fred Flinstone progresses from workplace to car at the end of the day.
    Just post 19.00 head off; join Embankment shortly thereafter, and repeat 8.50 performance. With panache (pron: p'nash, not pan-ache. My pan does not ache).
    19.25-19.30 ish. Arrive home. Fumble for key as ringing doorbell is waste of time. Get in to survey remnants of three exploded people in hall. Put bike in overnight spot, put bike shoes away, clear up remnants from hall floor.
    19.35 ish. Greet loving family. Shout at them for leaving mess in hall. Get angry because they all start to cry. Remember that I'm hungry. Ignore fact of dinner being cooked. Raid fridge for anything I can find (essential preparation for later exchange of "we're having X for supper". "Oh. I'm not really hungry").
    19.45. Get changed into civvies. Shower if sweating like proverbial alleged sex offender.
    19.50 Join in attempts to cajole children into going to sleep. Give up shortly thereafter and despair when one comes down at 22.00 complaining that other is still awake. It's not a contest to see who is last to go to sleep, girls.
    20.00 ish. Eat a bit to maintain domestic peace. And prospect of meals in future when I might really need them.
    Later: sleep and repeat.

    Jaysus, it's a humdrum existence. I might top meself.

    Reluctant as you were, you sure went into a lot of detail!
    Do not write below this line. Office use only.
  • sketchley
    sketchley Posts: 4,238
    cjcp wrote:
    dhope wrote:
    7.30 Children wake up
    7.40 Children prepare coffee

    I would pay very good money for this.

    Russell Hobbs Torino filter coffee machine, has a timer on it. Set up night before fresh filter coffee when you wake up. about 25quid. Money well spent.

    Genesis Equilibrium - FCN 3/4/5
  • Surfr
    Surfr Posts: 243

    Arrive around 6:15PM on a no apres-work activity day
    Bike in shed
    Me into shower
    Cook dinner
    Wife arrives home
    Eat dinner watch TV drink wine maybe.

    Alarm at 6:15 for wife wakes me
    7:15 get up after spending an hour in bed on the iPhone browsing forums, looking at news, weather, twitter, facebook etc.
    7:16 lycra time
    7:18 wii fit weigh in
    7:20 tightly roll a fresh shirt around a pair of socks and pants then wrap inside a plastic bag and insert into middle jersey pocket
    7:25 grab a quick drink and vitamins
    7:30 saddle up and head off
    7:50 arrive work after hilly 5 mile commute
    7:52 collect trousers, shoes, belt and towel from locker
    7:55 shower in nice new work shower block next to lockers
    8:00 re hang towel in locker and take lycra kit to my office where it hangs to dry during the day.

    Locker contents are rotated weekly by taking a bag on Monday and Friday or by dropping by on a weekend.

    Now that the road season is over, I'm more likely to commute by bike (needing to be at chaingangs or TTs demanded I drive more over summer). Trouble is I'm now doing lunch time swims, spinning and after work swims and circuits which demands more kit. Might have to bite the bullet and carry a bag, but I love commuting with just my jersey pockets when I can.
  • cjcp
    cjcp Posts: 13,345
    Sketchley wrote:
    cjcp wrote:
    dhope wrote:
    7.30 Children wake up
    7.40 Children prepare coffee

    I would pay very good money for this.

    Russell Hobbs Torino filter coffee machine, has a timer on it. Set up night before fresh filter coffee when you wake up. about 25quid. Money well spent.

    I keep meaning to buy one with a timer, but keep finding bike kit I'd rather spend the money on, and just carry on moaning instead :)

    Off to John Lewis this weekend, me thinks.
    FCN 2-4.

    "What happens when the hammer goes down, kids?"
    "It stays down, Daddy."
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    Back in the day when we had domestic staff, mine used to lay out fresh togs & set the bike up nicely for me. We often wondered if he was a bit gay - I well remember my old dad asking me how queen was my valet.

    And... leave. :)
  • Mr Sworld
    Mr Sworld Posts: 703

    Finish work, and laugh at drivers stuck in unmoving queue along the seafront road. Cycle 7 1/2 miles.

    Arrive home at 5.30 -5.45ish.

    Go to fridge and get bottle of beer out.

    Sit in the garden, drink beer, smoke tabs, faff about with smart phone.

    Finish beer, go for a shower.

    Get another beer.

    Eat.... Maybe...

    Go to pub, watch tv / dvd or some other distraction.

    Go to bed about 12.30 -1.30am


    Alarm goes off at 6.30, 7, 7.05, 7.10, 7.15. Put them all on snooze and get up at 7.30 - 8ish

    Smoke a fag and drink some juice.

    Get on bike and cycle to work. Laugh at drivers in unmoving queue along the seafront road.

    Get to work, shower, change clothes and smoke a fag.

    You can tell I don't have children can't you? :wink: