well... TT season is no doubt over for alot of us now...



  • Surfr
    Surfr Posts: 243
    Started the season in poor form on a cross bike with cross tyres on and did a 31:15 on our slower 10 course. Ended the season with a 27:38 on that same course still on the cross bike but now with 23mm slicks. I also went 27:27 on the faster 10 course by PBing on the final weeks for each course.

    We also did 3 hilly 22s of which I went from 1:13:47 to a 1:08:50 and a Hilly 12 which I put in a benchmark time of 40:04.

    Next season goals are for 25:30 on the fast 10, 26:00 on the slower 10, and if the 25 is running, a sub-hour. These aims should be somewhat helped by the purchase of a carbon road bike, tri bars, skin suit and a pointy helmet. I wanted to complete a season without any alterations in kit (aside from having to race on cross tyres in the first week). Over winter I'll be training harder than ever. spin classes twice a week, racing 'cross in the South Wales league, turbo intervals in the garden, weekly MTB night rides and long sunday club runs, alongside weekly swim training. That should keep me busy!
  • danowat
    danowat Posts: 2,877
    Did my first (and last of 2010!) open last week, first half had a strong headwind, did a 26:57, the word on the street was the wind was taking about 1-2mins out of everyone, so on a good day, I could have been on for my "magic 25".

    Roll on 2011, going to use the winter period to get some serious training in, also going to try and shed a couple of stone.

    I will go 25 in 2011.
  • jibberjim
    jibberjim Posts: 2,810
    Surfr wrote:
    These aims should be somewhat helped by the purchase of a carbon road bike, tri bars, skin suit and a pointy helmet!

    I think you might need to revise your targets downwards if you pick up those things.
    Jibbering Sports Stuff: http://jibbering.com/sports/
  • Surfr
    Surfr Posts: 243
    jibberjim wrote:
    Surfr wrote:
    These aims should be somewhat helped by the purchase of a carbon road bike, tri bars, skin suit and a pointy helmet!

    I think you might need to revise your targets downwards if you pick up those things.

    You think they are worth 2 minutes? I was expecting 1 minute off for aero kit and another minute from training and weight loss.
  • danowat
    danowat Posts: 2,877
    Aero bars were worth about 1.5mins to me on a 10
  • Stuntman wrote:
    Anyone heard of Pete Read's Blue Book? I've been told to acquire it for training purposes but can't find it online anywhere to buy.

    The blue book was a collection of different turbo sessions, it's like the holy grail often heard about but very hard to track down.

    The black book is a full year training programme, where you have options to choose to specialise for RR or TTs in certain sessions. My mate followed it to the letter this year and has done lifetime PBs for 10miles (sub 21 mins) & 50miles (sub 2 hours) and a "last 3 season" PB for 25. I've tried to follow it but it's very time consuming - I found the wnter programmes in the CW Health & Fitness mag a bit better for the 10 hours or so a week I can train in. Getting a coach for 2011 so hopefully that will bring me on and back to my old levels or even faster :lol:

    Pete Read, the guy who wrote these books doesn't coach anymore and his books are now out of print, although I think one of the filesharing sites has a PDF of the Black Book.

    I managed to knock 2.5 minutes off my (comeback) PB this season, and broke the 24 minute barrier. Still got another 2.5 minutes to go to get back to where I'd be happy with in terms of how fast I was before. Also want to do some longer distance events in 2011, maybe even contemplate qualifying for the BBAR although this might need to wait until at least 2012.

    I can feel a winter of position tinkering on my TT bike coming on, I've not felt 100% comfortable on it all season.
  • markos1963
    markos1963 Posts: 3,724
    danowat wrote:
    Did my first (and last of 2010!) open last week, first half had a strong headwind, did a 26:57, the word on the street was the wind was taking about 1-2mins out of everyone, so on a good day, I could have been on for my "magic 25".

    Roll on 2011, going to use the winter period to get some serious training in, also going to try and shed a couple of stone.

    I will go 25 in 2011.

    Great time Dan for your first open

    Scary things 'opens' I did my first one and I was terrified with all the bling kit there and the sound of disc wheels wooshing around. Mind you the pressure to perform must have doen something cos I knocked 40 seconds off my PB and posted a 25'29". Next year its got to be mid 24's a least if I want to beat my goal of a sub hour 25.
  • danowat
    danowat Posts: 2,877
    Pouring rain, 25mph winds were the order of the day!!!, I reckon the B10/44 is a pretty quick course on the right day, nice and flat with only a single turn at Harleston.
  • jibberjim
    jibberjim Posts: 2,810
    Surfr wrote:
    jibberjim wrote:
    Surfr wrote:
    These aims should be somewhat helped by the purchase of a carbon road bike, tri bars, skin suit and a pointy helmet!

    I think you might need to revise your targets downwards if you pick up those things.

    You think they are worth 2 minutes? I was expecting 1 minute off for aero kit and another minute from training and weight loss.

    Yes skinsuit, tri bars and helmet will likely save you 2 minutes, as will likely your position if you can be more aerodynamic on the new frame rather than the cross frame (where you normally sit a little more upright for control, but you may not of course.)

    Also, only a minute from fitness is perhaps a little pessimistic, although it depends how much you train (I went from from 25 minutes to 22 minutes on Road bike with just skinsuit, position change and fitness) Add in aerobars, pointy helmet, rear disk cover and I can do 21.
    Jibbering Sports Stuff: http://jibbering.com/sports/
  • danowat wrote:
    Pouring rain, 25mph winds were the order of the day!!!, I reckon the B10/44 is a pretty quick course on the right day, nice and flat with only a single turn at Harleston.

    One of the best East district courses I'd say.
    I used to ride it a lot when I lived in Suffok.
    Shame it's not used as much as it was 10 years or so ago.
    Also give the B10/3 near Attleborough or the B10/34 near Bury St Edmunds a look if you fancy a dual carriagway course.

    Roll on my move to Norfolk next summer...
  • danowat
    danowat Posts: 2,877
    Our club runs some events on the B10/3, so I plan to do that in the future.

    I've heard the E2? (Fourwentways A14/A11) is supposed to be quick to.
  • a_n_t
    a_n_t Posts: 2,011
    Surfr wrote:
    Next season goals are for 25:30 on the fast 10, 26:00 on the slower 10, and if the 25 is running, a sub-hour.

    I'd imagine you'd need to go quicker than that in your 10's to go under the hour in a 25.
    Manchester wheelers

    10m 20:21 2014
    25m 53:18 20:13
    50m 1:57:12 2013
    100m Yeah right.
  • SBezza
    SBezza Posts: 2,173
    danowat wrote:
    I've heard the E2? (Fourwentways A14/A11) is supposed to be quick to.

    Yes it is a quick course, though you need the wind to be helpful to get a really good time. Rode it twice this year, both times it was horrible, though I still did get PB's each time.
  • danowat wrote:
    Our club runs some events on the B10/3, so I plan to do that in the future.

    I've heard the E2? (Fourwentways A14/A11) is supposed to be quick to.

    Out of interest, what club are you in? Breckland?
    Possibly looking for a good Norwich based club to join.
  • danowat
    danowat Posts: 2,877
    Yeah, CC Breckland.
  • a_n_t wrote:
    Surfr wrote:
    Next season goals are for 25:30 on the fast 10, 26:00 on the slower 10, and if the 25 is running, a sub-hour.

    I'd imagine you'd need to go quicker than that in your 10's to go under the hour in a 25.

    You'd think so, since 25mph average (to go under the hour) is equivalent to a 24' for a 10. It's not uncommon though to have a 25 time that has a higher average speed than your 10 time, een when the courses are similar (in profile etc). However, there's a big gap between 25:30 and sub hour speeds, I think you'd probably need to be under 24:30 pace to stand a chance of achieving that.
  • Surfr
    Surfr Posts: 243
    Yeh I probably need to adjust my maths a little. I'd not realy thought about it too much as I've not had a chance to do a 25 yet (road had roadworks on it this year so we ran 3 hilly 22s instead). From what has been said about aero kit etc, I'll aim to hit 24:30 by the end of the season on the fast 10. This sems like a huge leap from my current 27:27, but we'll just have to see! If I can do that, then getting close to the hour may be doable in the 25.
  • markos1963
    markos1963 Posts: 3,724
    Retro1702 wrote:
    danowat wrote:
    Our club runs some events on the B10/3, so I plan to do that in the future.

    I've heard the E2? (Fourwentways A14/A11) is supposed to be quick to.

    Out of interest, what club are you in? Breckland?
    Possibly looking for a good Norwich based club to join.

    Always looking for new riders at VC Norwich :wink:
    (sorry Dan for trying to pinch him)
  • danowat
    danowat Posts: 2,877
    LOL :lol::wink:
  • Retro1702
    Retro1702 Posts: 135
    markos1963 wrote:
    Always looking for new riders at VC Norwich :wink:
    (sorry Dan for trying to pinch him)

    You have mail...

    Dan, also out of interest you said "club events on the B10/3", by this did you mean the opens/slowest or fastest 60 rider events or actual "club" events?
  • danowat
    danowat Posts: 2,877
    Both, they did 2 opens (slowest and fastest) plus a single club event, although the club event was B10/3R (reversed).

    I did a club ride, with a view to joining, with VCN, great bunch of guys, but the location of them (i.e. a bit of a trek for me to get there), plus the fact that VCN don't seem to do much in the way of TT's meant I joined CCB.
  • markos1963
    markos1963 Posts: 3,724
    danowat wrote:
    Both, they did 2 opens (slowest and fastest) plus a single club event, although the club event was B10/3R (reversed).

    I did a club ride, with a view to joining, with VCN, great bunch of guys, but the location of them (i.e. a bit of a trek for me to get there), plus the fact that VCN don't seem to do much in the way of TT's meant I joined CCB.

    Yes , we only organise one open TT a year. There are talks about running an evening series but its the usual problem of finding someone interested to run it who doesn't race already.
  • Retro1702
    Retro1702 Posts: 135
    danowat wrote:
    Both, they did 2 opens (slowest and fastest) plus a single club event, although the club event was B10/3R (reversed).

    Yeah I rode the Slowest 60 one at end of May.
    Was my best ofthe year until a couple of weeks ago.
  • a_n_t
    a_n_t Posts: 2,011
    It's not uncommon though to have a 25 time that has a higher average speed than your 10 time.

    I know, my best 10 and 25tt times both average about 26.2 mph.

    Quick 25 course and an average 10 :)
    Manchester wheelers

    10m 20:21 2014
    25m 53:18 20:13
    50m 1:57:12 2013
    100m Yeah right.