Embarrassing crashes



  • chedabob
    chedabob Posts: 1,133
    As a kid - hurtling down the hill to the level crossing where the rails were diagonal to the road and recessed so that when I twitched to avoid a dog my front wheel stuck in the track and I flew. Landed by the dog which bit me and ran off.

    I had the same thing happen to me, but it was in a gap in the road where the council had resurfaced a bus stop. Front wheel got locked in, bike was wobbling all over the show. Luckily got a foot down and regained control.

    +1 to Yeeham's suggestion of Sony Vegas. It really is fantastic. I've tried everything from Avid and Adobe Premiere to some of the much cheaper alternatives. Nothing comes close to the performance and reliability of Vegas.

    What possessed you to do that??! :?
  • dubcat
    dubcat Posts: 754
    Rode to top of hill wearing SPD for first time. Came to a stop exhausted and feeling dizzy and nauseous. Slowly toppled to one side and just lay there still holding handle bars and still clipped in to peddles wondering if I was going to have a heart attack in front of a bemused audience :) This happened last weekend so I'm sure I will have plenty of more contributions to this thread in the coming weeks :)
    2010 Specialized Rockhopper
    2012 Bianchi Infinito
  • Last saturday, me and my friends had just built a nice gap jump, it was quite big, so i wasn't hitting it at that point, just going down the run in and past the jump.
    One time as i went past the double, my pedal caught on the side of the take off, causing me to end up body planted into the back of the landing, with my bike on top of me, upside down, with my mates standing at the side laughing. I eventually caught the funny side, after i got over the shock. It didn't really hurt, but it toook a while to untangle myself. :oops: :oops: :lol:
  • Saw a beauty at Glentress today. Top of spooky wood, the group in front of us set off. The first person in their group managed to go over his handlebars after about 2 yds on the chicken run to the left. Not got a clue how he did it. Didnt get hurt thanfully.
    Orange Crush 2010
    Trek 1.5c
  • Bar Shaker
    Bar Shaker Posts: 2,313
    I had one yesterday in Epping. Found a single track with a nice lip halfway down. As I took the jump, saw a young lad who was there watching riders. Landed perfectly, got a thumps up as I passed and swooped back up to the right. I looked back to see where my mate was, hit a tree root, stopped and went over sideways sliding down the hill, still clipped in.

    It was a soft landing but my mate, my wife and the spectator were all laughing.
    Boardman Elite SLR 9.2S
    Boardman FS Pro
  • About 5 years ago I was waiting for the Cowes chain ferry. The ferry came in and the ramp was lowered. I started to freewheel slowly down the slope towards the ferry. My front wheel hit the ferry ramp and I went straight over the handlebars. I picked myself up as if nothing had happened. I didn't even look around at the other waiting cyclists, foot passengers and cars drivers, who were probably all wetting themselves. :oops:
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    I tree'd myself at innerleithen the other day. Total target fixation, I just watched the video and it's comical, track goes right, Northwind goes forwards, a tree intervenes, Northwind hugs tree, Northwind spins down tree like the worst poledancer in the world.
    Uncompromising extremist