Embarrassing crashes



  • stubs
    stubs Posts: 5,001
    Duggan13 wrote:
    But powered by embarrassment I jumped straight back up and pedaled/pushed with one leg, back round the corner home. Then curled up into a little ball clutching my knee.


    It's amazing how much pain you can hide purely due to the need to get out ASAP to avoid being any more embarrased

    Pain is temporary embarrasment lasts for ever
    Fig rolls: proof that god loves cyclists and that she wants us to do another lap
  • mr joey
    mr joey Posts: 427
    cant remember one while mtb,but remember when i was about 7 i got the day of school as my dad was gonna buy me a bmx ended up getting me a raleigh grifter i was well chuffed,that chuffed i waited for the school bus to show off to my mates,bus pulls up im there showing off tried to go round in a tight circle and went flat on my face with the whole bus in stitches,not good but will stay forever with me :D
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    That's pretty much the only thing Raleigh Grifters were good for :lol:
  • angry_bird
    angry_bird Posts: 3,786
    Riding round cannock in January I had 2 incidents that were hilarious for everyone who watched, and were quite fun for me, coming out of the old last section of ftd singletrack there was a big group ride waiting around the sides and one of my mates waiting a bit further up the fireroad, he was waving his hands about and yelling something. So I waved back. Turns out he was warning me of the ice i'd just ridden onto... ouch that really hurt :cry:

    Then 2 minutes later on the track back towards swinnertons turned a bend and just slid on my side still clipped in for about 5-6 metres, bloody ice... still somehow i managed to push myself up and continue riding in one nice transition from being on my side to on my wheels while still staying half clipped in, naturally i looked around at everyone with the yeah that was deliberate face but it just wasn't washing on them
  • Used to ride a drop into a bombhole in some woods in Southampton. Its quite a rooty run in and I used to struggle to keep my feet on the pedals as I come up to it, particularly when its wet and muddy. One time I got up to the edge, feet slipped off the pedals and I went to grab the brakes to stop myself going over. Only problem was I was beyond the point of no return!

    I had managed to catch enough brake to completely unbalance the bike, which, when combined with my feet having come off the pedals, meant I was in no position to drop into this bombhole.

    I slid forward, landed on the top tube, crushed my 'nads, but somehow managed to keep the bike in the right shape to land it and ride it out into the bombhole without falling off. However, I now had not only crushed 'nads (and a high pitched voice), but also the pedals spun round and I ended up with V8's with terrapins embedded into my shins!

    There were a few riders all around waiting to ride the same, who all seemed quite sympathetic to my pain!
  • Eyon
    Eyon Posts: 623
    Cycling along, saw a family on a red route ahead taking it easy, so I thought, yeah, I'll look like a pro when i pass them, im awesome, im brilliant at this MTB lark, and all that....

    Anyway, passed them, said hi, going quite fast, got to the next corner hit a loose sandy surface i didnt expect and stacked it right on my face.

    All of a sudden i wasnt pro, awesome or brilliant, i felt like a tit as they passed me at 5mph, still on their wheels

    Ah well
  • When I visited CYB a few weeks back I lost the front on the wet rock just as I was going under the big suspension forks at the start of the route! Ended up in the grass on the side! :oops:

    One of the funniest things I saw was a lad in my street when I was growing up who was happily cycling down the road when the handlebars came unattached from the frame / fork - he carried on cycling for a few yards before losing speed and the front wheel folding in to the side!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    MattMTB wrote:
    When I visited CYB a few weeks back I lost the front on the wet rock just as I was going under the big suspension forks at the start of the route! Ended up in the grass on the side! :oops:
    A few people have told me that's why they're there. It's the trail centre version of "you must be this tall to go on this ride" kind of thing.
  • I went to a practice before a weekend race at Thetford Forest several years ago. Team Salsa was there in all the pro team get up, radios, top notch bikes, Full XTR, etc. One of the Salsa riders was talking into his radio about getting ready to set off, all really serious. Then pushes off, goes to clip in, misses and ends up going over the bars into a ditch at about 5mph. One of my friends rode past asking if he "wanted a branch so he could thack himself while he was down there".
    On a club run in Feburary we got to one corner down a country lane which was just plain black ice, I was at the back of the group so came up a bit quick, slowed when I saw several rider slide of the road, but still slid into the middle of the group on my arse.
    Then there was the time I did a 30mile off road route, tree roots, off camber corners, wet grass, all done at lightning speed, only to fall over when I didn't unclip in time, on top of a grassy hill. At 0mph. :oops:
    Oh, and the time I tried to trackstand while at some traffic lights and failed miserably. I can be quite good, but came down to earth with a bump that morning, and right beside a bus too. Oh, and I broke a cleat. That was soo embrassing....
    jedster wrote:
    Just off to contemplate my own mortality and inevitable descent into decrepedness.
    FCN 3 or 4 on road depending on clothing
    FCN 8 off road because I'm too old to go racing around.
  • .blitz
    .blitz Posts: 6,197
    Have crashed into a group of school children and also in front of a couple of female MTBrs while I was showing them (unsolicited) how to ride over roots.

    Have also crashed at the speed of light on a sheet of ice, again in front of several other MTBrs while showing them (unsolicited) how to ride on ice.
  • Farno
    Farno Posts: 10
    Eyon wrote:
    Cycling along, saw a family on a red route ahead taking it easy, so I thought, yeah, I'll look like a pro when i pass them, im awesome, im brilliant at this MTB lark, and all that....

    Anyway, passed them, said hi, going quite fast, got to the next corner hit a loose sandy surface i didnt expect and stacked it right on my face.

    All of a sudden i wasnt pro, awesome or brilliant, i felt like a tit as they passed me at 5mph, still on their wheels

    Ah well

    Crashing while showing off is definately the worst way to go! At least if you're going to crash go extra fast so that you do a few front flips before you land, and impress them with that :D
  • Not bike related but my mate was running and right in front of a group of 10 schoolgirls decided to be cool and jump a bike lane barrier rail..fell on his noggin. twat. ha.
  • Eyon
    Eyon Posts: 623
    Farno wrote:
    Eyon wrote:
    Cycling along, saw a family on a red route ahead taking it easy, so I thought, yeah, I'll look like a pro when i pass them, im awesome, im brilliant at this MTB lark, and all that....

    Anyway, passed them, said hi, going quite fast, got to the next corner hit a loose sandy surface i didnt expect and stacked it right on my face.

    All of a sudden i wasnt pro, awesome or brilliant, i felt like a tit as they passed me at 5mph, still on their wheels

    Ah well

    Crashing while showing off is definitely the worst way to go! At least if you're going to crash go extra fast so that you do a few front flips before you land, and impress them with that :D

    Oh yes, my ego was very bruised. Along with my arms, and my knees, and my bike too.
  • sofaboy73
    sofaboy73 Posts: 574
    edited September 2010
    a few years ago i took my mate to llandgela to try and convert him from his misguided rodie ways.

    we rented him a bike and i gave him a bit of an mtb 101 in the car park. I thoughfuly warned him of the power of disk brakes compared to the canti's he was used to and not to anchor on too hard otherwise he's be over the bars.

    to re-enforce the point i thought i'd give him a demonstration of 'correct' front braking. needless to say, by thinking about it I ballsed it up, locked my front wheel lost it on some loose gravel and went over the bars right in front of the fully populated decking terrace!

    oh, and i manged to ride into a sheep this summer (which suicidely cut infront of my front wheel whilst i was decending at a fairly rapid pace). whilst lying in the dirt and contemplating which part of me hurt most, I was accosted by a group of angry walkers who wanted to know why i would want to harm a poor defenceless animal on prupose!!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    sofaboy73 wrote:
    I thoughfuly warned him of the power of dick...
    to re-enforce the point i thought i'd give him a demonstration...
    I ballsed it up...right in front of the fully populated decking terrace!

    Erm, OK. Sounds like an interesting lesson :lol:
  • i fell off sideways at 4 mph oxygen starved after a steep climb and did my ribs in.

    and i regularly go over the bars in slo-mo , i'm actually getting quite good at it.
  • Always remember the old phrase:
    The size of the cock up is directly proportional to the amount of people watching!
    ie: little fall no one around.
    Major wipe out. The world is watching! ITV BBC C4....

    In trying to be smart you usually end up looking a complete tw*t
    It is also know as the law of sod.
    TT :roll:
  • colt
    colt Posts: 173
    Following on from the above post, I sent my mates son further down the trail to video just how awsome I am, :oops: :oops:

    Trek Fuel EX8 Rootbeer, mmm beer!
  • Farno
    Farno Posts: 10
    colt wrote:
    Following on from the above post, I sent my mates son further down the trail to video just how awsome I am, :oops: :oops:


    Haha awesome! What actually went wrong? Focussing too much on the cameraman?:P Looked like a nice soft landing though, so I'm sure it didn't hurt too much!
  • colt
    colt Posts: 173
    Thats exactly what happened! Took my eye off the trail for less than a second and it all went pear shaped.

    Thought I'd got away with it too, till my front wheel found a nice wheel shaped divot,at that speed plenty of time to tuck and roll though :lol:
    Trek Fuel EX8 Rootbeer, mmm beer!
  • stubs
    stubs Posts: 5,001
    colt wrote:
    Following on from the above post, I sent my mates son further down the trail to video just how awsome I am, :oops: :oops:


    Fig rolls: proof that god loves cyclists and that she wants us to do another lap
  • My red faced moment happened earlier in the year. I was on my way to the moors after the snow had started to melt. It was mid morning, low sun and a touch chilly. 15 mins of road climbing, 3 mins of down and then just up the last 2 miles of road hill to go.
    Power down and bike washes away. I did the spilts with 1 foot still cliped in. I was slipping all over the place. I had to do a roll and drag to get to the grass bank.

    It was very icy though as i saw a tractor plough through a hedge as I pushed up the hill on the grass bank.

    I have also hit cars, busses and other cyclists(mates). Unclipped left and leant to the right ect ect.
    fly like a mouse, run like a cushion be the small bookcase!
  • jairaj
    jairaj Posts: 3,009
    Oh, then there was the time I disappeared into a MASSIVE snow drift because I thought it was only a couple of inches deep (turned out to be about 5ft and I went RIGHT in)

    I did the complete opposite. Was in Austria on ski trip with mates, saw a big pile of snow, ran and jumped on to it. Turned out it was solid and I went no where :oops:
  • around Goring area, group of riders.. I was 3rd going up hill in a wooded section of straight singletrack. Rider in front went over a stick which flicked up and then landed in my front wheel causing wheel to jam in forks - totalled over the bars on the spot at 10mph .. hilarious :lol: wheel & forks are fine :wink:
  • was at dalby forest, waiting for my mum to get from the car to the start of the red route, was waiting round with my brother, infront of the purple mountain shop and about 20 visitors, i was all suited up, and clipped in, just riding around, and thought hmmm wheely, it was going well 10 feet, then all of a sudden i pushed too hard on the pedsals, very slowly went more backwards and backwards, and couldn't get my feet unclipped, me on the floor, bike still clipped on my feet, very funny everyone thought, except me
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    OK, here's my latest (3 weeks ago I think, knee is still sore)


    Embarassing for all sorts of reasons... It was 3 corners from the end of the last descent on a week long holiday, so "last ride crash" cliche'd... It wasn't a hard bit of trail, and I shouldn't have crashed on it in a million years but I was so infuriated by the dog-slow frenchman tripodding round all the corners that I forgot to ride my bike... And over the week I'd ridden some of the daftest, hardest stuff I ever have and come through unscathed. Oh and then I fall over again before I even get on the bike

    In other words, I suck. But just look how far I rolled!
    Uncompromising extremist
  • peter413
    peter413 Posts: 5,120
    Northwind wrote:
    OK, here's my latest (3 weeks ago I think, knee is still sore)


    Embarassing for all sorts of reasons... It was 3 corners from the end of the last descent on a week long holiday, so "last ride crash" cliche'd... It wasn't a hard bit of trail, and I shouldn't have crashed on it in a million years but I was so infuriated by the dog-slow frenchman tripodding round all the corners that I forgot to ride my bike... And over the week I'd ridden some of the daftest, hardest stuff I ever have and come through unscathed. Oh and then I fall over again before I even get on the bike

    In other words, I suck. But just look how far I rolled!

    BIG LOL, especially when you fell over agian :lol::lol::lol:

    But the quality is TERRIBLE man, use the stuff you used for your other vids
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    WMM can't handle mp4 unfortunately. This is my first crack with that software, frankly it's horrible, so I ended up with some brutally compressed format. That's from the HD Gopro too! So off to try Sony Vegas I guess.
    Uncompromising extremist
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Sony Vegas is AWESOME!
    You should be fine with the cheapo home studio version, whatever it's called. It's like £40 or something.
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    Just downloading the trial now. That Powerdirector was pure venomous mince though. What does the undo button do? Oh, it doesn't undo the last thing I did, it undoes some random thing I did 5 minutes ago. What does the redo button do? Nothing. The image stabiliser's and colour correction are both good though.
    Uncompromising extremist