Promax V Brake Plastic Spacer issue.

richardstan Posts: 8
edited September 2010 in MTB workshop & tech
The plastic spacer that acts as a spring on my promax v brakes has sliced itself down the middle and into bits, so there is no spring back when the brakes are released.

I've got two questions:

What is this part called so that I can get a replacement? There seems to be very little written about them.

How do I fix it back onto the brake system once i get a part. Boths ends of the brake cable are terminated with parts that are larger than the diameter of the spacer's holes.




  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    Never seen a spacer tensioning brakes. Got a pic? Should have springs behind the arms.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

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  • Andy B
    Andy B Posts: 8,115
    You won't be able to get the parts easily if at all, it's a common fault with those brakes, seen plenty of them come in for repair @ the shop.

    Time for an upgrade to something like Avid or Shimano V brakes.
  • Which of avid or shimano would you go for?
    Ill probably get them depending on cost, durability and how easy they are to maintain.

  • Im not going to be doing any jumps or backflips so they dont need to be super strong, just enough for commuting and occasional off road.
  • Andy B
    Andy B Posts: 8,115
    These: ... elID=34700 will do the job nicely and are good value
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    If you were doing backflips then you wouldn't need very powerful brakes, since your wheels aren't on the ground :wink:
  • yeehaamcgee what about the landing?

    Do I need to purchase the brake cable (i.e. metal bend and plastic spacer attached to it) separately to get these brakes to work?

    I really have an issue with the crap plastic part that was used on the promax brakes. Could this be solved be getting a new cable and not a whole new braking system?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    You don't generally need brakes when landing either. Jumping is not one of the high-speed aspects of mountain biking where brakes are pushed to their limits.

    I would highly recommend Avid V-brakes as a large step up from Promax.
  • so you'd do a whole downhill track with no brakes?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    What? NO!
    But I generally wouldn't do backflips on a DH track either.
    I think either you're trying a wind-up, or you're getting your MTBing disciplines mixed up.
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    Avid. Replace the callipers and levers.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

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