Follow the dog.....rollers.....WIPEout!!!



  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Fair enough. Monkeys aren't known for their cycling prowess. Their funky hands, and odd hips cause issues apparently.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    We should meet up there and show everyone our sikk 2 the powa of RAD skillz.

    we should, our skillz are very radcore, or more mildcore in my case but either way, we could feed off each other at cannock
  • Fair enough. Monkeys aren't known for their cycling prowess. Their funky hands, and odd hips cause issues apparently.

    You'd expect them to be fully at home on the Monkey Trail though*

    *(yes, I'm well aware that was FtD, Keith and I were about 5minutes behind them when the vid was taken, having hunted them down being all stealthy and stuff)
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Monkey hunting?
    I like hunting monkeys. I don't shoot them though. I just sneak up on them and give them a good spanking. That way you can do it again some other day.
  • bails87
    bails87 Posts: 12,998
    Monkey hunting?
    I like hunting monkeys. I don't shoot them though. I just sneak up on them and give them a good spanking. That way you can do it again some other day.

    Or several times in the same day.

    I'm especially stoked about monkeys.

    "As I said last time, it won't happen again."
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    you wouldn't know a monkey if it spanked you in the face.
  • mak3m
    mak3m Posts: 1,394

    although i fear we may be off topic :D
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    i was working on mount kenya once and was given the job of monkey hunter. if any monkeys came into the area we were in i had to shoot them.

    it sounded cool to me until i realised the reason i was given the job was cause no one else wanted to carry the gun and bullets up the mountain along with the chainsaw and generator and all of the other tools we needed.

    either way, i was stoked and it was rad.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Sheepsteeth, it sounds like you'd love a day out we tried to plan once, where we'd get a rubber dingy, 48 cans of stella, a few shotguns, and head off the coast of Anglesey to shoot seagulls.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Sheepsteeth, it sounds like you'd love a day out we tried to plan once, where we'd get a rubber dingy, 48 cans of stella, a few shotguns, and head off the coast of Anglesey to shoot seagulls.

    sounds awesome, inflatable boats and shotguns are 2 ingredients of a brilliant idea!!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Yeah, and add copious amounts of beer, and you've got all three!
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
  • I've never had a problem with the rollers but then I've never tried to jump and clear one.
    I just pump as best I can to get some air on the last.
    Apparently they are the number one accident spot on the route though. I think another factor though is that it is right at the end so people have switched off a bit and are thinking about their bacon sarnie.
    I remember seeing one young lad there once who had come a cropper and had face planted. His dad made me laugh though as he took him into the toilets muttering 'Lets get you cleaned up before your mother kills me' :lol:
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Darren555 wrote:
    His dad made me laugh though as he took him into the toilets muttering 'Lets get you cleaned up before your mother kills me' :lol:
    haha, thats how i would do parenting.
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 2,086
    The rollers at the end of the dog are actually funding the trail, just as the old Skinny used to do.

    We have a laser tripped camera set up every time a rider enters the rollers which records a rider's complete trip through the section.

    Thus far we've added thousands to our beer fund selling the video clips to You've Been Framed.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Alex wrote:
    The rollers at the end of the dog are actually funding the trail, just as the old Skinny used to do.

    We have a laser tripped camera set up every time a rider enters the rollers which records a rider's complete trip through the section.

    Thus far we've added thousands to our beer fund selling the video clips to You've Been Framed.

    nice attitude.

    do you ever wonder why you wish there were more volunteers?

    (if you personally dont wish there were more, your fellow builders do, as the alternative is your spaghetti arms carrying barrows up and down the trail.)

    its because the digging and building is represented by cheesewands like you.
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 2,086
    Grow a sense of humour. This is the Internet, not a job interview for the daily mail.
  • _jon_
    _jon_ Posts: 366
    Not long after the new trail opened, I was going over the rollers and looked up to see someone taking photos of me going over them! (looked a bit like Bill Oddie).

    The roller sections (and berms after it) don't seem to flow as well now that they have modified them (for health and safety reasons?). I think they may have also shortened the first berm?
  • Samps
    Samps Posts: 10
    Interesting! I went into the exact same section carring far to much speed from the fast flowy section above and had a nasty wipeout myself six weeks ago, subsequently breaking my foot! I haven't been on the bike since as it's still not healed!

    I don't crash to often either and 99 times out of 100 I normally get straight back on the bike with just a few cuts and bruises etc. Don't let it bother you, as said if you aren't crashing now and again you can't be trying hard enough.
  • I know when we did it, I'd been pre-warned about these rollers so I knew they were coming. But as said above, the section before is quite swoopy, and you come out carrying a fair bit of speed. With the rest of the trail being relatively "jumpy" too, I can see how it's quite tempting to just launch over them without really thinking it through.

    At least you know for next time now.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Darren555 wrote:
    His dad made me laugh though as he took him into the toilets muttering 'Lets get you cleaned up before your mother kills me' :lol:
    haha, thats how i would do parenting.
    My dad used to just laugh and call me a prat. I used to do the same with him. We had a great father-son relationship on the bikes :lol: