Manchester 100



  • benjboy
    benjboy Posts: 258
    Just got back from the 100,great day 100 miles in 5 hours 15 min and an avg of 19.5 mph.Very happy with that but did have the help of Manchester wheelers for a while and a couple of fast groups after that.As i said great day and good weather apart from the wind at times. Be up for it next year.
    Keep the chain tight all the way.
  • fossyant
    fossyant Posts: 2,549
    5:11 here and suffered cramp in the last 30 miles..... pleased with that given the wind.
  • 5-15 for us as well
    rossendale road club group of 6 of us
  • Velonutter
    Velonutter Posts: 2,437
    Well this event is just superb, it is marshalled all the way, superbly run, I can wholeheaterdly recommend it.

    The first 55 Miles we averaged 19.7 mph, but I knew I was going to pay for it, as I got dropped by my mates and ended up riding solo for 30-40 miles.

    For those interested, here's my stats: -

    Distance 100.66 Miles
    Average speed 18.5 mph
    Time 5hours 26 Min's and 45 secs
    Climbs/Mole Hills :D 3012ft

    My heart beat was in Zone 4 for 87 miles!

    We are guessing but probably 5000 riders!
  • wow what a brilliant day. Unfortunately we got caught up in the big traffic jam coming in from liverpool and didnt get to start till about twenty past 8 with loads doing the 100k, but what a laugh. and how well marshalled. Great atmos, great day and a great course even though we did follow some dude who thought he knew the route....up the wrong road, still 101 miles cant be bad.
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    Wow - some fast times there. Are you taking out the time for the compulsory stop at Nantwich?
    I rode in the Seamons group - we did 5.08 (if you take out the stop) 5.34 total ride time start to finish including all stops. I died a bit towards the end. We seemed to be going so fast that I couldn't find time to eat, and I paid for it.
    Great day though. Really must get sub 5 hours next year.
  • kingrollo
    kingrollo Posts: 3,198
    Done loads of charity rides before - but this was my first 100.

    A good day and well worth the £18 fee - I was with a less fit friend so my average was only 14.5.

    Thought it was a bit chaotic at the start I saw 2 crashes in the 4 miles - and marshall on the exit nearly directed a car into me.

    There was a guy having a right go at marshall, at one of the stops as he had missed a turn and done an extra 8 miles. I thought this was disgusting, there were flourescent signs everywhere, you have to take some responsibility for navigation yourself - quite how anyone could get lost was beyond me. I beleive the marshals are volunteers - and shouldn't be subjected to this - when they are doing there best to put the event on.

    I regularly do birmingham to oxford run, organised by bike events - and to be honest didn't find this route as scenic, and busier - with more main roads..

    None the less an enjoyable day - thanks for those that organised it.
  • It was a great day, albeit a little too windy for my liking. It seemed to be in your face all the way round. I found it much tougher this year than last even though Im a hell of a lot fitter.

    I did it with a friend who was suffering with his back on his first century and my Garmin died at 49 miles as I forgot to charge it, (doh!!) so Im not too sure what time I did.

    My racing snake 17 year old nephew managed 4hrs 40!!

    (I was the chap in the Ribble Valley kit btw if anyone saw me)
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    well done your nephew!! that is fantastic :D
  • Not a good day for me unfortunately. Had to stop and retire at the Middlewich food stop due to chronic knee pain that I couldn't put any pressure at all on my right leg :( . Up until then though was having a great ride. Very well marshaled and sign posted and good atmosphere all round. Oh well will have to see hoe soon I can get booked in at the physio tomorrow. There always next year :D
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    bad luck Phil :(:(
    hope to see you on another ride or if i'm cycling to SB, I'll call in the garage
  • pickled
    pickled Posts: 439
    Awesome day. Superbly marshalled as others have said.
    managed to cling on to the back of Karens seamons group for 20 miles, but severely paid for it later! Finished in 5.55 with 17 av.
    Still got a target for next year.... Might even eat more next time!
  • ellie.velo wrote:
    I'm offically starting at 7:10 but my mates have all got 7:00 start times :?

    Say hi if you see a guy wit a Edinburgh cycles top on a red bianchi :D

    Ever so slightly off topic..... Fungus was you at the cafe at Rivington on Monday?

    Hiya hun. No not me though I move to Tyldesley on the 20th of this month so Rivvy will become my training loop. So you'll more than likely see me then especially if out with the 30+ chaps and chapettes :D

    As for the 100 Pretty happy with my time. This was only my second ride since doing L2P in June. I did 30 miles on fri to see how I'd feel. Felt fine so did the 100 miler. I managed to turn my garmin off after the main stop so lost roughly 9/10 miles. But working out the total time and taking out stopping time I probs did it in 6hrs 30 mins.

    It was a great day out, really enjoyed the ride even though I did it virtually on my own and not with the guys I was supposed to. I will definately be back next year with a target time to smash to pieces.
    Bianchi. There are no alternatives only compromises!
    I RIDE A KONA CADABRA -would you like to come and have a play with my magic link?
  • Velonutter
    Velonutter Posts: 2,437
    Anyone know who was doing the photography on the day?

    There was a keen photographer at about 20-30 miles, on a small incline on the right hand side, but I can't find any records of the company doing it?
  • zoglug
    zoglug Posts: 212
    I too did the ride, my first Century and was very happy. Had set myself a time of 7 hours and came across the line in 6:27 so was really happy. Began to struggle at 80 miles and the hill at Styal almost got the better of me!!!

    If i can stay motivated throughout the winter i think ill be aiming for a sub 6 hour time next year. The only problem is this ride always falls on the weekend of my birthday and i had to abstain from a good old drink which i like! :D

    Great event and highly recommended!
  • Excellent ride, lovely scenery and well marshalled. Miles better than Manc - Blackpool.

    Did the 100k in 3:30. I cycled to Wythenshawe Park and back adding another 16 miles. Total - 75 miles in 4:20. 17.5 average.

    I had plently in reserve so think I'll give the 100 a crack next year.
  • Tonymufc
    Tonymufc Posts: 1,016
    We did it yesterday as well. Marshaling was first class. However whatever time we had planned went out the window in the first five minutes. One of our group had crashed just after leaving the park. then another member of the group suffered three punctures. the first came at 10 miles, the second at 30 miles and the third at 75 miles. We did get plenty of mileage (excuse the pun) out of taking the p1ss out of him.
  • People got plenty of mileage out of me yesterday by using me as a wind stopper for a rest.

    I wasn't all that bothered as I was just out to ride my own ride.

    There was on guy inparticular who would draft me to rest then zoom off so I couldn't draft him only to blow up several hundred metres later. Then attempt to draft me again after I over took him :?

    If you wore a union jack flag jersey with Jack on the back. Then you know who I'm going on about :wink:
    Bianchi. There are no alternatives only compromises!
    I RIDE A KONA CADABRA -would you like to come and have a play with my magic link?
  • KulaBen
    KulaBen Posts: 220
    My team of 4 fairly unfit novices trundled round the 100km in about 6 hours, that said with a long pub lunch and beer! Great atmosphere and I thought well organised/marshalled, i'll be definately doing it again next year. I was however appalled at some of the people driving- people seemed to just want to go through riders than around them. A taxi driver nearly wiped out 4 people up the hill in Styal!

    I'd like to say thanks to the guys at Bikeshak in Alty who recommended I take some energy bars and drink, I suspect i'd have struggled a bit if not properly fuelled.

    Getting back on my mountain bike will be a shock!
  • We had a decent day out - 5:25 ride time, which is reasonable as we did a bit of slowing down to wait for each other and I've done very little cycling this year.

    Not sure I'd agree about the marshalling though - many were excellent, but there were quite a few disinterested types who were just sat on their deck chairs 30m from the junction on their phone. I'm not really sure why they have quite that many marshalls, actually - as someone said the signage is excellent so I'm not sure every junction needs a person sitting there (unless it's to stop locals nicking the signs!).

    What was good, and I've not seen this at this event before, was the number of motorbike marshalls around - thankfully we didn't need them but it was good to know they were up and down the road.

    Saw a nasty crash somewhere near Northwich - guy behind us took a fall, but seemed to be sitting up ok with people with him - hope you're ok matey.
  • Seems like a lot of first timers...this was my first 100, in fact, the first time Ive done more than 70. Got a bit carried away following the seamons group like some others, but could not decide which would kill me first, the pace or the wind if I dropped off.

    Only bad thing was my brand new gamin 705 crashed on plugging it into the computer, spent half the morning on the phone to them - all gone!

    I remember my avg speed, 18.3 but little else, turns out that equates to 5:28 (ish). Sounds right, finished at 13:11. Very happy with that!

    Great ride, really well marshalled and signposted, good food stop at 55 miles and loads of considerate riders.

  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    Seems like a lot of first timers...this was my first 100, in fact, the first time Ive done more than 70. Got a bit carried away following the seamons group like some others, but could not decide which would kill me first, the pace or the wind if I dropped off.


    If it's any consolation, I had exactly the same thoughts.....
  • Just wow!

    I signed up for the 100Km ride at the start of the summer in the hope that it would encourage me to spend months training and getting in shape... it didn't... but I did the ride anyway.

    I'm a bit of a fatty, around 19 stone, and I did next to no training... but I completed the 100km in around 4hr 40 (including a couple of decent stops for food/drink/sit downs).

    I felt great when I finished, especially as I was this close >< to not going for it.

    I still feel pretty buzzed... so much so that I'm pretty sure I'm going to go for the Brighton 50 mile on the 26th Sept.

    I'm hoping this is the start of something; drop a few stone and get faster or further...
    '12 CAAD 8 Tiagra
  • I was on for the 100 but as I spent all last week knocked out with man flu, didn't start eating again until Thursday (and only started feeling human on saturday) so I figured best not push it, despite feeling good I bailed out onto the short route. The only problem was I seemed to be the first person on it and I only saw 2 other guys (came past me) for the ramining 35 miles :)

    Got a little bored but enjoyed the silence
  • Velonutter
    Velonutter Posts: 2,437
    The pictures are on

    Thanks, it took me all morning to go through them, but finally found my group. 8)