Manchester 100

David100 Posts: 24
Just wondering if many people will be doing the Manchester 100 this weekend?

I did the Manchester to Blackpool in July and it was a great ride, what can I expect from this one?

Hoping that this one goes well I'm going to look at doing some sportives too.


  • pdstsp
    pdstsp Posts: 1,264
    I may do it, though got an entry to the Cumberland Challenge as well, though family commitments look like conspiring against making that one!!

    The Manc100 is a nice ride - pretty flat except for a few bumps, particularly one very near the end which sees some casual riders walking. Good atmosphere, half way stop is a cafe arrangement where you buy butties, cakes etc and can refill bottles. Course is well signed and normally well marshalled too and follows mainly quietish roads.

    Enjoy - particularly if the weather's good.

  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    yep, I'm doing it. :)
  • I'm also planning to do it.
    Popette I've been told by by a certain Eric and Annette I've got to introduce myself to you when I see you on an event, so I'll try to keep my eyes open. What is your start time?
    Phil (Smithy Garage, Sandbach)
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    ah! Phil :D hellooooooo. Think i'll be going around 7 - will be in my Seamons CC stuff. Hope to see you there x
  • I'm not sure I'll be out quite that early. Planning to start around 7:30 (If i can get out of bed early enough).
    Hopefully see you there :D
  • fossyant
    fossyant Posts: 2,549
    7.00am start for me - weather looking good.
  • Solis
    Solis Posts: 166
    Officialy 7:10 for me but will probably get there aiming for a 7:40'ish start.
  • I'm offically starting at 7:10 but my mates have all got 7:00 start times :?

    Say hi if you see a guy wit a Edinburgh cycles top on a red bianchi :D
    Bianchi. There are no alternatives only compromises!
    I RIDE A KONA CADABRA -would you like to come and have a play with my magic link?
  • izza
    izza Posts: 1,561
    Can't make it as bike is off the road for the time being.

    Am visiting family in Hale over weekend so could well come along to cheer people in/out/along.
  • I normally do it but this year I'm going to watch the Penny Farthing racing in Knutsford on the same day.
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    i'm hoping to do that later on - sounds great doesn't it?
  • Velonutter
    Velonutter Posts: 2,437
    The site did say 7-8 sign on and 8-9 start, is that correct, but looking at the site now it says a start time of 7-8...hmmm..confusing :?
  • pickled
    pickled Posts: 439
    I'll be doing it with a mate. 7am start :shock:

    I'll be all in black on a green Bianchi.
    It'll be my first century ride if my ITB doesn't interfere....
  • bennj
    bennj Posts: 76
    I will be there too and I will also be popping my century cherry!! I hope...
    STOP!......... Carry on!

    Roadie FCN 2
    when commuting FCN 5
    MTB FCN 10
  • fossyant
    fossyant Posts: 2,549
    Slow-N-Old wrote:
    The site did say 7-8 sign on and 8-9 start, is that correct, but looking at the site now it says a start time of 7-8...hmmm..confusing :?

    It's 7-8am start for 100 miles, 8-9am for 100 km.

    If you've already registered, you just ride - no need to sign on, as there are no chips or numbers to collect (you should already have your number).
  • KulaBen
    KulaBen Posts: 220
    I'll be there! First time i've done anything like this, and i'm probably woefully underprepared but looking forward to it!

    Penny farthing racing you say??
  • sturmey
    sturmey Posts: 964
    Forget about start times(or finishing times for that matter) or race numbers or any of that-it's all completely irrelevant.

    You just turn up and set off.

    Organisation at the start= Zero.

    Question: how do they distinguish between those who registered for the event and those who didn't?

    Answer: they don't.

    Oh...except they make £17 out of those who did.
  • a_n_t
    a_n_t Posts: 2,011
    sturmey wrote:

    Oh...except they make £17 out of those who did.

    None of which goes to christies :cry:
    Manchester wheelers

    10m 20:21 2014
    25m 53:18 20:13
    50m 1:57:12 2013
    100m Yeah right.
  • pickled
    pickled Posts: 439
    sturmey wrote:
    Forget about start times(or finishing times for that matter) or race numbers or any of that-it's all completely irrelevant.

    You just turn up and set off.

    Organisation at the start= Zero.

    Question: how do they distinguish between those who registered for the event and those who didn't?

    Answer: they don't.

    Oh...except they make £17 out of those who did.

    Even better, you could ride the same route the week after and there won't be as many bikes on the road.

    a_n_t wrote:
    sturmey wrote:

    Oh...except they make £17 out of those who did.

    None of which goes to christies :cry:

    Didn't realise this. (Are you sure? I can't find anything on the website about it)
    That's a real shame, although I've raised some sponsorship personally anyway, as I'm sure many other people have.
    Which is pretty much the point of these kind of events anyway.

    I'm sure everyone realises you can get on your bike any day of the week and go and ride a hundred miles...
  • jgsi
    jgsi Posts: 5,062
    I thought Sportives were essentially a personal challenge, backed up by a riding fee that gives 1 or more feed stops, opportunity to time the ride, opportunity to ride in a small group for a faster effort, the insurance of a sag wagon if you have a major mechanical etc etc
    The riding fee because it is a significant amount should always include an element for the chosen charity if the sportive has been promoted on that bias.
    Sounds like this one will have a good route, good weather but a few disgruntled participants.
  • Velonutter
    Velonutter Posts: 2,437
    fossyant wrote:
    Slow-N-Old wrote:
    The site did say 7-8 sign on and 8-9 start, is that correct, but looking at the site now it says a start time of 7-8...hmmm..confusing :?

    It's 7-8am start for 100 miles, 8-9am for 100 km.

    If you've already registered, you just ride - no need to sign on, as there are no chips or numbers to collect (you should already have your number).

    Nope haven't pre-registered as didn't want to ride if the weather was bad, so taking the hit for the extra to pay.

    We'll get there about 07:30 and just take a chance.
  • Anyone got a tcx file of the route?
  • fossyant
    fossyant Posts: 2,549
    Here is a gpx...

    From a year or two ago, not mine, but they mainly stick to the same route - may be changes due to road works(if there is any), but this looks's the one I'll be using.
  • Cheers mate.
  • Yep, I'll be out as well. First organised century since Spud earlier this year (last man home on that one about two hours after limit!). Start time 0750 so should be back at Wythenshawe for midnight. I'll be on a red Giant with white tyres when you go past.

    Good luck everyone! :wink:
  • I shall be doing this one and shall expect many a cheery wave from forumites. Last one backs a sissy. good luck chaps, weather looks fine so enjoy.
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • I'm offically starting at 7:10 but my mates have all got 7:00 start times :?

    Say hi if you see a guy wit a Edinburgh cycles top on a red bianchi :D

    Ever so slightly off topic..... Fungus was you at the cafe at Rivington on Monday?
  • Velonutter
    Velonutter Posts: 2,437
    fossyant wrote:
    Here is a gpx...

    From a year or two ago, not mine, but they mainly stick to the same route - may be changes due to road works(if there is any), but this looks's the one I'll be using.

    Thanks Fossy
  • Signed up for the ride on Thursday (when the weather was looking good!) first time doing this even for me. Aiming to get started about 7.30. I've not received any email details about the start and the website seems a bit sketchy. I'm guessing I just turn up, sign and ride.

    The route seems good- I know the east half well as it's pretty local. I've not spotted any killer climbs which is probably good- just getting over some food poisoning so not feeling my most dynamic! I'll be on a white Planet X bike with a grey 'pick n pay' jersey.

    See you all there!