Cannock v Sherwood Pines



  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,594
    Dude, with Ladegglla follow the fact the trail is crap for a welsh trail bar the black bits, so milk them hard!
  • Fully
    Fully Posts: 257
    The Lower Cliff and Upper Cliff sections of the Monkey are as good as the black sections at 'Degla. The new ending is good too, but not as good as the aforementioned imo.

    The geography on the part of the Chase where the Monkey is, is very different to the FTD side, it is almost all steep sided valleys which make for great singletrack climbs and very good descents. The climbs are better than any climbs i've ridden at trail centres except maybe the first climb at Cwmcarn (Obviously not as long though either). It's still not worth a long trip if you have to go past other good riding areas, but for the area it is immense, and an improvement over FTD that no one could have seen coming. A lot of the off piste trails branch off the Monkey too.
    Forget your heart, it's your bank i wanna break, it's just yer money i'm after baby...

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