Joplin seatpost, will it hold my bike?



  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Oh good. When you're done with it, could you let me know where it is? There's adverts on, and I can;t find the remote.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Hmm, I ordered it from CRC at lunchtime, and got an order received email immedaitely, but still haven't got an "order complete" email yet. :? :(
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Right, Joplin 4 arrived just before lunch, and it is now fitted to the bike. I've been out for a very quick blast on it, and it really is a neat piece of kit.
    STUPIDLY, mind numbingly expensive, but still, good stuff.

    Also, I've scanned through the manual/maintenance instructions, and I can't see it mentioned anywhere that I should not hang the bike from the saddle. In fact, it appears that there's a pretty sturdy bolt holding the stanchion into the main tube, so it should be ok.