spitting and nose flooching

odichu Posts: 116
edited August 2010 in Commuting chat
I made up the word flooch because I don't know what to call the act of exhaling snot from one nostril whilst covering the other with ones finger or thumb.

Spitting I think, without due care and consideration of your fellow cyclists is just as bad but there's generally more liquid from a big phlobb from the mouth which is most unpleasant should it land on your bare skin or worst on your new gear :cry:

Anyway I have been unfortunate enough to have cycled into a few in my time, they're all horrible memories of riding into work but the worst was a big mouth hurl which found its way to my face. I'll never forget it.

Spitting and flooching are sometimes necessary especially in a city, but some etiquette needs to be developed so we can all ride flooch and gob free into work or play.

Your best stories are welcome :)


  • whyamihere
    whyamihere Posts: 7,714
    It's called a snot rocket.
  • odichu
    odichu Posts: 116
  • odichu
    odichu Posts: 116
    Maybe its why some insist on muscling their way to the front of the bike box at lights or jump lights altogether,

    All makes sense now.
  • mtb-idle
    mtb-idle Posts: 2,179
    useful to discourage wheel suckers :wink:
    FCN = 4
  • Expectorating whilst cycling (or anywhere) is a vile habit and I'm tempted to side with those who would go so far as to make it illegal. I believe it is illegal in Singapore. However most people who find an insect flying into their mouths would spit it out without hesitation (hopefully having checked that there's nobody close behind).

    Its still disgusting though :evil:
  • ndru
    ndru Posts: 382
    Why don't you just pull over and use a tissue?
  • Save them up for open top cars :D
  • Riding alone for the most part means I don't have to worry too much about where my "snot rockets" land (great phrase BTW, I'm using it at the next available opportunity).

    On the subject of etiquette I'd probably suggest that if you are riding behind someone then a cheery "hello" should alert them to your presence and prevent any nasal jetsam coming your way. I have no problem with anyone drafting me as I'm a pretty good windbreak but make sure you let me know you're there so I don't "flooch" on you :wink:

    Getting rid of a grolly via spitting whilst in a town should be done the same way as when you're riding in a group, they are spat down between your leg and your arm with sufficient vigour as to contact the ground as soon as possible :lol: That way it looks like you are getting rid of superfluous fluid rather than gozzing on someone’s town / village
  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    I'm afraid I do it all the time. My nose runs like crazy when I cycle and I also feel the need to spit. Don't know why. I barely ever have anyone right behind me, although I think I may possibly have hit motorcyclists as they whizz past my right earlobe in the bus lane. One time I had a guy wheel sucking behind me, I tried not to flob on him but wasn't sure he was there. At one point he said "watch the spitting mate", as he drafted behind me. I didn't say anything but I was thinking, well if you want to suck my wheel I'm afraid it's an occupational hazard, I didn't ask you to sit on my rear wheel...
    Do not write below this line. Office use only.
  • Butterd2
    Butterd2 Posts: 937
    I'm afraid I have to "snot rocket" regularly during cold spells but weirdly only ever from the left barrel? If I stopped to blow my nose every time it would be quicker to walk. Never feel the need to spit though.
    Scott CR-1 (FCN 4)
    Pace RC200 FG Conversion (FCN 5)
    Giant Trance X

    My collection of Cols
  • Expectorating whilst cycling (or anywhere) is a vile habit and I'm tempted to side with those who would go so far as to make it illegal. I believe it is illegal in Singapore. However most people who find an insect flying into their mouths would spit it out without hesitation (hopefully having checked that there's nobody close behind).

    Its still disgusting though :evil:

    + several.

    If your nose is running, bring tissues.
  • jonginge
    jonginge Posts: 5,945
    It's grim. There's no excuse for not looking behind before you let fly.
    FCN 2-4 "Shut up legs", Jens Voigt
    Planet-x Scott
  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    Butterd2 wrote:
    I'm afraid I have to "snot rocket" regularly during cold spells but weirdly only ever from the left barrel? If I stopped to blow my nose every time it would be quicker to walk. Never feel the need to spit though.

    I agree. It's fine as long as you don't spit on pedestrians or other cyclists, however I'm afriad if you draft behind me, it's a problem you'll have to deal with. I can't be stopping every 10 metres to blow my nose! As you say, it would be quicker to walk!
    Do not write below this line. Office use only.
  • Gross! Seriously, that is really inexcusable.

    You don't have to stop to use a tissue. Well, I don't.
  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    Gross! Seriously, that is really inexcusable.

    You don't have to stop to use a tissue. Well, I don't.

    I guess we have to agree to differ. I don't see a problem with a bit of spit on the road. Car and bike tyres aren't sensitive...
    Do not write below this line. Office use only.
  • Gross! Seriously, that is really inexcusable.

    You don't have to stop to use a tissue. Well, I don't.

    I guess we have to agree to differ. I don't see a problem with a bit of spit on the road. Car and bike tyres aren't sensitive...

    I think you're (probably deliberately) missing my point.
  • Gross! Seriously, that is really inexcusable.

    You don't have to stop to use a tissue. Well, I don't.

    I guess we have to agree to differ. I don't see a problem with a bit of spit on the road. Car and bike tyres aren't sensitive...

    I think you're (probably deliberately) missing my point.

    HeadHunter thinks spitting is OK you do not. The problem only arises if you choose to argue over whose view point is right.
  • nzandy
    nzandy Posts: 5
    It's not only cyclists you have to watch out for - WVM almost gobbed on me the other day while I was filtering up the right hand side. He did seem surprised when I stared at him through the window a second later so I don't think he did it on purpose (well I hope not anyway).
  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    Gross! Seriously, that is really inexcusable.

    You don't have to stop to use a tissue. Well, I don't.

    I guess we have to agree to differ. I don't see a problem with a bit of spit on the road. Car and bike tyres aren't sensitive...

    I think you're (probably deliberately) missing my point.

    What? About tissues? I have a hanky stuffed in my pocket but using it whilst moving interrupts my breathing.... I find once I get a good pace up, using a hanky (or tissue) just slows me down and interrupts me.

    Seriously though, I'm not talking about sending huge great green blobs out, to be honest when I spit, not a lot comes out and it often goes on my own shoulder or onto my arm so it doesn't even make it onto the road or anyone that might be behind me (which there barely ever is). When I do it on the road it's usually on fast, main roads with few other cyclists about, mostly just cars....
    Do not write below this line. Office use only.
  • Gross! Seriously, that is really inexcusable.

    You don't have to stop to use a tissue. Well, I don't.

    I guess we have to agree to differ. I don't see a problem with a bit of spit on the road. Car and bike tyres aren't sensitive...

    I think you're (probably deliberately) missing my point.

    HeadHunter thinks spitting is OK you do not. The problem only arises if you choose to argue over whose view point is right.

    My word, thank goodness you came along to clear that up, I have to say that before that helpful explanation I was all at sea... I mean, it was hard to tell which one of us was pro- and which anti- spitting...

  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    nzandy wrote:
    It's not only cyclists you have to watch out for - WVM almost gobbed on me the other day while I was filtering up the right hand side. He did seem surprised when I stared at him through the window a second later so I don't think he did it on purpose (well I hope not anyway).

    I've seen WVM purposely gob on cyclists as they pass, or flick fag butts onto them!
    Do not write below this line. Office use only.
  • gbsahne001
    gbsahne001 Posts: 1,973
    leads to the question, do you spit or swallow..

    (ducks, and exits...)
  • mcj78
    mcj78 Posts: 634
    Whilt agreeing it's not a very pleasant practice, I have to admit I occasionally (& as discretely as possible) clear my sinuses by the roadside - but only if there are no other cyclists, or even cars behind me & the adjacent pavement is clear of pedestrians - let's face it, it's not pretty is it... think along the lines of the the tree falling in the forest that no-one sees or hears.
    Moda Issimo
    Genesis Volare 853
    Charge Filter Apex
  • clairelc
    clairelc Posts: 49
    I had a fit of sneezes cycling home last night - wasn't entirely sure what I was meant to do there, considering my eyes always shut automatically when i sneeze and i'm sure that isn't a good thing whilst on the road. I must have subconsciously slowed down though, as I was suddenly overtaken by half of london*.

    *Not technically true, but felt like it at the time.
  • Clever Pun
    Clever Pun Posts: 6,778
    mcj78 wrote:
    Whilt agreeing it's not a very pleasant practice, I have to admit I occasionally (& as discretely as possible) clear my sinuses by the roadside - but only if there are no other cyclists, or even cars behind me & the adjacent pavement is clear of pedestrians - let's face it, it's not pretty is it... think along the lines of the the tree falling in the forest that no-one sees or hears.

    pretty much this, if I have to have a clear out then I'll check around me to avoid upsetting anyone

    I learnt this years ago when I was coming home from a ride and let loose a snot rocket and heard a silent wheelsucker shout Urrrgh.. I'm ashamed to say I was riding a hybrid
    Purveyor of sonic doom

    Very Hairy Roadie - FCN 4
    Fixed Pista- FCN 5
    Beared Bromptonite - FCN 14
  • Butterd2
    Butterd2 Posts: 937

    I agree. It's fine as long as you don't spit on pedestrians or other cyclists, however I'm afriad if you draft behind me, it's a problem you'll have to deal with. I can't be stopping every 10 metres to blow my nose! As you say, it would be quicker to walk![/quote]

    Quite, I'll be as discrete as possible and certainly not hit anyone else but I'm afraid I'll never be as perfect as LiT.
    Scott CR-1 (FCN 4)
    Pace RC200 FG Conversion (FCN 5)
    Giant Trance X

    My collection of Cols
  • Butterd2 wrote:

    I agree. It's fine as long as you don't spit on pedestrians or other cyclists, however I'm afriad if you draft behind me, it's a problem you'll have to deal with. I can't be stopping every 10 metres to blow my nose! As you say, it would be quicker to walk!

    Quite, I'll be as discrete as possible and certainly not hit anyone else but I'm afraid I'll never be as perfect as LiT.


    Nobody ever will. :P

    However, blowing your nose with a tissue while riding, and not spitting, is not exactly difficult.
  • NGale
    NGale Posts: 1,866
    I think the people of Toronto might be a little agreived at the thought that 'spitting in the street doesn't matter' after all it was that habbit by a section of the community there which saw SARS spread as quickly as it did.

    For me it is a habbit with grosses me out, I can't stand spitting on the football field (players who know me well enough know it makes me urge) and I especially can't stand it in the street, it's bad manners.

    As LiT has said, carry a packet of tissues and dispose of your bodily fluids properly!
    Officers don't run, it's undignified and panics the men
  • mcj78
    mcj78 Posts: 634
    What if you're riding in dusty/smoggy inner cities & need to, ahem, "clear a frog from your throat" so to speak? Would you realistically expect everyone to deposit said offending throat detritus into a tissue you presummably are holding in one hand, whilst using your free hand to navigate through heavy traffic at speed? Most of the time i'm reluctant to remove my hands from the bars even to indicate in case some fool pulls out in front of me / opens their door in my face etc. etc. nevermind depositing phlem in a tissue.

    On that subject - wouldn't a bar-mounted sputum jar be more apt for this purpose? I find disposable tissues quite crude, not a patch on a fine linen, obviously monogrammed, handkerchief. 8)

    Oh, and NGale - which section of the Toronto community are you accusing of being ill-mannered, disease spreading scoundrels?
    Moda Issimo
    Genesis Volare 853
    Charge Filter Apex
  • mcj78 wrote:
    What if you're riding in dusty/smoggy inner cities & need to, ahem, "clear a frog from your throat" so to speak? Would you realistically expect everyone to deposit said offending throat detritus into a tissue you presummably are holding in one hand, whilst using your free hand to navigate through heavy traffic at speed?

    Or dispose of said detritus into your stomach?