Does anyone here bike with their dogs?



  • Pork Sword
    Pork Sword Posts: 213
    Ive been out with my lab a couple of times, he an manage the black(for what its worth) run at thetford but then hes pretty knackered- the main issue seems to be with water on rides- hes not exactly built for speed so gets pretty hot at times and theres not always water to be had tried a travel bowl but its not enough for him to swim in !

    Pork Sword- he seems like a nice chap doesnt he.

    I'm a very, very, very, VERY nice man but take offence when surrounded by dumb animals... and I'm not talking about the dogs here folks...
    let all your saddles be comfy and all your rides less bumpy....
  • noted. lets not dwell on that point.

    its an interesting post tho- Ive seen several pros riding with their dogs- John Kirkaldie and Andrew Shandro instantly spring to mind, also theres a couple who are in "Home" who ride with their dog.
    Hell even "Bike" magazine ran an article on "trail dogs" last month - more of a pictoral piece but very very good.

    Theres clearly a lot of "Dumb Animals" riding with their dogs all over the world.... surely we cant all be wrong?!

    Can I ask what sparks such an impassioned response?
  • t0pc4t
    t0pc4t Posts: 947
    Raphe wrote:

    I’ve once had someone complain about my dogs on a trail when they accused me of not picking up dog shite. I went into my dog’s rucksack (sad I know, but they can carry their own damn stuff) and fished out a bag with massive steamer from the Great Dane and tried to hand it to them as evidence.
    where can one buy a dog rucksack?

    Also don't suppose you have a pic do you?
    Whether you're a king or a little street sweeper, sooner or later you'll dance with the reaper.

    Cube Curve 2009
    Giant Anthem X4

  • bails87
    bails87 Posts: 12,998
    Pork Sword wrote:
    Raphe wrote:
    One of the advantages of living in the ars* end of nowhere is that I rarely see anyone else on the mixed use trails I ride. It is especially nice given that there are wanks like Pork Sword about.

    Although mine are well trained I still put them on the lead when I spot people because then everyone knows they are fully under control. Generally when I do this people say thanks and come over for a chat and to pet the dogs and everyone goes away happy.

    I’ve once had someone complain about my dogs on a trail when they accused me of not picking up dog shite. I went into my dog’s rucksack (sad I know, but they can carry their own damn stuff) and fished out a bag with massive steamer from the Great Dane and tried to hand it to them as evidence.

    Mate... you're a tw@t! You probably smear dog meat on your meat and let your dogs lick it off too... but what can you expect from a Jock?

    Wow, a racist internet hardman who dreams about bestiality. I've always wanted to meet one of those.

    "As I said last time, it won't happen again."
  • Pork Sword
    Pork Sword Posts: 213
    edited August 2010
    "Wow, a racist internet hardman who dreams about bestiality. I've always wanted to meet one of those"

    Coming from the West Midands mate I'm surprised you haven't come across a few dogs yourself... the place is full of 'em!

    By the way, you can't be racist against someone of the same race - it's called xenophobia you bell-end!
    let all your saddles be comfy and all your rides less bumpy....
  • Pork Sword
    Pork Sword Posts: 213
    noted. lets not dwell on that point.

    its an interesting post tho- Ive seen several pros riding with their dogs- John Kirkaldie and Andrew Shandro instantly spring to mind, also theres a couple who are in "Home" who ride with their dog.
    Hell even "Bike" magazine ran an article on "trail dogs" last month - more of a pictoral piece but very very good.

    Theres clearly a lot of "Dumb Animals" riding with their dogs all over the world.... surely we cant all be wrong?!

    Can I ask what sparks such an impassioned response?

    I've nothing against you lot having a bit of fun with your dogs... whatever floats your boat, just please, keep it in the privacy of your own home for Chrit's sake!

    However - on a more serious note - how the hell can you try to justify such a mind-numbingly stupid exercise as having your dog tag along on a bike ride? If you insist on exercising with your dog, do the sensible thing and take it for a run around a park.
    I'm sick of dodging dogs on the local bike trail - it's just pure selfishness on the part of the dog owner...
    let all your saddles be comfy and all your rides less bumpy....
  • Raphe
    Raphe Posts: 48
    where can one buy a dog rucksack?
    Also don't suppose you have a pic do you?

    It is called a KeIty K9, I got mine when I was working in Houston, not sure if you can get them here. You do get other ones in the UK but I thought they were a bit big and bulky.

    I’ve got to be honest, you feel a bit stupid because you get funny looks but the dogs are not bothered and it beats carrying bags of dog crap about, no matter how well wrapped they are.
  • solsurf
    solsurf Posts: 489
    take my black lab on local tracks in the lakes where we are unlikely to meet others, and when I go to trail centres he stays at home. it took a bit of time to run along on behind the left of the bike but he is great now and great company out on the trails.
  • 5735_109878773981_585913981_2838099_6118841_n.jpg
  • yeah I don think that experience warrants a response like that? I thought maybe yod been savaged by a dog or maybe one had gotten a bit amorous while you were fixing a puncture?!

    Ive ridden in a couple of trail centres like penhydd and brechfa where dogs have been running with riders and tbh thre riders are more of an issue as they rarely move out of the way
    yes when they do some times the dog will try and run with you because theyre pack animals but if theyre well behaved enough to run off the leash then recall isnt an issue and they bugger off shortly
    never had a problem with other people riding with dogs
  • kaytronika
    kaytronika Posts: 580
    Honestly, I read

    'never had a problem with other people riding dogs'

    '09 Carrera Fury
    '94 GT Timberline FS
    '89 Saracen Tufftrax
  • I was very careful how i typed that
  • mikee1979
    mikee1979 Posts: 151
    I've no problems with people taking their dogs out with them when riding, if there are dog walkers on bridleways etc, then it makes no difference if the owner is cycling or walking with their dog. I would even take mine but she is too stupid and would chase every stone that comes from tyre and she would probably be scared of the bike and run off.