Suffolk Coast 60 - Sun. 8th August



  • I was going to say how tough the last mile was, was pretty happy with how the ride had gone and was still rearing to go knowing I only had a couple of miles , plenty of energy left, givng myself metaphorical pats on the back etc, but yea that last mile did seem harder than it should.
    here's a link to my garmin thing if you can see it.
    PS Its a bit of an odd one as not sure how I got the straight line home :D
  • Actually I just worked out the line.
    I popped out the other day but had to aobrt the ride, hence the split as I did not upload it.
    So even more pleased as it means I did the ride in 3 hours 32. :D
  • I swear that last mile was more like 3....!!
    Giant Rapid 3
  • dnrc
    dnrc Posts: 159
    It wasn't fun was it, that wind fair whipped acroos those fields!
  • dnrc wrote:
    It wasn't fun was it, that wind fair whipped acroos those fields!

    HAHA not much fun when you are the size of decent sail.(me)

    PS What time did you guys set off?
  • dnrc
    dnrc Posts: 159
    I left about 10:10 I was on a stag do the night before and misjudged the journey time and thought i would be late.

    All the stuff I got through said the start was between 8-10. So when i arrived at about 10 i was glad to see loads of people still not started and seemingly not in a rush to.
  • Fogliettaz
    Fogliettaz Posts: 180

    I started at 08.20 and finished at approx 12.45 need to invest in a small saddle bag that can carry at least 2 tubes. Have used this tyre and tube combination since April 2009 when I built the bike and only had one puncture until yesterday. Mind you some of those lanes were little more than cart tracks. Had a bad spell through Dunwich-Minsmere but felt good for the last 10 miles.
  • dnrc
    dnrc Posts: 159
    Get a topeak aero wedge strap on medium.

    It's perfect size for everything you are likely to need on a ride (as long as you don't need extra clothing)

    Looks good, well made and £13. Nothing there not to like.
  • I left at 8.15 got past a biig group a mile in, I know its not a race but was a bit fed up of peeps riding side by espcially down some of the smaller roads, really held me up.
    Anyway cleared them, did a few miles with a guy from Oldham and a couple of miles behind three guys cracking on at aorund 19-20mph.
    Funny little group they were. One was on a spesh hybrid (would have hated to be stuck with one hand position) and just normal looking shorts, the other guy was on liquigas cannondale, no helmet and beach shorts ! and the other guy had tree trunk legs and was riding a mountain bike with fat slicks.(no helmet)
  • dnrc
    dnrc Posts: 159
    Quick question, hopefully someone here will know.

    Are there any other events in the local area this year? I live in Norwich and just started cycling again in May so missed a fair bit.

    I've checked the major event sites. There doesnt seem to be much left to do without travelling a lot.
  • Fogliettaz
    Fogliettaz Posts: 180

    I rode with that group for about 2-3 miles one guy had a campag hat on? They dropped me at a junction and as they were at least 20 years younger and lighter than me (54 & 14 stone) I did not try to catch them!
  • not sure about the hat, but thought the liquigas bike and fat legged mountain biker was a better clue :D
  • Fogliettaz
    Fogliettaz Posts: 180
    2 groups had joined together and there were approx 10 of us for approx 2-3 miles about 20 miles in.
  • taz3611
    taz3611 Posts: 172
    I started at 8am. Went off with everyone, we all nearly missed a left hander just after the first marshal. I thought there were some fast-looking guys so I put the power down. After a few minutes I realised I was on my own. I did consider waiting but my competitive nature won through and I finished in 2:59. I was on a red Spesh Tarmac with American Classic carbon 58's (see my signature). I was feeling a bit lonely on the way round but pleased with my time at the finish. The worst bits for me were all the sand/grit on a lot of the smaller roads. Great North Bike Ride next!!! (29th August). Hopefully the wind will have died down for that.
  • Think I saw a tarmac go by me. I was the big fat guy in black on big black Allez
    nice time
  • right about the roads, hated having to get off for that footpath as well
  • orbeaorca
    orbeaorca Posts: 246
    right about the roads, hated having to get off for that footpath as well

    The small country lanes in Suffolk are not good for this type of ride or the Suffolk Sunrise which used far to many of them back in May, they are just to stop/start with constant junctions and poor surfaces.
  • my 3hours 32 is looking better all the time :D
  • taz3611
    taz3611 Posts: 172
    I live in Suffolk but a fair bit more inland than from where the ride took place. I've ridden in two other charity rides this year (St. Edmunds Wheel and Stow Lions Suffolk Villages ride) and I ride very regularly all over the county. I think the sandy roads used are the worst in the county. I assure you, the roads in Suffolk are not all like the ones covered in sand/grit. There are many roads of a similar size or category which are perfectly ridable. I wonder if it's a combination of the coastal climate and winds along with the sandy soil? The junctions are acceptable as the roads used were minor to avoid traffic and I think that small roads with relatively little traffic are a lot safer for a charity ride to use.
  • Hey dnrc, theres:

    Essex 100 on 5th September

    and there's a 50 miler for St Elizabeth Hospice near Ipswich on 12th ... res%29.pdf

    The roads round here are particularly bad after heavy rain - they get full of grit and sand off the banks. They suck wide balls. In their defence they tend to be fairly quiet.
    Giant Rapid 3
  • dnrc
    dnrc Posts: 159
    Thanks suffolkwheels, that's spot on.

    I had already seen the Essex 100 but can't make that, the St Elizabeth ride sounds like a winner though.
  • taz3611
    taz3611 Posts: 172
    I wasn't aware of the St. Elizabeth one. See you there!
  • chigman
    chigman Posts: 163
    I left at 8.15 got past a biig group a mile in, I know its not a race but was a bit fed up of peeps riding side by espcially down some of the smaller roads, really held me up.
    Anyway cleared them, did a few miles with a guy from Oldham and a couple of miles behind three guys cracking on at aorund 19-20mph.
    Funny little group they were. One was on a spesh hybrid (would have hated to be stuck with one hand position) and just normal looking shorts, the other guy was on liquigas cannondale, no helmet and beach shorts ! and the other guy had tree trunk legs and was riding a mountain bike with fat slicks.(no helmet)

    Hi PMSL :lol:

    I think those descriptions fit the bill for us three very well, only the bikes were not quite accurate. I was on a white Cube Hybrid wearing a blue helmet, my bro was on a Cannondale synapse, not wearing a helmet, and the tree trunk legged non helmet riding mountain-biker was young Scott who's only 26 but rode that bike like a madman and kept up with us all the way until right at the end when I managed to drop him and beat him by a minute 8)

    Well please with my performance, haven't done a ride like this for many years and have only been back riding for about five months, but managed to clock in at 3h 20 mins and averaged 17.5 mph :D

    We really enjoyed the ride but those bloody count down markers done mine and alot of peoples heads in, it seemed to take forever to do that last ten because of those markers. :evil:

    One other little moan was the not so well drilled stewards. At best most were about as useful as a chocolate tea pot, and that's me being kind. :lol::lol:

    Canyon Ultimate CF SLX 7.0
    Cube Crossteam Hybrid
  • Rezillo
    Rezillo Posts: 95
    edited August 2010
    I signed up to help escort my boss round. He did really well but I found I was fairly useless at keeping to a slower pace than I was used to. At one point, what I thought was the sound of his bike behind me was in fact one of a large group of riders with him at the back in the distance.

    The muddy corner at Wrentham was a bit dodgy. I'll see later if I can get a video still of it - I was using a bar-mounted ContourHD camera. There are a couple of very short clips at video here if anyone is interested in what the picture quality is like - I had a few queries on the way round about it.

    [edit] Bend exit pic - tracks all over the place here

    I was a bit surprised at some of the high speed overtaking, especially when we rejoined the short route return leg. Given it's marketed very much as a family event, a few riders seemed to be going flat out regardless of the traffic. There were quite a few startled swerves as some poor souls in front of me got carved up. The Suffolk Sunrise 100 in comparison seemed much more civilised.

  • taz3611
    taz3611 Posts: 172
    One other little moan was the not so well drilled stewards. At best most were about as useful as a chocolate tea pot, and that's me being kind.

    A couple of them actually checked up and down the road for traffic and either warned me or waved me on. The majority barely looked up from their phone or whatever else was occupying them. Makes you wonder why they bothered volunteering in the first place.
  • HI Chigman.
    No offence when I called you a 'funny' group. Just did not see ANY groups like yours :D
    You came passed me after about 15-20 miles I guess, and you were talking about a quick break at half way.
    I tagged on for a few miles (big bloke all in black on a black Spesh Allez) you then got away better at a junction and thought I 'd leave you to it. Didnt wanna sit on your back wheel for too much longer. :D
    PS Get some bloody drops, how can keep your hands like that for that distance?
  • PS Get some bloody drops, how can keep your hands like that for that distance?

    I gotta say...I ride with flats/bar ends and I STILL have 2 numb fingers on my right hand from Sunday.

    I feel a drops purchase coming....
    Giant Rapid 3
  • Chigman did'nt even have bar ends to shuffle about on !!
  • In which case +1 for 'how can keep your hands like that for that distance?'
    Giant Rapid 3
  • chigman
    chigman Posts: 163
    HI Chigman.
    No offence when I called you a 'funny' group. Just did not see ANY groups like yours :D
    You came passed me after about 15-20 miles I guess, and you were talking about a quick break at half way.
    I tagged on for a few miles (big bloke all in black on a black Spesh Allez) you then got away better at a junction and thought I 'd leave you to it. Didnt wanna sit on your back wheel for too much longer. :D
    PS Get some bloody drops, how can keep your hands like that for that distance?

    Ay-No offence taken matey-I knew what you meant :roll: :lol:

    Yes we was talking of a break at half way but, took it after 40 miles which was much better for us psychologically :D

    I thought my back tyre was looking a bit rough around the edges, it must have been you sucking on it. :D Oh By the way, I do remember seeing you and your bike, couldn't miss ya. :shock:

    I get on alright with the flaties, I just do no hands when I want to give them a rest. Maybe get a roadie in a year or two who knows, then I will be on the drops. For the moment though I'm liking this bike, and it keeps up with most stuff out there so not point in getting rid just yet. :)

    Canyon Ultimate CF SLX 7.0
    Cube Crossteam Hybrid