Cramp or something more in hamstrings?

Mr Smooth
Mr Smooth Posts: 70
On a ride on Sunday, about 65 miles in, I had a spasm of pain in the back of my right leg on the inside, about 4 inches above the knee. After a while it wore off, but there is a point that still feels sore in that area. I had a similar problem a day after a long ride, in the evening when my leg went into spasm and I couldn't put any weight on it for a few minutes. I think it is related to my hamstrings.

Is it just cramp - which I can cope with and try and keep properly hydrated, or is it more of a mechanical problem that might need physio or some sort of exercises? Strangely, I've just completed a 2 week tour, including some very long days in hot conditions without any problems, although I was never pushing on so hard as when I've had this problem.

Any guidance, references etc much appreciated.