who issdigusted with the BIKERADAR Sportive yesterday????



  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    I'd keep it simpler. Give the musettes out at the start to each race number. After that - the feed stations are just liquid. Saves messing around.
  • ONE OF THOSE ZIPVIT musettes for every rider would have kept the peace dampening the numerous complaints here I feel.

    on that note...... I am looking to get some musettes made for my club does any body know who makes the ZIPVIT RACE BAGS/ MUSETTES ? ?

    They are probably made in china but if anybody can give me a contact of the Manufacture it would be appreciated.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Team Sky gave out some funky ones at their launch too.
  • JamesB
    JamesB Posts: 1,184
    dead sheep wrote:
    I am going to do this event next year as know doubt the organisers will pull out all the stops to avoid any more negative comments in the future.

    I would love to share your optimism. However, there are a number of sportives that I have attended in the past that received justified and public criticism but the organisers continued to repeat the same mistakes.

    This yet another reason I am giving up on the sportive scene. Instead I shall be focussing on proper road racing and/or audaxes.

    Think I`m heading down that route too :) ---but not racing!! :roll: , just Audax with odd excepted sportive that has lived up to expectations in past comments
  • Amusingly after reading 8 pages of miffed folks here, the first letter on the letters page of this months C+ was one praising the BR sportive as the best he's ridden.

    As everything was so great why would they want to change it next year........ :roll:
  • softlad
    softlad Posts: 3,513
    Amusingly after reading 8 pages of miffed folks here, the first letter on the letters page of this months C+ was one praising the BR sportive as the best he's ridden.

    As everything was so great why would they want to change it next year........ :roll:

    I think the C+ editorial team were trained in North Korea.. ;)
  • Garz
    Garz Posts: 1,155
    I am going to do this event next year as know doubt the organisers will pull out all the stops to avoid any more negative comments in the future.

    I would like to attend this event too...
    however picking the bottom end of the country didn't sway me. Shall have to wait and see where they plan on staging the event for 2011.
  • rjh299
    rjh299 Posts: 721
    Amusingly after reading 8 pages of miffed folks here, the first letter on the letters page of this months C+ was one praising the BR sportive as the best he's ridden.

    As everything was so great why would they want to change it next year........ :roll:

    I thought of you guys and laughed when I saw the very first letter!
  • FransJacques
    FransJacques Posts: 2,148
    cougie wrote:
    I'd keep it simpler. Give the musettes out at the start to each race number. After that - the feed stations are just liquid. Saves messing around.
    that's actually a wizard idea - give people the gels or bars you would at a feed stops and let them carry them - maybe they'll learn to self medicate like a serious rider and stop being backwards luddites (actually a backward luddite is an early-adopter).

    Also it will give people more scope to skip stops where they don't need to b/c they have what they need already.

    And feed stops should be reduced to liquids only - stop - put foot down - fill bottle - take off. Should reduce the number of volunteers you need at feed stops. But from experience dolling out water is a chore: having 3 or worse 8 of those 30/40 liter large plastic gerry cans with a spigot is a pain - they're big and heavy and you have to fill them, but the riders love them b/c it's faster than a guy walking around with a 5L plastic bottle. Having tons of 1.5L bottles is a mess - one girl gashed her elbow deeply when she stepped on one in her cycle shoes and wiped out on the ground - this I saw in France.
    When a cyclist has a disagreement with a car; it's not who's right, it's who's left.