eurosport versus ITV



  • deejay
    deejay Posts: 3,138
    Allez Mark wrote:
    Eurosport everytime for me. I think Harmon is excellent. Sean Kelly is a god of cycling but I think Magnus Backstedt is the better co comentator.

    Magnus rarely says a word out of place IMHO - pretty much everything he says is relevant, informative and insightful.
    I think Sean Kelly has given up with this Idiot Harmon and Magnus will do the same if he is put alongside him for long.
    Since this motorbike cameraman (chain gang mountain biker in Essex) Harmon has got himself out of the Eurosport HQ near Paris and they at ES send him out to learn about Pro Cycle Racing and attempt a commentary. They forgot to tell him that "Silence is Golden" on occasion and it is not required to talk forever when the race is on the screen.
    He is not bright enough to realise this and is constantly looking for new ideas to Talk and Talk. ie quiz's, emails and other rubish that is unnecessary

    Harmon now thinks SK is there to play second fiddle and just answer his stupid questions that he rotates over and over again. No Respect so bucket, as Sean has no chance to show his commentary talents.
    These days he only asks SK if he is sure about the answer as he (and we) know just how cryptic Sean can put him down with a couple of words.
    It used to be hillarious when Sean replied to this outsider.
    That fun is over as Harmon didn't like being the Buffoon in the commentary Tower.(he still is and demonstrates it regularly)

    Now your going to ask why Sean bothers to be there. well IMO.
    Sean Kelly is one of the Greats and is well respected in the Pro Cycling world and for a few hours with a moron is well compensated when he gets out of the box to meet other ex riders, associates and fans and be invited to a do or two.
    Harmon being a nobody wouldn't get the invites.

    His Twin of course is Carlton Kirby another motorbike man who tried to ride a Fix Wheel bike then didn't get far and came off outside his local pub. Their comments put an end to that.
    Organiser, National Championship 50 mile Time Trial 1972
  • DaveyL
    DaveyL Posts: 5,167
    Le Blaireau (1)
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,270
    deejay, you do realise that David Harmon and Sean Kelly are really good friends away from the microphone? (for example Kelly is godfather to Harmon's son)
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • deejay
    deejay Posts: 3,138
    RichN95 wrote:
    deejay, you do realise that David Harmon and Sean Kelly are really good friends away from the microphone? (for example Kelly is godfather to Harmon's son)
    That makes sense but would Sean have agreed these days.
    I think you might find that the varnish has worn a bit thin since that time.
    Harmon makes a comment that Sean was out on his own last night.
    I havn't heard it this year (mute) but he sounded peeved when I heard it.

    When you hear Sean now it is different to 3/4 years ago and less like team work. (much like I posted IMO)
    Except to say - they shoot horses don't they.?
    Organiser, National Championship 50 mile Time Trial 1972
  • DaveyL
    DaveyL Posts: 5,167
    Blimey. Harmon's just asked and Sean delivered a fairly long analysis of RS's plans and how Bertie has gone so far.

    Guess deejay won't have heard it as he's got the sound turned down...
    Le Blaireau (1)