British National Road Championships

morstar Posts: 6,190
edited June 2010 in Pro race
Had a very enjoyable day at the road race today which I think is more than can be said for many of the riders.
Initially drove to Blacko to see the riders coming up the last major climb in the circuit. The race was splintered right from the first passage with a three man break chased by a peloton containing all the remaining big name riders near the front and a string of riders trailing by up to 2 or 3 minutes after 1 and a half laps.
The lead group eventually evolved into a 5 man break containing 3 Sky riders. From this point on the unrelenting course simply decimated the riders with the largest groups on the road numbering around 15 within the first hour and a half or so of racing.
With just under 3 laps to go, the trio of Sky riders broke their two rivals at which point everybody knew the jersey was going to France next week.
I spoke to a young first cat rider who dropped out after about 30 miles. He told me it was the first time he had ever been on the rivet in the frst mile of a race and couldn't believe it actually split on the descents.
Big kudos to David Millar for both single handedly leading a chase for nearly an hour and also being very good humoured when being ambushed by Hugh Porter whilst recovering in the thick of the spectator area.
Bigger kudos to GT for a classy win. A real quality rider and worthy wearer of the jersey.
Can't help but feel everything Sky are learning with Bradley right now is giving them the knowledge to actually make GT that elusive British winner of the Tour in a few years time!


  • Agent57
    Agent57 Posts: 2,300
    What a glorious day for a ride out to Barley it was. I came over from Lancaster, through the Trough of Bowland. But I found my route to Barley blocked off; it was part of the circuit. So I never actually made it to the start/finish line. I watched some of the women's race, but there was an hour to wait before the men started.

    If I'd known the corner I was on was so close to the start, I might have waited, but instead I headed back home to watch the race on Eurosport (and the footy, which I shouldn't have bothered with).

    The top riders, and the Sky trio in particular, really put everyone else to the sword. It was great that Cav turned out as well.
    MTB commuter / 531c commuter / CR1 Team 2009 / RockHopper Pro Disc / 10 mile PB: 25:52 (Jun 2014)
  • morstar
    morstar Posts: 6,190
    Shame you didn't get down to the "village". The whole set up was very good. A real effort had been made to welcome people and have a real event atmosphere.
    Cav was riding strongly at the front very early on but only lasted about 3 laps.
    There were only two negative comments I would make. The course was actually too difficult. Lots of riders and spectators made this point. We know we have a deserving champion but there was little racing going on.From a spectators perspective, the parking arrangement would have been good if the field used had been closer to Barley. I didn't mind the trek but I'm glad I didn't bring the kids. Plenty of people did but I'm just saying it was a long trek that may not have been too enjoyable..
  • ju5t1n
    ju5t1n Posts: 2,028
    Just watched my Sky+ of the race (was riding myself today in the Reading CC race ,not watching the ball-kicking) looked absolutely brutal. How many riders actually finished?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    11, or something like that!
  • Doobz
    Doobz Posts: 2,800
    ju5t1n wrote:
    Just watched my Sky+ of the race (was riding myself today in the Reading CC race ,not watching the ball-kicking) looked absolutely brutal. How many riders actually finished?

    I think about 25 finished maybe less
  • Doobz
    Doobz Posts: 2,800
    NapoleonD wrote:
    11, or something like that!

    you gotta remember that the ones that were lapped were still given their positions but didn't do the extra lap..
  • ju5t1n
    ju5t1n Posts: 2,028
    At the end there I was rooting for Geirant, just to see the jersey the Tour ...but I still think Kennaugh is Sky’s man for a first British tour win
  • ju5t1n
    ju5t1n Posts: 2,028
    He was awesome
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    There was a couple of hours there when Wales didn't have a British Champion. It was a little confusing. :)
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • ju5t1n
    ju5t1n Posts: 2,028
    RichN95 wrote:
    There was a couple of hours there when Wales didn't have a British Champion. It was a little confusing. :)
    Wales is only a hundred miles or so from the UK, so the confusion is understandable
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Doobz wrote:
    NapoleonD wrote:
    11, or something like that!

    you gotta remember that the ones that were lapped were still given their positions but didn't do the extra lap..

    I was going off what Dean Downing wrote on his twitter.
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    Congrats to GT. The class showed early on in the race with the strongest going very early.
    Once Millar was not in the break it was going to be very hard form him to catch up with 3 Sky riders in front.
    Hard course, which is good as it stopped it being a bunch race with sprint at the end.
    Think this race showed the difference in strength of the continental based riders to home based.
  • MRadd
    MRadd Posts: 205
    I had a feeling GT would win on Tuesday... Now just need to claim the tenner off my dad.. ;)

    I feel the biggest Congrats should definately head to Jonny Bellis to be honest. He turned up, got dropped on the first lap on the climb, and still kept going for about 3 laps. Fair play to him.
    : "Why don't i remember breaking my face?" :

    : Semi Professional Grease Monkey, Full time Tea boy... :
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    It seems 31 riders finished.

    Full list

    1. Geraint Thomas, Sky Pro Cycling 5.07.08
    2. Peter Kennaugh, Sky Pro Cycling st
    3. Ian Stannard, Sky Pro Cycling @2.20
    4. Jeremy Hunt, Cervelo Teast Team, @7.59
    5. Simon Richardson, Sigma Sport Specialized @8.23
    6. David Clarke, Pendragon-LeCol-Colnago @10.41
    7. Dan Flleman, Raleigh RT @10.43
    8. Andrew Fenn, 100% ME @13.56
    9. Rob Partridge, Endura Racing, Endura Racing @17.45
    10. Paul Esposti, BCV
    11. Chris Froome, Sky Pro Cycling
    12. Rhys Lloyd, Pendragon-LeCol-Colnago @1 lap
    13. Kristian House, Rapha Condor Sharp
    14. Ross Creber, Team Endura Racing
    15. Ben Greenwood, Rapha Condor Sharp
    16. Richard Cartland, Team Corley Cycles
    17. Douglas Dewey, GWR
    18. Thomas Swift-Metcalf, Palmeriras Resort
    19. Steve Lampier, Pendragon-LeCol-Colnago
    20. Tim Kennaugh, 100% ME
    21. Marcel Six, Orbea For Goodness Shakes
    22. Daniel Shand, Raleigh
    23. Mike Cumming, Raleigh
    24. David Lines, Endura @ 2 laps
    25. Matthew Stephens, Sigma Sport Specialized
    26. Kit Gilham, Sigma Sport Specialized
    27. James Williamson, Sigma Sport Specialized
    28. Gareth Montgomerie, Sigma Sport Specialized
    29. Will Bjergfelt, Wilier-Big Maggies/Prendas
    30. Paul Oldham, Hope Factory Racing
    31. Alistair Kay, York Cycleworks
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • Pokerface
    Pokerface Posts: 7,960
    ju5t1n wrote:
    RichN95 wrote:
    There was a couple of hours there when Wales didn't have a British Champion. It was a little confusing. :)
    Wales is only a hundred miles or so from the UK, so the confusion is understandable

    Really? I thought Wales was only a mile or so from the UK.
  • nolf
    nolf Posts: 1,287
    Good ride by Alistair Kay of York Cycleoworks, I like the fact he was lapped twice though, Lol.

    +1 on the route being too difficult.
    "I hold it true, what'er befall;
    I feel it, when I sorrow most;
    'Tis better to have loved and lost;
    Than never to have loved at all."

    Alfred Tennyson
  • ju5t1n
    ju5t1n Posts: 2,028
    Pokerface wrote:
    ju5t1n wrote:
    RichN95 wrote:
    There was a couple of hours there when Wales didn't have a British Champion. It was a little confusing. :)
    Wales is only a hundred miles or so from the UK, so the confusion is understandable

    Really? I thought Wales was only a mile or so from the UK.
    You're thinking of Bristol
  • spanielsson
    spanielsson Posts: 776
    ju5t1n wrote:
    Wales is only a hundred miles or so from the UK, so the confusion is understandable

    So close? I was hoping it was much further away than that!
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    It was a good day out, I liked that free gatorade stuff, I had 3 of those, I didn't like those roller race things my foot kept slipping out. I was very jealous of how they climb.
  • Moomaloid
    Moomaloid Posts: 2,040
    still to see the race, but is that Kennaugh's third 2nd place in three years? Man he must be peeved....
  • andyrac
    andyrac Posts: 1,174
    I’d have to say that was an enjoyable day’s watching cycling. Agree with everything that has been said – in particular the car park was a trek to the start/village.
    It was great to see Jonny Bellis in action – a great achievement in even making the start. The top Sky guys were ‘on it’ from the off - and just rode away from them all. When it came down to the 3 Sky riders to decide the podium, I had no doubt that GT would win – while he’s won on merit – he’s the only one of them riding Le Tour. Couldn't believe the speed the descended..... :shock:
    I’d like to think the race will go back there – it seemed a good set up, wit plenty of families there. I did have to laugh at the ‘No camping’ signs, after the cattle grid corner. I can’t imagine that on the continent.

    Oh yeah, forgot about the free Gatorade - after paying only £5 to park, more than good value. Maybe they undercharged...???
    All Road/ Gravel: tbcWinter: tbcMTB: tbcRoad: tbc"Look at the time...." "he's fallen like an old lady on a cruise ship..."
  • Again, agree with everything that's been said. Great event in perfect spectating weather. The 'event village' was very family friendly and well placed in relation to the course (but, as has been said, not so good in relation to the location of the car park.) Great to see the riders mingling with the crowds. I was at the top of the main climb when Ian Wilkinson decided to call it a day and climb off. He sat down next to me, whilst a couple of other spectators fetched him a drink of orange juice.

    The free Gatorade stuff was nice as well.
  • takethehighroad
    takethehighroad Posts: 6,811
    How busy was it there? Obviously the football will have had an impact on crowds but was it significant?

    From the video on BBC website it looks pretty busy by the finish...
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,228
    Great ride by the 3 Sky boys and particularly Geraint (who the Eurosport commentator kept calling Gareth for some reason!) and Kennaugh. Also, well done to Jeremy Hunt and Simon Richardson - Hunt did well do get the break going so early but must have known the writing was on the wall when the 3 from Sky joined him. Never seen a pro blow up quite as spectacularly as Millar did, I thought he'd be one of the few to have the stamina required. Also good to see one of my old contemparies finishing in 11th place, well done Spotty - didn't even realise he was still racing until a week ago!

    The men's and women's races were almost carbon copies but Nicole made the 3 Cerevlo girls really work hard for it. Shame their race was cut so short and hope those that crashed are all OK. I thought some of the tactics were quite strange in the women's race though - I thought Cerevlo could have worked more as a team to get one of them away from Cooke and also I found it odd that Nicole attacked and dropped a few potential allies just after they bridged across but she's won a few more races than me so I'll give her the benefit of the doubt :lol:

    I'd agree that the course was probably a bit too tough. It's great to have a course that rewards the strongest riders but maybe 5 laps of it as a finishing circuit after an easier loop to start would have provided a bit more balance. It was also lucky it was dry as that one tight right hander over the cattle grid would have been lethal in the wet and the roads were too narrow in the event of a crash as we saw in the women's race.
  • lyn1
    lyn1 Posts: 261
    Went to Pendle to watch the race. Agree it was really well organised and great crowd support. Just a pity there wasnt a race to watch. After the groups were formed in the first 30 mins, the remaining 5 hrs was just a procession with large gaps between groups and the only way forward was to hope someone in an earlier group called it a day. This happened regularly with guys packing even when in the top10.
    The course was really set up for a few riders who have the time to put in very high mileage...more so than in other recent years, which explains the 11 finishers who did all the prescribed course. Tough call on the domestic team managers who were no doubt having to choose between the Tour Series or Nationals for their top riders as those in the Tour will have struggled to do much training in the last 5 weeks.
  • Thick Tester
    Thick Tester Posts: 380
    lyn1 wrote:
    Just a pity there wasnt a race to watch. After the groups were formed in the first 30 mins, the remaining 5 hrs was just a procession with large gaps between groups and the only way forward was to hope someone in an earlier group called it a day. This happened regularly with guys packing even when in the top10.
    The course was really set up for a few riders who have the time to put in very high mileage...more so than in other recent years, which explains the 11 finishers who did all the prescribed course. Tough call on the domestic team managers who were no doubt having to choose between the Tour Series or Nationals for their top riders as those in the Tour will have struggled to do much training in the last 5 weeks.

    What a load of poppycock.

    You try telling the riders out on the road that it was 'Just a procession' - that was a perfectly hard race and as beautiful as they come and chapeau to anyone whose name made it onto the results sheet.

    The course was not 'put on' for a few riders - the original plan was to use a much larger loop first then head onto the Barley course later on. Unfortuantley the local Fuzz wanted the top end of 5 figures to police the road closures.

    As for your comments about the team managers - i want whatever acid you've been taking - can you really see Herety pulling alongside one of this riders telling the to ease up as they've gone to hard in a couple of midweek crits - This was the Nationals for gods sake
  • morstar
    morstar Posts: 6,190

    I thought David Millar had a good ride. He was a key figure in the second group throughout. When that group dropped to 5 men he single handedly chased the leaders for well over an hour reducing the gap from 3 1/2 mins to 2 mins. Over the following couple of laps the gap extended back out to 2:10. Presumably he pulled up as soon as he got this news.

    He turned straight round and rode into the specator area where he lay down knackered next to a stream where all the kids were playing.

    Hugh Porter took this as an invite to do an interview.

    Dm said chasing a group of 5, if he had caught them, one of the 5 would certainly have the legs to ride away again. A pragmatic decision with the tour a week away.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,228
    I'm not saying he didn't have a good ride, the TV coverage didn't show much of him but I hoped he'd bridge to the front group so that all the big boys were there. I don't think he pulled out on pragmatic grounds though, he blew big time (unsurprisingly I suppose after that affort in closing a gap with the hills and heat) and looked barely able to stay on his bike at one point.
  • gabriel959
    gabriel959 Posts: 4,227
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