Ryedale Rumble spaces available.



  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    Sounds awesome.

    Do you have barrels of energy drink at the feed stations?
  • bobh
    bobh Posts: 163
    Yes Courtesy of our sponsors SIS
  • Scrumple
    Scrumple Posts: 2,665
    the place is gorgeous

    just enter. if it wasn't impossible for me i would be there!

    stunning roads, and a really testing route,
  • Fantastic event, enter now so the event continues on!
    founder of cyclosport.org
  • andy162
    andy162 Posts: 634
    I'm in...The long 'un. Oh the joys of Rosedale!

    'ere Will, have you entered yet?? If you're going for a sub 7hr ride we might have to form an alliance for the day?... I don't hang about either!

    Good luck Bob, hope more sign up.
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    I'm going to be working along with a guy called Howard who did 6 hours 50 or something last year although it depends what he thinks I guess he's can decide :p, top 5 of the long one I think, he thinks with me assisting we could proper do good, maybe a 3rd person would be good though, you strong on the hills?

    I'm putting training in, next week I'm going 180 miles and done this today:

    http://connect.garmin.com/activity/39915689 Went up Boltby Bank today.

    If I enter on the 1st August which is the closing date will that be ok? I just want to enter at the last possible minute because it makes me more confident about my bad finances .
  • andy162
    andy162 Posts: 634
    I did a 7hr ride last year, was still a bit knocked about from a pretty nasty smash in June so will be better this year.

    Am I decent on the hills?...did a 6h24 on this years Etape du Dales so I guess I'm not bad! It's a few miles(3) shorter but an equally tough route. I'll be ok.
  • bobh
    bobh Posts: 163
    You'll be kicking yourself....and the rabbit if we fell one short of the target!
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    andy162 wrote:
    I did a 7hr ride last year, was still a bit knocked about from a pretty nasty smash in June so will be better this year.

    Am I decent on the hills?...did a 6h24 on this years Etape du Dales so I guess I'm not bad! It's a few miles(3) shorter but an equally tough route. I'll be ok.

    Probably will beat me up the hills then :p
  • Buckled_Rims
    Buckled_Rims Posts: 1,648
    bobh, did you know that there's a steam rally in Pickering during the sportive?


    Not sure how this will effect the routes, but they'll be lots of extra traffic on the A170 and surrounding roads which may need a bit more marshalling.
    Kona Jake the Snake
    Merlin Malt 4
  • bobh
    bobh Posts: 163
    We don't go as far over as Pickering and the Rumble has only as short run on the A170 between Helmsley and Nawton. So shouldn't be a problem....good wheel to be on if it's windy though.
  • chrisb46
    chrisb46 Posts: 11
    Good to hear this is almost definitely on, it's my first sportif and I'm looking forward to it.

    My only question is as well as energy drink, is there also water available at the feed stations? I don't get on that well with energy drink.


  • bobh
    bobh Posts: 163
    You wouldn't be the first person to say that. Energy drinks started to come in towards the end of my racing career most of which involved trying to unglue the Ribena from the bike frame after a race. When I went onto the earlier formula energy drinks they had a drastic affect on my constitution.

    From the feedback of previous Ryedale Rumbles PSP is well liked and shouldn't be a problem but in answer to your question --yes we have water in dispensing drums at the feed stations and in bottles at the top of Blakey Bank and Rosedale Chimney Bank.
  • chrisb46
    chrisb46 Posts: 11
    Thanks Bob. Learnt the hard way that gels + savory stuff + nuums electrolyte tablets in plain water works best for me.

    And cake, of course :-)
  • bobh
    bobh Posts: 163
    Well you'll get four out of five of those
  • chrisb46
    chrisb46 Posts: 11
    Great, looking forward to it. Ride with a Nuums tube all the time now, prevents salt loss headaches :D
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    Are we able to get more than one energy gel all the way around?
  • bobh
    bobh Posts: 163
    You haven't even entered yet. We've got lettuce for you
  • freehub
    freehub Posts: 4,257
    I don't need to enter yet, the deadline is stated as 1st August.

    What is the benefit of entering now, do I get student discount?
  • bobh
    bobh Posts: 163
    Thanks freehub

    In these troubled times your words hit a certain spot!
  • brin
    brin Posts: 1,122
    Well thats me and bro in law in for the ride :D gonna try and persuade a couple of other lads to sign up too
  • Steve GT
    Steve GT Posts: 383
    Bob, when will you guys make the decision to definitely hold the event? It’s the Phil and Friends ride on the same day and if the Rumble is a 'no go', I would like to enter that.
    Crediamo in te, bici!
    My Bikes.
  • bobh
    bobh Posts: 163
    Steve -We have a meeting tonight (Thursday)
  • Steve GT
    Steve GT Posts: 383
    Thanks Bob. Hope the event still goes ahead as planned.
    Crediamo in te, bici!
    My Bikes.
  • pollys_bott
    pollys_bott Posts: 1,012
    Just checking out the routes as luckily I'm off work that weekend and I have a green light from the wife - I'm up for route 2 but my bro-in-law is a bit concerned about trying the two 'Banks' on a double chain-ring (I'm OK as have a triple). Should he be concerned?!
  • andy162
    andy162 Posts: 634
    It depends on how strong your brother in law is. Depends too on what sprocket he's got on the back. I'm using the same gearing as last year & that's a double (39t) with a 26 on the back. I found it tough but do-able. Boltby & Blakey do kick up to 25% in places & drag on a fair bit.

    Worse case is that he stops for a breather half way up. No shame in that at all!
  • andy162
    andy162 Posts: 634
    It depends on how strong your brother in law is. Depends too on what sprocket he's got on the back. I'm using the same gearing as last year & that's a double (39t) with a 26 on the back. I found it tough but do-able. Boltby & Blakey do kick up to 25% in places & drag on a fair bit.

    Worse case is that he stops for a breather half way up. No shame in that at all!
  • bobh
    bobh Posts: 163
    The weather also plays a part in gear sizing. Boltby Bank is fairly consistent as there's woodland to cut out crosswinds. Blakey is more exposed and the wind can have you weaving. There's no disgrace in taking a breather on these climbs you certainly won't be alone.
  • pollys_bott
    pollys_bott Posts: 1,012
    He's going to buy a (relative) dinner-plate and fettle himself a bit of rear sprocket assistance. Also going to get his occasional riding buddy to enter if he's around, so hopefully three more entries for you this week. :)