Front wheel quick release - Carrera Fury



  • Hi All,

    I'm new here and spotted this post from a Google search,

    my problem is that while changing a flat at the side of the road I lost the washer from the assembly, now there doesn't seem to be any functional problem with the set up but what was that washer/circlip combo for? To keep water out of the assembly - or something else?

    Does anyone know for definate.

    Many Thanks!!
  • Hurray! I found the washer in my rucksack and investigated what it was for.
    It looks like (but hasn't been confirmed by anyone) the washer and clip combo is actually to stop you fully removing the nut from the QLocs bolt, completely eliminating the possibility of you losing any of the more important internals, so not particularly important, but could save you from some pain during a tube change in bad weather. I had just brute forced the nut off.

    I reattached and straightened out the clip and its now fine.
  • Mikeybhoy
    Mikeybhoy Posts: 2
    I picked up my Fury a couple of days back. Have kept it in the house until now ( until it had all its inoculations) but stuck it in the shed earlier today. To fit it in, I had to remove the front wheel but I had a hell of a time getting the wheel back on when I went for my evening pedal. Can I just confirm that the red part of the Qloc is meant to sit proud of the fork, and it is the red piece that pulls the fork tight to the wheel? I ask because when I removed the wheel, I don't remember any red part being visible on the bolt.
  • BobBrown
    BobBrown Posts: 3
    I believe it should be visible, it splays out as you tighten the qloc so that it cannot pass back through, forming a nut. Its kinda spring loaded so you press it together to thread it through the wheel then it opens up when it pops out the other side, then once its tightened theres no room for it to be pressed back together.
    The red piece is actualy 5 or so individual pieces that open out from what I remember. I could check in more detail in the daylight, or you could try finding the manual for the fork on the suntour website.

    Infact, heres the perfect picture for you, its even on this website: ... le%2Fimage

    Best of luck
  • getonyourbike
    getonyourbike Posts: 2,648
    The red part should be visible and yes, the red bit pulls everything together when you tighten the lever.

    OP- I don't know why you took apart the q-loc in the first place. You have to push the red bit into and through the forks and wheel. then take the wheel out. To put it back in, place the wheel in the dropouts, push the q-loc through, make sure the red mushroom bit is proud of the forks and tighten the lever again.. You don't need to turn any threads, but push and tighten the lever.
  • Mikeybhoy
    Mikeybhoy Posts: 2
    Cheers fellas, thats put my mind at ease.