Lance unhappy at Outside magazine



  • I'm no Armstrong fan, but this is the equivalent of making up a quote.

    But all us meejyah types are desperately looking to get attention. It's a noisy world out there.I can see why Outside did this, but I think it is a step over the mark.
    John Stevenson
  • blazing_saddles
    blazing_saddles Posts: 22,711
    For those who think LA gets a hard ride on here.
    Check out the comments, below. ... toshopping
    "Science is a tool for cheaters". An anonymous French PE teacher.
  • LJAR
    LJAR Posts: 128
    My favourite hate post:

    "I'm happy with all the Lance hating going on here. Any man who leaves his wife for Sheryl Crow, after said wife loved and supported him through cancer, only to leave Sheryl Crow once SHE got cancer, is beyond any admiration in my book. What an asshat."
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    PBo wrote:
    donrhummy wrote:
    Whether or not you like Lance, that sets a bad precedent. It's NOT clear to most people that the picture is a fake. 99% of people would never notice the tiny print in the lower left. This feels a little like a Glenn Beck "question" where he covers his a-- by saying something completely false but with a qualifier at the end.

    Is it THAT bad a precedent? I mean, It's not even's faking that Lance doesn't worry about his age.

    FWIW I'm 61 and don't find myself worrying about my age(yet). Not much any of us can do about it. We will all(if we're lucky) be 38 and then 61 and then....
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    LJAR wrote:
    My favourite hate post:

    "I'm happy with all the Lance hating going on here. Any man who leaves his wife for Sheryl Crow, after said wife loved and supported him through cancer, only to leave Sheryl Crow once SHE got cancer, is beyond any admiration in my book. What an asshat."

    Is it a favourite because it's inaccurate to the point of stupidity?

    Or is it the use of asshat? If so, I'd agree.
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    LJAR wrote:
    My favourite hate post:

    "I'm happy with all the Lance hating going on here. Any man who leaves his wife for Sheryl Crow, after said wife loved and supported him through cancer, only to leave Sheryl Crow once SHE got cancer, is beyond any admiration in my book. What an asshat."

    Interesting. I'm sure that the person who wrote it was an intimate friend of Lance, Sheryl, and Lances ex wife. I'm sure he knows the exact sequences of events that led to
    these breakups. I'm sure he has spoken personally, and at length, with everyone involved. I'm sure that he had all the facts before he made this detailed analysis and came to this, clearly thought out, conclusion.
    Or maybe he just read a post or two on the internet and this was all his brain could come up with.
    I'm voting for the latter.
  • dennisn
    dennisn Posts: 10,601
    Homer J wrote:
    The Man who swam Everest, does anyone know how that went?

    Cold, maybe??????
  • dougzz
    dougzz Posts: 1,833
    I think Lance met Kristen his ex after cancer, I remember in on of his books a girlfriend being mentioned.

    I'm glad he split from Sheryl, I like Sheryl ;)
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    dougzz wrote:
    I think Lance met Kristen his ex after cancer, I remember in on of his books a girlfriend being mentioned.

    I'm glad he split from Sheryl, I like Sheryl ;)

    Quite right.

    And cancer had nothing to do with splitting from SC.
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.
  • MrChuck
    MrChuck Posts: 1,663
    I'm no Armstrong fan, but this is the equivalent of making up a quote.

    But all us meejyah types are desperately looking to get attention. It's a noisy world out there.I can see why Outside did this, but I think it is a step over the mark.


    It's not the same as airbrushing out a model's blemishes or whatever. I think people realise a magazine cover isn't a shot from a documentray, but in this case they're essentially associating him with a fairly strong or provocative statement that he didn't make. It's out of line.
  • iainf72
    iainf72 Posts: 15,784
    Fckin' Quintana … that creep can roll, man.