Your current faves in the peloton...



  • Harry182
    Harry182 Posts: 1,170
    Damiano Cunego - Still (affectionately) think of him as il "Bastardo" with fond memories of his 2004 Giro. (I'm also a Simoni fan.)
  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Boonen comes first. By miles.

    Cancellara second, though I was gutted to see him totally rinse Boonen. I much prefer him when he's not racing Boonen....

    Tankink a good solid third. Gives great interviews, and was a domestique who did all his work in the first 150km or so. Was chuffed to see him in such great form in the Ardenne races this year.

    I also have a soft spot for Andy Schleck, who seems to be the only chap who is capable enough to, and has the balls to attack lots when it goes uphill. Contador can do it better, but he's better at it so only needs to do it once.... I also appreciate any GT rider who gives the Spring a good proper go. They're beautiful races and deserve a world class peleton.
  • Pross
    Pross Posts: 43,229
    Jens Voigt - obvious, complete legend
    Cummings - like a poor man's Voigt, spent most of his time at the Giro towing the bunch and the rest in breaks!
    Boonen - exciting whenever he rides even if his season tends to end in April
    Canc - just and awesome and exciting rider
    Sastre - I like the way he goes about things, takes the hills at his own pace while the others hammer themselves into the ground but manages to not really lose much time at the end of the day.