Tyres you hate

RealMan Posts: 2,166
edited June 2010 in MTB general
Bit of a reverse on the usual. What tyres don't you like?

Can't stand the spesh fast traks I got as standard with my rockhopper. Useless in anything other then very dry trails. No puncture resistance at all either. However I am looking forward to testing them out tubeless for some summer races.


  • ExeterSimon
    ExeterSimon Posts: 830
    Panracer Cinders.

    Like have your brakes permanently slightly on.

    OE on the 905. I knew from reviews they were speed scrubbers but I still gave them a go.

    Glad I bought a Kenda Nevegal and a Blue Groove when I picked the bike up.
    Whyte 905 (2009)
    Trek 1.5 (2009)
    Specialized Stumpjumper FSR Comp (2007)
  • lawman
    lawman Posts: 6,868
    i hated my michelin all mountains when i first got them, no grip what so ever, but i was skint so had to stick with them, amazingly six months later when they were literally thread bare, they gripped like poo to a carpet :lol: how wierd is that :lol:

    conti mountain kings are pretty bad in the non tubeless or non black chilli versions too
  • Mccraque
    Mccraque Posts: 819
    Maxxis Crossmark - for the paperthin sidewalls on the non UST version. Lasted 30mins. Cost me £27.

    In fairness to Maxxis they replaced with a UST version, no quibble. And I love this version.

    I also hate Panaracer Fire XC. Again for the sidewall issues I have had with 2 tyres of theirs. But again....nothing to do with the treadpattern.
  • RealMan
    RealMan Posts: 2,166
    lawman wrote:
    conti mountain kings are pretty bad in the non tubeless or non black chilli versions too

    Yeah, lots of people moan about those. I tried them tubeless for a few months, and quite liked them.
  • Mccraque
    Mccraque Posts: 819
    I run a 2.4MK tubeless up front....love it.
  • biff55
    biff55 Posts: 1,404
    RealMan wrote:
    lawman wrote:
    conti mountain kings are pretty bad in the non tubeless or non black chilli versions too

    Yeah, lots of people moan about those. I tried them tubeless for a few months, and quite liked them.

    was looking to get a set of mountain kings next , thought they looked decent quality and fast rolling.
    what do folk like / dislike about them out of interest ?
  • lawman
    lawman Posts: 6,868
    the tubeless ones i tried on a spicy and zesty were all right, but the non tubless cheapo ones are dire, like bein on ice
  • biff55
    biff55 Posts: 1,404
    what about the folding £20 ish versions , any better ?
  • wavey1490
    wavey1490 Posts: 39
    has to be the Panaracer Fire XC for me
    Anorexic Racing Snake ;)
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
  • lawman
    lawman Posts: 6,868
    supersonic wrote:
    Old tioga factories.

    man i used they were the dogs when i first started :lol: i soon came to my senses when i bought some proper tyres :lol:
  • cat_with_no_tail
    cat_with_no_tail Posts: 12,980
    Regular versions (non-snakeskin) of The Racing Ralph.

    Apparently made of spit and toilet paper. Utterly useless against anything even remotely rocky.


  • bails87
    bails87 Posts: 12,998
    Cheapo Conti Explorers. Not particularly grippy, but annoyingly slow. Also they were like thorn magnets, I've never had so many punctures. Even the Racing Ralphs were much more resilient, despite riding on both in exactly the same places!

    "As I said last time, it won't happen again."
  • Luke-Dob
    Luke-Dob Posts: 121
    Kenda Nevegals, Never had a tyre that has worn out so quickly. 3 months.... that was all. Grip was amazing though.

    Though my worst ever, ever, EVER tyre I have used was the Specilaized Eskar Control. No grip, paper thin sidewall and rolled off my rims TWICE on switchbacks. Never buying on budget again!

    I think I will stick with Maxxis for now...
    6 years riding bikes, 8 broken bones, gravity can be a b**ch
  • MacAndCheese
    MacAndCheese Posts: 1,944
    For me...

    Panaracer Fire XCs - not sure what the fuss is about there, they only grip in the dry!

    Maxxis Swampthing Super Tacky - to be fair not a bad tire, in fact very good at going downhill in the wet, but appalling at all other times - mega rolling resistance and very fast wearing - only buy if you drive to the trails and a have a ski lift to get to top IMO.
    Santa Cruz Chameleon
    Orange Alpine 160
  • cee
    cee Posts: 4,553
    again...Conti Mountain Kings (the standard ones...I hear the toobless ones are better...)..

    Good things -
    They do roll quite well
    Bad Things -
    Side Wall squirms like an eel unless its pumped up to at least 40 psi
    Lack of grip. I am yet to find conditions where I thought - ahh thats what they are good at.
    Did I mention the sidewall? it also deforms really badly giving loads of pinch flats.
    Whenever I see an adult on a bicycle, I believe in the future of the human race.

    H.G. Wells.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Conti verticals. Fantastic traction, but let down by the fact tht they get big chunks torn out of them in no time at all.
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Old uns were better lol.
  • Northwind
    Northwind Posts: 14,675
    Mountain King Supersonics. Pure mince. All the grip of a race tyre and all the rolling resistance of a trailbike tyre, surely that's the wrong way round? Expensive too. And horrible in the wet. Just pants really, like something from the 90s.

    Tioga Factory XC get a special mention for the fact that either tyre weighed more than both of the tyres now on my Soul combined, yet gripped less and rolled slower. Dirt cheap though.

    I didn't hate the Rubber Queens but I was disappointed by them, for the lack of flat-corner grip. Very good at some other stuff.
    Uncompromising extremist
  • Gwaredd
    Gwaredd Posts: 251
    I can't fault the Tioga XC's TBH. Yet to find a better all round tyre that can cope with everything reasonably well.
  • blister pus
    blister pus Posts: 5,610
    Gwaredd wrote:
    I can't fault the Tioga XC's TBH. Yet to find a better all round tyre that can cope with everything reasonably well.

    check the thread title. ;)
  • blister pus
    blister pus Posts: 5,610
    standard 'Kings'

    and i'm beginning to have a love hate thing with michelin dry 2s. get the pressure wrong and they'll happily kill you. great apart from that
  • weescott
    weescott Posts: 453
    UST Mountain Kings. They bounce off every pebble in sight. No where near as good as the Black Chilli versions,
  • Dazzza
    Dazzza Posts: 2,364
    Kenda small block 8

    Not that fast, and not that grippy, i like to bank my turns and this is where they fail.

    Though in fairness they are the uber cheap non folding model.

    Schwalbe do have weak sidewalls, i've taken a nick out of my nobby nics but touch wood they've been fine.

    Though i really should put a puncture patch in behind the slice, just in case.

    I still love the performance they provide.
    The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.
    Giant Anthem X
  • RallyBiker
    RallyBiker Posts: 378
    2.4 MountainKings that came with my bike. Persevered with them twice. Awful, draggy, slippy, thinwalled, balloons.
  • Raymondavalon
    Raymondavalon Posts: 5,346
    Maxxis Ignitor
    My FS came with them as factory fitted. I found the front end was washy and don't show them mud as it sticks to them and they don't have very good self cleaning properties.
  • joshtp
    joshtp Posts: 3,966
    High roller 2.1
    the 2.35 and 2.5 versions are some of my faves of all time, but size down and its not very light, not very tough, not big enough, not fast enough, not grippy enough and wears like my fav jeans. awfull.

    Bonty Jones, no grip, not that fast, dont clear.

    Tioga factory XC's, the extremes are OK, but the normal ones are crap.

    Specialized Reselution, pretty fast, and a nice big air chambre, but virtually no grip, not good.
    I like bikes and stuff
  • spongtastic
    spongtastic Posts: 2,651
    Evo Ralphs and Nics - They cost a fortune and hate pine cones. Want to try dual defence Nics but I quite like having two kidneys.

    Race King Supersonics - forced love/hate relationship, they're fast in the dry, don't wear, no punctures at 35 psi but go near sandy stuff (which in an area known as the Sandlings is a bit of a problem) and the front loses traction faster than an Essex girl loses her knickers.
    Visit Clacton during the School holidays - it's like a never ending freak show.

    Who are you calling inbred?
  • CycloRos
    CycloRos Posts: 579
    Most Bonty tyres I've tried except the Mud-X. No grip to be found anywhere!

    and RRs, fast rolling but pretty useless in most conditions.
    Current Rides -
    Charge Cooker, Ragley mmmBop, Haro Mary SS 29er
  • Justinjured
    Justinjured Posts: 142
    Bought a conti speed king supersonic last year. absolute pants. no grip, no puncture resistence (i was repairing or replacing tubes everyother ride) and when i removed it , after realising we wernt going to get a summer again, there were lots of tears in it.