What sized brakes?



  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    Yet Peaty took the Worlds using 160 and 140. I guess it is what you prefer, but many find better modulation with smaller rotors.
  • myopic
    myopic Posts: 692
    supersonic wrote:
    Yet Peaty took the Worlds using 160 and 140. I guess it is what you prefer, but many find better modulation with smaller rotors.

    Maybe he was so fast because he just couldn't stop!
    You don't need eyes to see, you need vision
  • supersonic wrote:
    Yet Peaty took the Worlds using 160 and 140. I guess it is what you prefer, but many find better modulation with smaller rotors.

    What the top DH riders use is totally irrelevant to amateur riders though. A number of riders ran their bikes with no bearing grease in Canberra for example, to save every gram they could - would you recommend that approach to normal riders? Of course not.
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    It is not always irrelevant at all - it gives you an insight into reasoning. Why did he do it? Because he could control the bike perfectly still and had plenty of modulation while saving weight. And I didn't recommend it, but I gave my reasons why it is an option and why we have preference.

    It depends on what the actual action is. I don't make blanket assumptions like you just did. No I wouldn't recommend no bearing grease, but that is a different thing entirely. Not unless they wanted to save that last gram :wink:
  • Kiblams
    Kiblams Posts: 2,423
    I run 160/160 disks with cable brakes (BB5s mind) and I am almost 17stone( :oops: ) Have never had an issue stopping. Unless the brakes are configured badly of course :lol: