Video of bike being forced off the road by bus

Docklands Posts: 8
edited June 2010 in Commuting chat
An investigation has been launched....


  • lost_in_thought
    lost_in_thought Posts: 10,563
    I have to say, I'd have chalked it up to experience and carried on my merry way, as I have the various times that's happened to me in the past. Bus driver got it wrong, nobody's perfect. They do get a bit overtakey sometimes, but bikes have brakes.
  • rf6
    rf6 Posts: 323
    It's poor driving, but he's hardly "forced off the road".
  • kelsen
    kelsen Posts: 2,003
    I'd have to agree with LIT and rf6 as I've seen (been on the receiving end of) a lot worse. Alarm bells should have started ringing when that bus had overtaken and immediately started indicating left. A quick tap of the brakes would have allowed the cyclist to get behind and around the bus with minimal fuss.

    That's not to say the bus driver is absolved of all blame and the investigation will send a clear message to him and other drivers that they can't just bully other road users and expect to get away with it.
  • Sewinman
    Sewinman Posts: 2,131
    Hmmm, Bus indicating left, amber light ahead, tap on the brakes and pull out to the right? Annoying driving but he did not have to continue up the inside.
  • TheStone
    TheStone Posts: 2,291
    ... is it even bad driving?
  • CometGirl
    CometGirl Posts: 2,681
    Depends whether your commute is a method of getting from home to the office with the minimum of fuss, or a political statement...
  • kurako
    kurako Posts: 1,098
    Forced off the road is a bit much. This is pretty sensationalist reporting. I know cos I was there. [EDIT] Incidentally this was used without my permission. Read the comments.

    Having said that I do get extremely p!ssed off when buses pull this sort of stunt. I shouldn't have to tap my brakes and go round. He shouldn't be pulling dodgy overtakes in the first place.
  • MonkeyMonster
    MonkeyMonster Posts: 4,629
    Bad driving but cyclist should have taken more care. We can't be having a situation where by the cyclist rules the road and all others must defer at all times (imho anyway)
    Le Cannon [98 Cannondale M400] [FCN: 8]
    The Mad Monkey [2013 Hoy 003] [FCN: 4]
  • lost_in_thought
    lost_in_thought Posts: 10,563
    CometGirl wrote:
    Depends whether your commute is a method of getting from home to the office with the minimum of fuss, or a political statement...


    So true. I like you. You funny.
  • kurako
    kurako Posts: 1,098
    Bad driving but cyclist should have taken more care. We can't be having a situation where by the cyclist rules the road and all others must defer at all times (imho anyway)

    For goodness sake:

    1. Cyclist stops at red light
    2. Cyclist waits for peds to cross
    3. Bus overtakes cyclist because he can't wait a few seconds more
  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    I have to say, bad but not shocking or unusual. I would have taken the lane anyway and held the bus back while I passed the taxi anyway, IME if you give them an inch they'll take a mile and try to squeeze past. I had a similar experience a few months back, accelerated away from a set of lights on OKR only to have a bendy bus try to out-accelerate me. We ended up side by side, me gaining slowly on the bus when suddenly the driver started to pull into a stop and cut me up. I just about got through before I was crushed/squeezed up against the kerb. I banged on the door and waved my fist at the driver, he pretended to be busy looking in his rear view mirror...
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  • Headhuunter
    Headhuunter Posts: 6,494
    CometGirl wrote:
    Depends whether your commute is a method of getting from home to the office with the minimum of fuss, or a political statement...

    Definitely a political statement....
    Do not write below this line. Office use only.
  • Tonymufc
    Tonymufc Posts: 1,016
    Why didn't the driver just wait the extra 10 seconds and pull in behind the cyclist? Would the driver have done the same if it was a car? Probably not! In my opinion it was poor judgement, and a poor display from a so called professional driver.
  • MonkeyMonster
    MonkeyMonster Posts: 4,629
    Kurako wrote:
    Bad driving but cyclist should have taken more care. We can't be having a situation where by the cyclist rules the road and all others must defer at all times (imho anyway)

    For goodness sake:

    1. Cyclist stops at red light
    2. Cyclist waits for peds to cross
    3. Bus overtakes cyclist because he can't wait a few seconds more

    You what where? I've said bad driving... cyclist should have slowed once he saw the stupid driver and not been pinched in that way. You can't trust road users to care/know where you are or where you're going so act safer and don't presume the bus (in this case) will treat you with care. My second comment might be a little over zealous for this particular incident but the point remains, if it causes you rage and anger... I'm only little and I wear glasses so you'd be very rude to hit me. 8)
    Le Cannon [98 Cannondale M400] [FCN: 8]
    The Mad Monkey [2013 Hoy 003] [FCN: 4]
  • _Brun_
    _Brun_ Posts: 1,740
    No point in having a helmet camera if you don't make every encounter with other traffic as dramatic as possible.
  • kelsen
    kelsen Posts: 2,003
    _Brun_ wrote:
    No point in having a helmet camera if you don't make every encounter with other traffic as dramatic as possible.
  • MadammeMarie
    MadammeMarie Posts: 621
    Docklands wrote:
    An investigation has been launched....


    I never reported this one, b/c the camera doesn't pick up the number plate properly.
  • gaz545
    gaz545 Posts: 493
    Kurako wrote:
    Forced off the road is a bit much. This is pretty sensationalist reporting. I know cos I was there. [EDIT] Incidentally this was used without my permission. Read the comments.

    Having said that I do get extremely p!ssed off when buses pull this sort of stunt. I shouldn't have to tap my brakes and go round. He shouldn't be pulling dodgy overtakes in the first place.

    I remeber this one, shocking driving. It's easy to say just get on with it, it happens.
    But one reason i have my camera is to make people more aware of what's going on with cycling and the issues we have.
    No doubt bus drivers can be a big pain. and i had one today overtake me on park lane whilst i was cycling behind another bus, he indicated as he overtook that he wanted to come back into my lane, and he did just that, forcing me to brake to avoid being squashed.
    No doubt i did the right thing by braking and avoiding a collision. But that doesn't mean a proffesional driver can do this sort of thing. Good on the LCC for pressing on this mater!
  • Bassjunkieuk
    Bassjunkieuk Posts: 4,232
    I'll have to reserve judgement on this incident until I get home as the You-Tube is not playing nicely with the web-filter (and my usual bypass ;-)) here!

    I've had plenty of incidents with buses, some have clearly been the a$$hat driver - such as the one that accelerated round me whilst I was holding a nice 23mph only to pull in ahead of me but others could potentially have been my fault such as the near miss I had in Camberwell the other day - I was riding up the left hand side as the bus was going slow due to another cyclist ahead. I can't remember why I hadn't gone round the RHS originally but he then indicated and pulled in. I braked and went round the right - no harm done and I chalked it up as a good learning experience :-)
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  • symo
    symo Posts: 1,743
    Fight the power
    we are the proud, the few, Descendents.

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  • Bassjunkieuk
    Bassjunkieuk Posts: 4,232
    We could look at it from another position:

    Cyclist forces bus to slow down!

    Surely we should be congratulating the bus driver on his dedication to ensuring the bus service runs on time and promptly, even if it does mean endangering a few of those horrid cyclist :-)
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  • WesternWay
    WesternWay Posts: 564
    I reckon that that is annoying driving by the bus, but the cyclist should have shown a bit of sense and braked and pulled over.

    My surprise is really that it is inconsiderate driving by the bus driver; normally I find them pretty considerate to cyclists.
  • Bassjunkieuk
    Bassjunkieuk Posts: 4,232
    edited June 2010
    WesternWay wrote:
    I reckon that that is annoying driving by the bus, but the cyclist should have shown a bit of sense and braked and pulled over.

    My surprise is really that it is inconsiderate driving by the bus driver; normally I find them pretty considerate to cyclists.

    Now your making some basic assumptions there! a) the cyclist has any sense b) the bus driver is courteous!

    Just this morning I was yelling inside as I watched a cyclist ahead of me (about 50-60m) ride up the inside of a COACH that was indicating left to turn onto the Embankment (from Beufort Street IIRC) at a red light. I was hoping that the light didn't change as seeing someone run over would have ruined the lovely morning ride! Besides it's very easy to see the error in someone's actions after the incident and have to remember that most of us on here are fairly experienced/confident riders so wouldn't necessarily either put ourselves in that position in the first place or would know better how to deal with it if we are placed in such a position.

    Bus drivers, much like other drivers can be considerate and courteous to cyclists and thankfully the less considerate ones are a minority.
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  • dodgy
    dodgy Posts: 2,890
    This is a complete non issue and I echo a comment by another poster that it seems that some camera-cyclists positively must find fault on every ride!
  • Bikerbaboon
    Bikerbaboon Posts: 1,017
    I dont think its news worthy.
    the Driveing was well below par and the driver should be spoken to about it.
    Nothing in life can not be improved with either monkeys, pirates or ninjas
  • Clever Pun
    Clever Pun Posts: 6,778
    TheStone wrote:
    ... is it even bad driving?

    yes he's making his manouvre before actually overtaking the bike, it's thoughtless and the driver should get a slap on the knuckles nothing more.

    I agree the cyclist could have avoided being pushed to one side but that's not the point is it? If someone overtakes you it shouldn't affect your journey. Plus the cyclist might well have been unsure of themselves and probably cr@pped it.

    the reason it's being made a deal out of is that it's on camera and it is poor driving. Good
    Purveyor of sonic doom

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  • Clever Pun
    Clever Pun Posts: 6,778
    dodgy wrote:
    This is a complete non issue and I echo a comment by another poster that it seems that some camera-cyclists positively must find fault on every ride!

    agreed the positive outrage is very 'points of view' :lol:
    Purveyor of sonic doom

    Very Hairy Roadie - FCN 4
    Fixed Pista- FCN 5
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  • antikythera
    antikythera Posts: 326
    It's really worrying to read all the MTFU comments...

    As "at risk" soft road users we have a need (more than a responsibility) to take account of and respond to stupid antics of other road users. Its called self preservation.

    But (it sounds like to me) to suggest that the preferred response is negotiate around the problem and simply accept unacceptable behaviour on the road - that sounds like <expletive>.

    Kudos to the OP for challenging this sort of behaviour irrespective of whether people on this forum try to dimish the event.
  • lost_in_thought
    lost_in_thought Posts: 10,563
    Kurako wrote:
    Forced off the road is a bit much. This is pretty sensationalist reporting. I know cos I was there. [EDIT] Incidentally this was used without my permission. Read the comments.

    Having said that I do get extremely p!ssed off when buses pull this sort of stunt. I shouldn't have to tap my brakes and go round. He shouldn't be pulling dodgy overtakes in the first place.


    Blimey. I wonder if they're just fishing around youtube for instances of slightly iffy driving!
  • MonkeyMonster
    MonkeyMonster Posts: 4,629
    It's really worrying to read all the MTFU comments...

    As "at risk" soft road users we have a need (more than a responsibility) to take account of and respond to stupid antics of other road users. Its called self preservation.

    But (it sounds like to me) to suggest that the preferred response is negotiate around the problem and simply accept unacceptable behaviour on the road - that sounds like <expletive>.

    Kudos to the OP for challenging this sort of behaviour irrespective of whether people on this forum try to dimish the event.

    Wrong end of the stick I feel matey and hence I'm replying.

    I don't think any of us are saying the driver was even vaguely correct and are saying the driver (afai can see) should get slap/knuckles wrapped etc for shit driving.

    What we are saying is the cyclist should have read what was happening better and managed it differently by reading what was likely to occur and got behind the bus rather than let it pinch him in.

    Still report him of course - but from the point of view of just shite driving, not he almost squashed me due to his shite driving.

    That make more sense?
    Le Cannon [98 Cannondale M400] [FCN: 8]
    The Mad Monkey [2013 Hoy 003] [FCN: 4]