Recovery from a broken ankle!!

Porsche Posts: 2
Hi. Im fairly new to forums so I apologise if I am waffling, it comes with age.
Just to say I am a fairly fit 57 yr old male who 4 weeks ago managed to slip up and break my ankle and tear the ligaments on my right foot. Said fracture was pinned a week later and I am now the proud owner of a nice red cast, with the advise not to load bear for at least 3 more weeks! Its very frustrating, being a self employed refrigeration engineer and being unable to work. But that annoyance palls into nothing compaired to the IMMENSE irritation that I cannot cycle!! The physio at the hospital seemed to delight in saying it would take between 12 and 18 months before I was at the same level before my accident. I plan to prove him wrong...
The question I am (eventually) coming to is; can anybody give me advise about the correct way to build up a planned recovery through exercise, etc.? I bought a sports injury book to help my woefully inadequate knowledge, but as they say, there is no substitute for experience and knowledge (this time from fellow cyclists)! Any advise will be welcome!!
I throughly enjoy my cycling having started late last year where I gasped wherever there was a small incline to a 80 mile ride I did 3 days before my accident, and loved every hill...
I will never be a "super fit snake" I know but the enjoyment I have had, and the comraderie from other cyclists is first rate.


  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    Broke my leg in 3 places last March.

    Got on the trainer in the garage after 4 weeks, just turning the pedals.

    After 14 weeks did what was then a 10 mile TT personal best (26.12)

    14 months on and I am far fitter than I was before I broke it.

    There is hope!
  • bexley5200
    bexley5200 Posts: 692
    sorry to here the bad news about your ankle i broke mine a few years ago i was back on the bike after 8 weeks so have a rest watch cycling on eurosport
    going downhill slowly
  • ut_och_cykla
    ut_och_cykla Posts: 1,594
    Ankle should heal without too much trouble but I've heard that torn ligaments can take much longer as tehy are without a good blood supply adn take longer than broken bone to heal. Find a good physio would be my advice , once you are allowed to put weight on it you should be able to do something at least....
  • PhilofCas
    PhilofCas Posts: 1,153
    a fellow broken ankle/pinned/snapped ligament veteran here too ! do as much or as little as the healing process will allow, for me it was about 10 week before i hit the road, quite quick to get back into it thereafter