Footage of EVANS fight

frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
edited May 2010 in Pro race
Contador is the Greatest


  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    Contador is the Greatest
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,695
    Won a trip to the TdF in 2008.

    At the hotel post-final stage, the Mrs got Andy Schleck, Robbie McKewans autograph.

    Guess who refused? Aussie tossser...

    The next day, he reported he'd "allegedly" tripped in the toilet, spraining his knee.
    ( Think my Mrs followed him into the gents, and kicked him !)
  • And people say Cav misbehaves. That prick should get a good kicking then banned from cycling. He is seriously unhinged. What an obnoxious tit

    £1.25 for sign up

    Cashback on wiggle,CRC,evans follow the link
  • cal_stewart
    cal_stewart Posts: 1,840
    Its clear cadel can't fight
    eating parmos since 1981

    Canyon Ultimate CF SLX Aero 09
    Cervelo P5 EPS
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,695
    Is Cadel Crowes bastard son?
  • takethehighroad
    takethehighroad Posts: 6,811
    As soon as he gets anywhere near winning a GT he freaks out and does crazy sh*t like this.

    Although to be fair to him, they were being annoying little gits getting in the way etc
  • RichN95.
    RichN95. Posts: 27,241
    Its clear cadel can't fight

    I reckon Joe Calzaghe would struggle while doing 50kph on a bike
    Twitter: @RichN95
  • pomtarr
    pomtarr Posts: 318
    Anyone know WTF is going on? Why did the handbags come out in the first place?
    "Difficult, difficult, lemon difficult"
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,695
    Hey! Donna messa wiva my Joey!

    Shaduppa you face!

    ( Joes Dadda...)
  • Bronzie
    Bronzie Posts: 4,927
    pomtarr wrote:
    Anyone know WTF is going on? Why did the handbags come out in the first place?
    Katousha and Lampre riders deliberately interfering with the chase as they had riders (Pozzato and Cunego) in the break. Cadel got p1ssed off with the moves they were trying to pull and the handbags came out.

    Can't say I blame him really. He was sat right on the back for a while today and Harmon reported he'd been quite sick after stage 7 with a bug doing the rounds at BMC. Patience is probably wearing a bit thin in his world at the mo.
  • pomtarr
    pomtarr Posts: 318
    "OK new rule - if you manage to pull the rainbow jersey off the shoulders of the world champ, you earn the right to wear it"
    [scratches chin]
    [/scratches chin]
    "Difficult, difficult, lemon difficult"
  • jerry3571
    jerry3571 Posts: 1,532
    I think I have said before that he does show some signs of Autism. He just flips when he gets stressed. Part of the course I think when you've got this condition.

    Two blindingly obvious points is that why the hell did he go to a Team who is not a big Team for the Tours. He should have had 8 of his guys pulling on the front but where were they; just found out that 4 of his Team have gone home already.Terrible decision to not move to a big Team.
    Second point is that I think Liquigas were blocking too. A lot of trouble for Mr Evans with everyone blocking. Amazing how he missed the move; I guess his guts etc are not so good. That can be from over exersion as well as a virus.

    Ok, 3rd thing is that Pippo won today; finally he wins something!! All hype and no action but finally!! Hoorah!!

    “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving”- Albert Einstein

    "You can't ride the Tour de France on mineral water."
    -Jacques Anquetil
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,695
    Autism? "Aust"-ralian-ism more like.

    We send 50,000 convicts 12,000 miles and then we expect...what?
  • Tom Butcher
    Tom Butcher Posts: 3,830
    jerry3571 wrote:
    I think I have said before that he does show some signs of Autism. He just flips when he gets stressed. Part of the course I think when you've got this condition.

    Two blindingly obvious points is that why the hell did he go to a Team who is not a big Team for the Tours. He should have had 8 of his guys pulling on the front but where were they; just found out that 4 of his Team have gone home already.Terrible decision to not move to a big Team.
    Second point is that I think Liquigas were blocking too. A lot of trouble for Mr Evans with everyone blocking. Amazing how he missed the move; I guess his guts etc are not so good. That can be from over exersion as well as a virus.


    Can he not just be short tempered without being autistic ?

    I watch a fair bit of cycling and I can't remember teams blocking that blatantly - no wonder he was annoyed - a push leads to a push which leads to a bit of handbags - hardly anything out of the ordinary.

    As for moving to a big team - maybe he didn't have any better offers.

    it's a hard life if you don't weaken.
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,695
    Autism? "Aust"-ralian-ism more like.

    We send 50,000 convicts 12,000 miles and then we expect...what?
  • Wheelspinner
    Wheelspinner Posts: 6,664
    Splottboy wrote:
    Autism? "Aust"-ralian-ism more like.

    We send 50,000 convicts 12,000 miles and then we expect...what?

    Gee that added real value.

    I like Cadel, not just because he's Australian.

    *IF* we believe he is one of the rare "clean" riders in the entire peloton, have a look at what this current fuss caused by Landis might actually mean:

    TDF 2005:
    1. Armstrong 2. Basso 3. Jan Ullrich 4. Francisco Mancebo 5. Vino 6. Leipheimer 7. Rasmussen 8. Evans

    TDF 2006:
    (Landis DQ) 1. Pereiro 2. Kloden 3. Sastre 4. Evans

    TDF 2007:

    1. Contador 2. Evans

    TDF 2008:
    1. Sastre 2. Evans

    Take out of these results sheets those riders who have already been busted as dopers, or who are named/suspected in the Landis affair and/or Operacion Puerto, and here's the revised results sheet:

    TDF 2005:
    1. Evans

    TDF 2006:
    1. Sastre 2. Evans

    TDF 2007:
    1. Contador 2. Evans

    TDF 2008:
    1. Sastre, 2. Evans

    Call me a fanboy or a cynic or both, but given that Sastre and Basso were team mates for a long while, and Bertie has had more than the odd question raised about his past, I'm wondering whether those last three results could also have been Evans wins.

    That would make him one of the all time greatest riders.

    Reckon you wouldn't be slightly grumpy right about now if you were in his position?

    My view is he appears to be a bit fragile at times, no arguments there. I wonder if the reason he's found it hard getting a team is simply because they all know he doesn't want to play the dope game? Just a thought...
    Open One+ BMC TE29 Seven 622SL On One Scandal Cervelo RS
  • Bakunin
    Bakunin Posts: 868
    Splottboy wrote:
    Autism? "Aust"-ralian-ism more like.

    We send 50,000 convicts 12,000 miles and then we expect...what?

    Gee that added real value.

    I like Cadel, not just because he's Australian.

    *IF* we believe he is one of the rare "clean" riders in the entire peloton, have a look at what this current fuss caused by Landis might actually mean:

    TDF 2005:
    1. Armstrong 2. Basso 3. Jan Ullrich 4. Francisco Mancebo 5. Vino 6. Leipheimer 7. Rasmussen 8. Evans

    TDF 2006:
    (Landis DQ) 1. Pereiro 2. Kloden 3. Sastre 4. Evans

    TDF 2007:

    1. Contador 2. Evans

    TDF 2008:
    1. Sastre 2. Evans

    Take out of these results sheets those riders who have already been busted as dopers, or who are named/suspected in the Landis affair and/or Operacion Puerto, and here's the revised results sheet:

    TDF 2005:
    1. Evans

    TDF 2006:
    1. Sastre 2. Evans

    TDF 2007:
    1. Contador 2. Evans

    TDF 2008:
    1. Sastre, 2. Evans

    Call me a fanboy or a cynic or both, but given that Sastre and Basso were team mates for a long while, and Bertie has had more than the odd question raised about his past, I'm wondering whether those last three results could also have been Evans wins.

    That would make him one of the all time greatest riders.

    Reckon you wouldn't be slightly grumpy right about now if you were in his position?

    My view is he appears to be a bit fragile at times, no arguments there. I wonder if the reason he's found it hard getting a team is simply because they all know he doesn't want to play the dope game? Just a thought...

  • SpaceJunk
    SpaceJunk Posts: 1,157
    Splottboy wrote:
    Won a trip to the TdF in 2008.

    At the hotel post-final stage, the Mrs got Andy Schleck, Robbie McKewans autograph.

    Guess who refused? Aussie tossser...

    The next day, he reported he'd "allegedly" tripped in the toilet, spraining his knee.
    ( Think my Mrs followed him into the gents, and kicked him !)

    Maybe he thought you and or your Mrs came across as a bit of a Welsh tool?? Did you ask him why he wouldn't sign an autograph?

    Not sure what he can't be just a tossser and not an Aussie Tosser. Afterall, Robbie McEwen provided your wife with an autograph.
  • frenchfighter
    frenchfighter Posts: 30,642
    Wheelspinner - interesting to see that.
    Contador is the Greatest
  • jerry3571
    jerry3571 Posts: 1,532
    jerry3571 wrote:
    I think I have said before that he does show some signs of Autism. He just flips when he gets stressed. Part of the course I think when you've got this condition.

    Two blindingly obvious points is that why the hell did he go to a Team who is not a big Team for the Tours. He should have had 8 of his guys pulling on the front but where were they; just found out that 4 of his Team have gone home already.Terrible decision to not move to a big Team.
    Second point is that I think Liquigas were blocking too. A lot of trouble for Mr Evans with everyone blocking. Amazing how he missed the move; I guess his guts etc are not so good. That can be from over exersion as well as a virus.


    Can he not just be short tempered without being autistic ?

    I watch a fair bit of cycling and I can't remember teams blocking that blatantly - no wonder he was annoyed - a push leads to a push which leads to a bit of handbags - hardly anything out of the ordinary.

    As for moving to a big team - maybe he didn't have any better offers.

    I think an obvious answer to the quote "Can he not just be short tempered without being autistic ?" is the reason that why shouldn't he have some kind of Autism. Just because he can ride a bike doesn't make him immune from everyday conditions.

    “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving”- Albert Einstein

    "You can't ride the Tour de France on mineral water."
    -Jacques Anquetil
  • flattythehurdler
    flattythehurdler Posts: 2,314
    Do you not think Cadel might just have been a little disappointed at the way things went against him. I have heard he is a thoroughly likeable person. FWIW, I think Australians are some of the finest people one could ever meet by and large. (Oh and lucky boys and girls, I'd be living there now if my darling wife wasn't attatched to her family like a barnacle, actually I'd be in Ireland, the only better country)
  • Fat Head
    Fat Head Posts: 765
    Cadel Evans stopped to sign autographs and say a few words to me and my kids after dinner in the team hotel at the Tour last year, and this was one of the stages where he lost a big chunk of time. Definitely not the person some people like to believe he is.

    After the stress of racing 160kms people get excited about him butting a camera deliberately placed in his way, or pushing a microphone away from him that is deliberately tapped off his back to get his attention? Ridiculous.
  • Bugly
    Bugly Posts: 520
    jerry3571 wrote:
    I think I have said before that he does show some signs of Autism. He just flips when he gets stressed. Part of the course I think when you've got this condition.


    You sir, are an offensive pillock. Your knowledge of, and sympathy to familes afflicted with Autism is deplorable and in your post is in poor taste.

    As to Evans' behaviour - I have seen worse in bike races. His frustration was understandable - if you were watching, minutes earlier Evans rode to the front and pushed the rider out of his way only to have him come back and in sit in front again.
    I must say that I feel sorry for him - he has yet to have a team of riders to support him, - all of his success' have come on the back of his work - so yes I understand his frustration.
  • Av it
    Av it Posts: 105
    Bugly wrote:
    jerry3571 wrote:
    I think I have said before that he does show some signs of Autism. He just flips when he gets stressed. Part of the course I think when you've got this condition.


    You sir, are an offensive pillock. Your knowledge of, and sympathy to familes afflicted with Autism is deplorable and in your post is in poor taste.

    As to Evans' behaviour - I have seen worse in bike races. His frustration was understandable - if you were watching, minutes earlier Evans rode to the front and pushed the rider out of his way only to have him come back and in sit in front again.
    I must say that I feel sorry for him - he has yet to have a team of riders to support him, - all of his success' have come on the back of his work - so yes I understand his frustration.

    He may be a pillock but he can be educated. You however are Australian..........
  • DaveyL
    DaveyL Posts: 5,167
    Aaaaaaand... the clock starts ticking on another markwalker reincarnation...
    Le Blaireau (1)
  • sonny73
    sonny73 Posts: 2,203
    edited May 2010
    Peace and love returns to the Giro:
    (wait for the ad to finish first :wink: )
  • Bugly
    Bugly Posts: 520
    Av it wrote:
    He may be a pillock but he can be educated. You however are Australian..........

    Yawn :roll:
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,695
    Maybe it was because he couldn't write...

    ( Anyway, a "Tools" useful. I barely resemble that deep, painful, cutting remark!, lol!)
  • ProBiker
    ProBiker Posts: 74
    Bronzie wrote:
    Katousha and Lampre riders deliberately interfering with the chase as they had riders (Pozzato and Cunego) in the break. Cadel got p1ssed off with the moves they were trying to pull and the handbags came out.

    Can't say I blame him really. He was sat right on the back for a while today and Harmon reported he'd been quite sick after stage 7 with a bug doing the rounds at BMC. Patience is probably wearing a bit thin in his world at the mo.


    Cadel was spot on to do what he did, it's got nothing to do with being grumpy/angry.

    Righi was trying to hold up the break by easing up and blocking riders coming through to work @ the front, Evans should have kicked his head in!!!
  • Bunneh
    Bunneh Posts: 1,329
    Looks like they were playing a game of 'Tag' or 'I want that choccy bar in your back pocket, gimme!'.