Hip injury

seward4or5 Posts: 79
I'm struggling with a really sore hip / groin (!) today. Feels really like a trapped nerve as much as anything else but I've never had anything like this before. Is a sharp pain on the inside of my hip / pelvis and shoots down my leg, causing numbness.
Was brought on by runing last night (actually started a week ago but much worse last night / today). Before today cycling has been fine, but now seem to be lacking strength in my leg.

Obvioucly time for a physio visit but anyone has anything simillar? The worse thing is my new bike is due to be delivered within the hour and at the moment I don't feel much like riding it.... :(


  • ut_och_cykla
    ut_och_cykla Posts: 1,594
    Sounds like a nerve thing - dont know if sudden numness shouldnt be seen as an emergency... get to physio/professional ASAP would be my advice!
  • Splottboy
    Splottboy Posts: 3,694
    I'm just getting over Psoas Tendinitis, where the pain runs inside the "V" of the groin, which worsens when bending or standing upright.

    Feels like a groin strain but it isn't. Goes into your lower belly, and limits sideways movements etc.

    Treatment was physio, stretching, and a cortisone/Steroid injection. Not nice!

    Hope yours is diagnosed soon...
  • freddiegrubb
    freddiegrubb Posts: 448
    :cry: Two years ago I was laid low by sciatica/ sacro illiac joint inflammation & I can fully sympathise with you, physio & LOTS of heavy duty painkillers eventually did the trick. Be prepared for a possible 3 months & "throwing" the affected leg as if you've had a mild stroke, I do not jest! I read up on it & if it makes you doubly incontinent (not funny) this is classed as a medical emergency & you need help A.S.A.P. the best of luck matey this aint no laughing matter.
  • seward4or5
    seward4or5 Posts: 79
    Thanks for the comments all. Hope everyone is recovered now.
    It has eased off considerably this morning (throughout the day yesterday actually) so not a medical emergency for the time being (thank goodness!) The underlying problem is still there however so will take it easy on the running. Fortunately cycling doesn't seem to aggravate it - so did manage a quick spin on the new bike (for about a mile!)