issues at wiggle



  • Mine was dispatched today, ordered monday am. probably just a busy period
  • TheRevOlutionary
    TheRevOlutionary Posts: 1,176
    Mine was dispatched today, ordered monday am. probably just a busy period
    Busy since January? I've not had a good dealing with them this year, and I've given them a few chances!
    Newbie with a Felt Q720

    A day where you don't learn something is a waste...
  • At least they're not blaming the Volcano! I always use Merlin CRC or my LBS tbh my LBS will match CRC most of the time 8)
  • Shut up whinging and go ride your bikes, bunch of big girls, hope the haribo were missing as well.

    £1.25 for sign up

    Cashback on wiggle,CRC,evans follow the link
  • stumpyjon
    stumpyjon Posts: 4,069
    Don't know about the Haribo, my stuff is still missing, most probably Royal Fail's fault but that's Wiggles problem not mine. Just a pain waiting for 10 days before they'll accept the postie lost it. Glad it wasn't something I needed in a hurry.
    It's easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission.

    I've bought a new bike....ouch - result
    Can I buy a new bike?...No - no result
  • gooner0574
    gooner0574 Posts: 1
    I live in Australia and have bought items from both sites. I've had nothing but positive experiences with Wiggle but the same can't be said for CRC. Although the quoted prices on CRC are generally cheaper than Wiggle in Aus dollars this means nothing when it comes to the price they actually charge. My first and last order on CRC was for $454AUD, or that was what I was quoted. When my account was debited the amount had risen to $498AUD. I questioned this and requested a refund of the difference. I was told that my account had been debited in pounds and that my bank must have charged extra for the currency conversion. I was also told that CRC regularly unpdate it's foreign currency conversion on it's website so you know what you'll be paying in your own money. (This was blatantly false) Well after I complained again that I'd been overcharged I was told to check the cross rate for the day my account was debited. I did this and I should have been charged $470AUD. This still didn't explain the $28 difference. AlI got from CRC was arrogance and denial that they had done anything wrong. I checked with my bank and they hadn't charged me anything in fees or extra charges. So where's my money CRC???