Etape du Dales



  • arlo_m
    arlo_m Posts: 24
    Anybody know who the official photographers on the event were... I know sportsunday have got images up already but I thought it was Kennedyimages?
  • nickwill
    nickwill Posts: 2,735
    arlo_m wrote:
    Anybody know who the official photographers on the event were... I know sportsunday have got images up already but I thought it was Kennedyimages?

    I thought it was, but I didn't see any sign of them out on the ride!
  • arlo_m
    arlo_m Posts: 24
    edited May 2010
    Odd, the two images of me on their site (sportsunday that is) are the only times I remember seeing a photographer anyway. No mention on Kennedy's site of the Etape at all...

    Oh well, I look like I felt anyway, not in a good way, so perhaps I'll give them a miss this time :?
  • A bit of a spanking for me - haven't done much cycling in comparison to normal as I did a spring marathon and was running 5 times a week, so when the wind was as it was I knew it'd be hard. Was actually surprised to get as close to silver as we did (8:12, including half an hour of stops) and averaged 14mph whilst moving.

    Trouble is with that near miss we'll have to do it all again next year...
  • plumpy
    plumpy Posts: 124
    Damoando, saw you go down at Hawes - to be honest I'm not quite sure how you did it either, must have been an oil patch - but was HUGELY impressed and pleased to see you again at the finish. 112 miles with a broken wrist and your teeth in your hanky...Tyler Hamilton is a nancy by comparison. Chapeau mate.

    And you can all relax...I'MMMMMM the slowest cyclist in the village. Well behind all the times given above! Loved it though and thanks to all the marshalls/organisers, it was slick.
  • damoando
    damoando Posts: 40
    popette wrote:
    damoando wrote:
    Bad day at the office. I dont know how I did it but managed to come a cropper at first feed stop and took a faceful of tarmac. Smashed my mouth up royally (dentist visit tomorrow, could be $$$$!). Also, suspected broken wrist which explained the pain going over all of those cattle grids. Still, managed to get to the finish and was well looked after. Can anyone tell me which tyres are the grippiest when wet ?

    did you get home ok? I think we parked next to each other. Get your wrist checked out - it looked quite swollen.
    Aw, big hug.

    Hi again! - back in one piece. Had wrist x-rayed but no break, just severe sprain. Not so luck with teeth: will be having one removed tomorrow and need two capping. Currently on baby food. :(
  • nickwill
    nickwill Posts: 2,735
    damoando wrote:

    Hi again! - back in one piece. Had wrist x-rayed but no break, just severe sprain. Not so luck with teeth: will be having one removed tomorrow and need two capping. Currently on baby food. :(

    Get well soon. That's a seriously brave effort!
  • bam49
    bam49 Posts: 159
    not sure how how I done it - but on my 4th attempt I finally cracked 7hrs for a gold - 6.54 for me..
    how tough was that wind ? seemed like one of the windiest days I have ever been out on the bike - not sure which section was the hardest. I go pretty well downhill but i was seriously scared a few times out there yesterday , the drop down to Hawes being particuarly hairy..
    chapeau indeed to damaondo - I'm surprised you carried on after a fall like that, sorry to hear about the dental work :cry:
  • bam49
    bam49 Posts: 159
    oh yes - forgot to give a shout to all the staff and helpers for putting on another great event, thanks for a top day out in the Dales :D
  • sagalout
    sagalout Posts: 338
    Well done bam49 - fantastic time that!
    Still, managed to get to the finish and was well looked after. Can anyone tell me which tyres are the grippiest when wet ?

    bloody hell, I missed that bit of your post. That's an incredible effort, especially do early in the ride! I assumed you retired (I'd have gone home crying I think!)
  • bam49
    bam49 Posts: 159
    thanks sagalout :D I was ecstatic at the end and a bit emotional :oops: have had a love/hate thing with this ride since first doing it 4 yrs ago.. Hardest ride I have done and don't want to do anything harder ! I'm impressed you done it having never ridden that far before - you will go even better next time :)
    I'm sure I would have jacked it in if I had a fall like damoando - he must be one tough cookie 8)
  • andy162
    andy162 Posts: 634
    Not a bad day out...I entered ages ago but it looked as though I would have to bottle out. Thankfully fate played it's hand & I made the ride.

    Ed Clancy & Ian Bibby both rode but I didn't see them on the road...they must've ridden together as they got the same time.

    I did a 6.24, a touch quicker that last year so am chuffed.

    Next one for me is Ryedale Rumble in August...another toughie!
  • AndyRubio
    AndyRubio Posts: 880
    I see Malcolm Elliott managed 5h43m

    FFS 5h43m!!!!

    edit: ... ecord.html
  • bam49
    bam49 Posts: 159
    that is a cracking time andy162 - were you in a small group most of the way or still on your own for large sections ?

    agree about Malcolm Elliott - 'kin amazing :shock:
  • flix23
    flix23 Posts: 72
    This was my first EdD, what a great event. Very well run and marshalled, fantastic scenery and a very challenging route.

    Only problem was a 5 mile extra detour down to Settle and back - when I went through there had been a van parked in front of the arrow just after the final feed stop, so had missed the turn

    Was pretty chuffed with my 7.42, although suspect that extra 5 miles cost me about 20 minutes. Still, the furthest I've ever ridden in a day, and the most metres climbed.
  • andy162
    andy162 Posts: 634
    bam49 wrote:
    that is a cracking time andy162 - were you in a small group most of the way or still on your own for large sections ?

    agree about Malcolm Elliott - 'kin amazing :shock:

    I was on my own most of the day. I was jumping onto the odd group that I met on the route. Unfortunately my mate who I normally would ride with has a bit of a thyroid prob, so he didn't ride.

    True enough regards Mighty Malc, made from proper Yorkshire stuff!
  • bam49
    bam49 Posts: 159
    ^^^ wow , that is even more impressive on your own, well done !
    i think there are a lot of tough roadies oop north , seems like a lot of older riders get a gold standard in the Dales..
  • bam49
    bam49 Posts: 159
    anyone see the tandem mtb ? the stoker on it is blind , imagine being led down the descent to Hawes with your eyes shut !
    also - there was a few blokes from Belgium in World Champs kit, they rode to the ferry and all the way to Yorkshire , chapeau !