Etape du Dales

nickwill Posts: 2,735
Just wondered who was riding on Sunday. My first sportive of the year, so the butterflies are starting to make their prescence known.


  • flix23
    flix23 Posts: 72
    I've entered.

    My first sportive away from SE England, so am more than a little apprehensive about the size of the hills!
  • sportsunday
    sportsunday Posts: 73
    Sportsunday's photographers could be at the top of any one of the hills so stick on in there.
    See you Sunday
  • AndyRubio
    AndyRubio Posts: 880
    ya mo be there! can't wait
  • disgruntledgoat
    disgruntledgoat Posts: 8,957
    I'll be there, looking for under 6:30 again...

    I'll be wearing my Duvel jersey so give us a shout if you see me.
    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"

  • bam49
    bam49 Posts: 159
    i'll be up there again for my 4th crack at it.. I hope the weather holds up ok...

    disgruntledgoat ; that is a great time - respect / I'm not worthy etc :lol: if I could get under 7hrs for a Gold on that course I think I would retire from sportives and take up touring !
    I want to be at the start really early this year to make sure I'm in a big group to start, and that as faster riders come past I will have some other groups to jump on the back off...
  • flix23
    flix23 Posts: 72
    Are pretty early starts popular at the EDD then?

    The last couple of sportives I've done in Surrey, I've set off quite early, expecting to be caught by faster riders but it's not actually happened and I've ended up riding only one or two up for the entire course. Not saying I'm super-fast, just that the faster riders must have had an extra hour in bed!
  • AndyRubio
    AndyRubio Posts: 880
    I'm setting off early so that I can get with a fast gropup at the start of the Tan Hill section. Strong wind from the west forecast, so from there to Nateby will be tough.
  • disgruntledgoat
    disgruntledgoat Posts: 8,957
    AndyRubio wrote:
    I'm setting off early so that I can get with a fast gropup at the start of the Tan Hill section. Strong wind from the west forecast, so from there to Nateby will be tough.

    Don't think I've ever ridden that section, and the one after Garsdale Head, without a mammoth headwind.
    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"

  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    yes, my first try at this event. Under 8 hours would be good.
    Feeling a bit under the weather at the moment (getting my excuses in early :wink: )
  • sagalout
    sagalout Posts: 338
    Yep, as posted on my other thread.

    First time at this event, and my first century ride. Think I might need 2 bananas and a triple this time ;)

    Planning on getting there nice and early, and the weather forecast is actually looking ok so far (warmer at least). Just getting round is my first aim, a silver (<8 hours) would be fantastic. No chance of gold for me this year as I'm very deliberately taking it easy to make sure I can do the distance.
  • nickwill
    nickwill Posts: 2,735
    popette wrote:
    yes, my first try at this event. Under 8 hours would be good.
    Feeling a bit under the weather at the moment (getting my excuses in early :wink: )

    Same here, I've been going really well this year and then yesterday I tweaked my back. I'm hoping loads of ibuprofen and deep heat will get me into shape for Sunday!
  • AndyRubio
    AndyRubio Posts: 880
    My excuses: I'm fat and I haven't trained much this year. I'm just hoping to go as fast as I can and enjoy the bleak lonely scenery as much as I can.
  • andy162
    andy162 Posts: 634
    I can't make it this year as I'm at a boozy doo in Edinburgh at the weekend. place is going spare, for nowt if you want it??

    I've provisionally passed it onto a mate but he's 50/50 if he can make it. So if he doesn't have it would be a shame for someone not to have it.

    If you fancy it pm me. It'll all be a bit last minute so you won't find out for definate til Saturday.

  • bam49
    bam49 Posts: 159
    Nickwill wrote:
    popette wrote:
    yes, my first try at this event. Under 8 hours would be good.
    Feeling a bit under the weather at the moment (getting my excuses in early :wink: )

    Same here, I've been going really well this year and then yesterday I tweaked my back. I'm hoping loads of ibuprofen and deep heat will get me into shape for Sunday!

    Have you tried Diclofenac for you bad back ? I sometimes get spasms in the lower back and Diclofenac works wonders.. used to be prescription only but I think you can get it over the counter now.... works where Ibuprofen does nothing....
  • Nicoppi
    Nicoppi Posts: 11
    My first crack at EDD. The Coal Road looks the most formidable, any tips from old hands in how to tackle it.
  • nickwill
    nickwill Posts: 2,735
    Nicoppi wrote:
    My first crack at EDD. The Coal Road looks the most formidable, any tips from old hands in how to tackle it.
    It's a steady away sort of climb. It's not as steep as some of the extreme Lake District hills, but it's still steep and is quite long. When you think you've got to the top, there's stll more to come! Start off econonomically and save a bit for the last section. If it's a good day the views are exceptional
    There's some information on the climb here: ... 110&page=2
  • disgruntledgoat
    disgruntledgoat Posts: 8,957
    Nicoppi wrote:
    My first crack at EDD. The Coal Road looks the most formidable, any tips from old hands in how to tackle it.

    First section is the worst and there is a bit of false flat before it rears up again. I don't think it's a Honister or a Hardknott... probably tops out at about 1 in 5.

    Watch the descent too, that's crazy.
    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"

  • Hi guys

    second time round this year for me. Squeezed into gold last year but had done the Whitton the week before to strenthen the cannons. Alas, no such preparation this year!

    Can I ask what time most of the faster groups are setting off? Just i spent most of last year riding with just one or two riders.

  • Nicoppi
    Nicoppi Posts: 11
    Nickwill and disgruntledgoat much appreciated advice.
  • nickwill
    nickwill Posts: 2,735
    Looks like we might get some rain!
  • Papapete
    Papapete Posts: 133
    I'm in for this and really looking forward to the challenge. However, I'm hoping the rain will stay away. Will be looking for a 6.30 ish start which will mean leaving home at about 4.30am :shock:

    See you all Sunday
  • nickwill
    nickwill Posts: 2,735
    I think I'm going to start about 7.30 - 8. Hope to have the incentive of some riders ahead to aim at and some faster trains coming past to jump on to.
  • disgruntledgoat
    disgruntledgoat Posts: 8,957
    Hope you all had a good ride... I came down with a stinking cold on Friday night and rode out to the start but realised I'd have F**ked myself up something rotten by riding 100 miles on it.
    "In many ways, my story was that of a raging, Christ-like figure who hauled himself off the cross, looked up at the Romans with blood in his eyes and said 'My turn, sock cookers'"

  • damoando
    damoando Posts: 40
    Bad day at the office. I dont know how I did it but managed to come a cropper at first feed stop and took a faceful of tarmac. Smashed my mouth up royally (dentist visit tomorrow, could be $$$$!). Also, suspected broken wrist which explained the pain going over all of those cattle grids. Still, managed to get to the finish and was well looked after. Can anyone tell me which tyres are the grippiest when wet ?
  • sagalout
    sagalout Posts: 338
    Had a great day :) not a great time at 8:50 (probably the slowest on here) but spent nearly an hour of that at the feed stops haha. My first century ride and it occurred to me just before Tan Hill that I could have picked an easier one to break my duck! That slog to the Tan was tough, especially with the headwind and the finish line seemed an awful log way with trip at just under 50 miles.

    It got easier from about 55 miles though, and the climbing was much easier with a nice tail wind. The last 15 miles or so were awesome - a nice shallow downhill all the way.

    I got my fuelling and heart rate more or less ok this time after struggling on the Lakeland loop, and gave myself a congratulary pat on the back when the garmin showed 100 miles, and felt a real sense of achievement when I finished. I only started cycling last October so have plenty of room for improvement with another year in my legs! Good atmosphere around the course with people urging you on at the top of hills etc, and the organisation was very good. I'll definitely be signing up for this one again next year :)

    Damoando - I think I saw you at the first foodstop, sat in a car with blood all over your face! Any idea if the ambulance that went past with blues and twos shortly afterwards was related to the ride?
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    damoando wrote:
    Bad day at the office. I dont know how I did it but managed to come a cropper at first feed stop and took a faceful of tarmac. Smashed my mouth up royally (dentist visit tomorrow, could be $$$$!). Also, suspected broken wrist which explained the pain going over all of those cattle grids. Still, managed to get to the finish and was well looked after. Can anyone tell me which tyres are the grippiest when wet ?

    did you get home ok? I think we parked next to each other. Get your wrist checked out - it looked quite swollen.
    Aw, big hug.
  • popette
    popette Posts: 2,089
    how hard was that today. 8hr 27 for me so disappointed not to go under 8 but I don't think it was possible for me today. That wind just sapped me completely - seemed to go on for hours and hours. Miles ticked by at a stupidly slow rate.
    Glad to finish. I'm still gurning.
  • AndyRubio
    AndyRubio Posts: 880
    Didn't have the legs yesterday, my poorest EdD time-wise, but now that the endorphins have helped me to forget just how hard it was - wasn't it the best ride ever? I was SORELY TEMPTED to turn right at Nateby and get the train from Kirkby Steven, but how would I have felt about that today? I can't believe I finished. I de-cleated at Coal Road, couldn't get back on for about 100m cos it was too steep which was annoying - but yeah otherwise... woo hoo!

    Now, what's next?
  • nickwill
    nickwill Posts: 2,735
    I had an idea that I kept to myself beforehand that I might be able to get round in 7 hours. The Tan Hill leg and the section over Lamps Moss to Nateby completely blew that though. Apparently they kept the Tan Hill checkpoint open for an extra half an hour because of the Westerly head wind. By the time I got to Nateby I began to think that I would be delighted to get round under 8 hours. I got to Stainforth with just short of 20 miles to go in 6 hours 22 minutes and decided to bury myself. I forced my way up the last climb then hammered down Littondale with one eye on the road and the other on my watch. I staggered off my bike at the finish with a time of 7 hours 28 minutes. I reckon the headwinds on the exposed section were worth a good half an hour.
    This was my first Etape du Dales and I reckon that it's at least as hard as the Fred Whitton and ranks right up there with the best this country can offer.The route follows a natural line and the organisation is faultless. I would never have believed that I could say this when being battered by the elements at Tan Hill, but I will be back.
  • sagalout
    sagalout Posts: 338
    Just uploaded from the Garmin and my moving time was 7:57, so I'm awarding myself an honorary silver :twisted:

    I really must spend less time eating sandwiches and cakes!