Riding Position Problems

abarth_1200 Posts: 370
edited May 2010 in MTB general
Hi guys just did a big cycle today and noticed my wrists and shoulder getting quite sore/numb.

I am 6'1" and have a 21 inch spesh hardrock.

Seatpost set to the right height as far as I am aware, my lbs set it up with me.

I bought a shorter stem since and knocked 10mm off the old one thinking that this would shift more weight back onto the sadle and off the bars.

Also when I am riding I feel that the position of the saddle in relation to the BB pushes me forward hence the sore wrists and shoulders, It feels like I am sitting forward of the BB.

Should I tilt my saddle back a little bit, I have already slid it back as far as it can go in the clamp, or get a new seatpost with a bigger offset.

Cheers guys


  • 21inch is very big for someone 6'1!

    i'm 6'2 and used to ride a spesh rockhopper that was a tad on the large side for me. (19 inch)

    Your wrists hurt as you're having to lean to far forward and putting too much weight on them.

    Looks like the shop you bought from has given you the wrong size.
  • abarth_1200
    abarth_1200 Posts: 370
    Really think so how many other think my frame is too big, I have about 2 and half inches standover height between my gonads and top tube.

    I did say to the guy in the shop that the 21 inch frame felt really big but I was comparing it to my brother 17 inch trek I had been riding temporaliy but he and another shop assistant insisted it was the right size.

    Can I ask to change the frame for a smaller size, although I have had it for 3 weeks.

    I feel misled
  • when it comes to bike size, only you know what is right.

    You should have gone with feel instead of what the shop staff said.
  • Oxygen Thief
    Oxygen Thief Posts: 649
    I'd rather my 18inch be an inch smaller and I'm 6'1"
  • abarth_1200
    abarth_1200 Posts: 370
    Yeah well I felt under pressure to go for the 21 inch frame.

    They have a 30 day no quibble garauntee, should I ask them about changing the frame.

    I know its probably my fault for not asking to try the 19 inch frame
  • You've still within the guarantee so i'd go back to the shop asap and ask to try a smaller one. It's their fault for selling you an unsuitable bike.
  • robertpb
    robertpb Posts: 1,866
    Specialize recommends for a Hardrock, 21" frame 6'1" to 6'5" for 19" 5'10" to 6'1".

    So the shop should have given you the choice.
    Now where's that "Get Out of Crash Free Card"
  • abarth_1200
    abarth_1200 Posts: 370
    See thats the thing they asked what my height was and told me I need the 21 inch frame, I tried it, thought it was ok.

    I ges I should've tried the 19.5 inch frame.

    Other than the possibity of the frame being too big for me is there anything else I should try to get more comfortable on my bike.
  • Thats a big pile of BS right there on the bike shops part.

    i'm 6ft 2-3 and comfortably ride bikes from 15" to 19" (depending on application obv.) but bike size/fitment/comfort is a very personal thing.

    You really need to go back to the shop and D-lock the cnut. Then ask for a size that you prefer.
  • biff55
    biff55 Posts: 1,404
    shop standard trick to off-load XL frames which can be otherwise slow to sell.
    my pal 6 ft 2.5" rides 19 " giant.
    get back to shop and get smaller bike , you'll know instantly if it feels better when on it.
  • abarth_1200
    abarth_1200 Posts: 370
    O another thing the shop had to get it back ordered from specialized becasue they did not have any in stock so I think they just got the size wrong.

    How much of a leg do I have to stand on because they did offer a test ride and did ask if I was happy with it although I didnt try a smaller frame but they also insited that the 21 inch frame was the correct size saying that a smaller frame is the wrong size after me asking about it.

    The last thing I want to do is go in there and start an argument with no leg to stand on
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,675
    first things.

    go to some other bike shops and try some other bikes so you have more info on feel and fit.

    How you get on with the frame swap Mmmm hard to call.

    but if it is not fit for purpose then you could be OK.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • cicatriz
    cicatriz Posts: 411
    edited May 2010
    I'm 6' 0" and ride a 18" frame. Tried several sizes from my lbs before going for the 18". Their advice was to go for the smallest one I felt comfortable on. No pressure to pick any specific size. 21" was just a bit too much of a stretch for me.
  • R+P+K
    R+P+K Posts: 49
    I'm 6'2" and I ride an 18" Kona 29er. My previous bike was a 19" Giant and it was actually smaller than the Kona so take the frame sticker with a grain of salt.

    My personal belief is to go for the smallest possible so if you're on the cusp of two sizes, I'd go for the smaller. If you have the right of return, then take them up on it and at least try the smaller size.
  • abarth_1200
    abarth_1200 Posts: 370

    Got back to my lbs and managed to talk with the manager, he tried me on a few bikes and said that it looks like you are a 21 inch frame, obviously reluctant to swap the frame around so we got talking about stem angles and lenghts and he said before we go any further lets try a steeper and shorter stem, he didnt have any in his shop steep enough and short enough.

    He was trying to find a shorter stem in all his manufactur catalogs becasue these are the only companines they deal with but no luck otherwise it would have been a free stem.

    He suggested more than 20 degrees and a minimum length of 50mm, currently I have a 6 degree 90mm stem, any suggestions? Oh and its got to be oversize bar clamp and idealy no more than 40mm stack height.

    Great service btw really appreciated his help and honesty that they would prefer not to take the frame back and rather come up with a solution to help me.

    Still not 100 percent happy with the 21 inch but at the end of the day it was my decision entirely to buy that size so my fault, lets hope a new stem will fix my problems
  • nicklouse
    nicklouse Posts: 50,675
    pics of the bike set up as is now?

    side on view.
    "Do not follow where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path, and Leave a Trail."
    Parktools :?:SheldonBrown
  • abarth_1200
    abarth_1200 Posts: 370
    OK what is the biggest pic size allowed so I can shrink accordingly[/img]
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    A 600x450 will be ample for this.
  • abarth_1200
    abarth_1200 Posts: 370
    OK incoming, hopefully. do you wrap the tags around the img code from my hosting siteDSC00352.jpg
  • Thewaylander
    Thewaylander Posts: 8,594
    Seriously, I am 6"2 and i ride a medium Spcialized which is 18" bike.

    I find most 19" bikes to large for me to be comfortable on. I don't think a stem change and all is gonna help you. 2.5" clearance between your bits and your top tube is just awful any quick exits are gonna cause considerable discomfort.

    I would def try some diff size bikes, but in the end i think your gonna have to D-lock the idiot shop who sold you it
  • nickfrog
    nickfrog Posts: 610
    OP, please name and shame the shop. Shop owners moan about internet sellers and then can't be bothered selling the right size bike when they have a customer in front of them.
    21 is very very very unlikely to ever be the right size for you IMO.
  • abarth_1200
    abarth_1200 Posts: 370
    What frame do you have?

    How long is your inside leg, can you reach your stem when your elbow is placed in the front of your saddle, I can reach 2 inches past the steerer tube.

    Is most of length in your leg or do you have long arms
  • abarth_1200
    abarth_1200 Posts: 370
    They did ask me if that felt like the right size when I was buying it, I dont think its all their fault but they did recommend me to get the bigger frame.

    They also said today that if I did get a smaller frame it might make the problem worse, my saddle would still be the same height in relation to the BB but the front would be lower down albeit closer but I dont think thats the problem it feels as though the handlbars are to low down in relation to my saddle height, not that the handlebars are too far away.
  • abarth_1200
    abarth_1200 Posts: 370
    So any body tell me what the picture evidence was for, can anybody see anything wrong with the set up
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    We need a pic of you on the bike.
  • abarth_1200
    abarth_1200 Posts: 370
    OK I though so but didnt want to look like a berk.

    Pic coming up

    OK that was hard, self timer on my mobile then run and jump lol.

    Also dont pay attention to my work clothes covered in silicone

  • ftwizard
    ftwizard Posts: 253
    I'm certainly no expert, but that doesn't look too big to me. A shorter stem with a higher rise would help a lot, well it did for me anyway. I swopped mine for a Hope 50mm with 25° rise, and it feels much better to me.
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    It almost looks too small for you. You look to have long arms and legs.
  • supersonic
    supersonic Posts: 82,708
    I would try a layback seatpost, and a higher rise bar or stem.
  • abarth_1200
    abarth_1200 Posts: 370
    wizard, that is the stem I have narrowed my search down to, it took a long itme

    I dont suppose you could do me a huge favour and measure the stack size on the steerer tube.

    I find it surprising they dont even list all the sizes on Hope website.

    SS, your right looking at the pic of me on it (of which I odnt see a lot of) it does like almost too small for me.

    So a shorter and steeper stem would bring the bars closer to my chest thus taking some weight off my wrists. Ill try one first.